"This this……"

Then, as the speed of the person opposite him waving his palm became faster and faster, the chakra in his body drained faster and faster.

"How could this be, I'm Eight Tails..."

The eight-tailed ox ghost roared again.

Eight-tailed Beast Jade is ready.

Just at this time, a voice sounded in the body.

"I won't let you hurt big brother!"

A younger figure appeared in Eight's mind.

"Hee hee, young man, who do you think you are? I'm Yao. Before me, no one can control me. Even if your father can control me in your body, do you think there is still a chance without him now? "

"I won't give up..."

The eight-tailed giant tail is waving, while suppressing Bi's thoughts.

It's just huge. At this time, he suddenly felt tense, and a powerful aura appeared above him. Even though Leng Tian had hit 61 and [-] palms just now, even Hachio temporarily lost his combat power.

But like Nine Tails, he is a tailed beast with powerful recovery, which Chakra can't weaken him at all.

Unless Leng Tian has Tao-style strength, only that kind of attack strength can hurt him.

However, the amount of chakra Leng Tian absorbed just now is enough for him to transform into a demon mode.


Leng Tian pressed down with one hand, and the power of Dou Zhuan Xing Yi appeared in his palm again, but this time it was in the domain of Dou Zhuan Xing Yi, and within this domain the gravity around Hachio was as high as a hundred times heavier.

In this way, the eight tails are suppressed like the three tails and the six tails.

At this time, Ai had already jumped onto Eight-tailed body, and he knew from his father that Eight-tailed weakness was in the head.

Every time my father subdues Eight Tails, he uses this trick.

"Little ghost, do you think you are your father?"

At the very moment, a huge octopus tentacles swung over, as fast as lightning!


"Yaoo, you are too confident!"

The huge tail was blocked by Ai's punch.

This shocked Hachio very much, only one person has ever done this.

Could it be that he already has the strength of the three generations of Raikage?


After blocking Yao's attack, Ai punched Yao's weakness with a punch, which also made Yao's control over the manpower column to the minimum, and he regained control of his body in an instant.

It took a while for Bi to return to normal, and Ai Hebi stared at it for a long time this time, which made Leng Tian feel a very abnormal atmosphere.

"Hey, if there's anything you need to go back and solve it yourself, give me the bottle now..."

Hearing Leng Tian's words, Aibi winked.

Soon Ai brought Jiu Xinna over.

"We won't really keep her hidden in the vase, it would hurt her too much, so in this respect, it can be considered that we saved your companion, no matter what, you should thank us, right? "

Ai said with a bold face.

Leng Tian didn't pay attention to him, and directly supported Jiu Xinnai and asked with concern: "Is Jiu Xinnae okay?"

"It's cold, it's great, I'm fine, just a little uncomfortable..."

The moment Jiu Xinnai saw Leng Tian, ​​her whole body relaxed, and she fell directly into Leng Tian's arms.

Chapter 76

Leng Tian checked Kushina's body, and found that the chakra in his body was weakened only because he was trapped in the six magic weapons, and there was not much other damage.

"Sleep well and you'll be fine..."

After Leng Tian finished speaking, he looked at Jiu Xinnai intently.

This made Jiu Xinna blushed, and then she found that Leng Tian's eyes were a little different, and then she fell asleep.

Tenseikan itself has mind control, not to mention Leng Tian's current blood power is extremely powerful, comparable to Hyuga Tennin.

In an instant, Lengtian entered Kushina's body, and saw Nine-Tails, which could only be seen by Kushina and Kaleidoscope Sharingan.

"So you are Kyuubi, the monster hiding in Kushina's body..."

Hearing Leng Tian's words, Kyuubi waited for Leng Tian with two big eyes.

"Little devil, your eyes make me very uncomfortable!"

"Hmph, I'm sorry, even if I'm standing in front of you, do you have the ability to attack me?"

Leng Tian walked in and walked into the cage.

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