"What exactly is he looking for?"

When Naruto turned his desk into a mess, Sandai took it out and covered his face.

"Don't you know how to be gentle, kid? Everyone can find out if you steal something with such a loud voice!"

Fortunately, the third generation has already explained it, otherwise, Naruto would not be able to continue.

"Damn old man, where did he hide it? Wait a minute, my mother said that the three generations were lecherous. By the way, it must be hidden in the beauty magazine!"

Naruto said to himself.

Hearing Naruto's words, Midai was drenched in cold sweat, how much opinion Kushina had on him, and even told the children this.

"Ha, it really is here!"

Naruto happily raised the sealed book in his hand.

This surprised the three generations.

"It's still the sealed book, wouldn't it be Kushina who asked him to take it? No, if Kushina wants to teach it, there's no need for it, and besides, that girl probably won't tell Naruto about the sealed book, right? Since that incident..."

Thinking of this, Sandai's expression turned cold again.

He wanted to see who was behind the scenes to create the idea of ​​the sealed book, and more importantly, Anbu hadn't found out yet.

"Next, Naruto should meet up with the people behind the scenes, right?"

Just when Sandai thought so, he found that he hadn't moved.

"Strange, do you want to find something else?"

"Damn old man of three generations, I said how he drove away those peddlers. It turned out that he swallowed so many good things by himself, and even had the first issue of Playboy. Damn, that's the goddess Keiko The only one that was published is actually here, and there is also the latest issue, damn it, these are treasures!"

Seeing Naruto kept putting these magazines in his arms, Sandai finally couldn't bear it anymore.

"Ahem! Naruto, what are you doing?"

Three generations suddenly shouted.


Naruto was taken aback, and when he saw Sandai's angry face, he jumped on the table: "Sandai old man, you actually collected so many good things by yourself, it's just, it's just..."

Watching Naruto keep holding the magazine in his hand, Sandai looked anxious, if his subordinates found out, where would he put his face.

"What do you know, that's what I used for research, put it down quickly!"

The three generations said solemnly.


Naruto said with his mouth wide open.

"Yes, I'm currently researching a new illusion..."

The third generation said solemnly, seeing Naruto's surprised look, he thought to himself, I can't fool you yet.

"Fart, old man, who are you fooling? I thought it was the past, I told you, I still have a special commemorative issue in my hand, I have read it a long time ago, this one can study ninjutsu, who are you fooling? Old man!"

Hearing Naruto's words, Sandai broke into a cold sweat at first. This magazine appeared behind Konoha, which made all Konoha's children mature quickly in mental age. Some things that were easy to fool in the past can no longer be fooled.

But what caught the third generation's eyes even more was that Naruto actually had a special commemorative book in his hands. I heard that it was a good thing in the legend, and even he hadn't seen it.

It's a pity that when it was seized, it was all burned, so that I couldn't find it anymore, it was out of print, I didn't expect Naruto to have it.

Thinking of this, the third generation almost wanted to put down their face and discuss with Naruto to borrow it.

But fortunately, the third generation still thought of business.

Staring at Naruto with a serious face, he said, "Let's not talk about that first, what is the scroll on your back, tell me quickly?"

"No, the old man found out!"

Naruto looked at the scroll behind him and said carelessly.

Hearing Naruto's words, Midai couldn't laugh or cry even more, you are so obvious, should I pretend not to see it?

Just when the third generation felt like pretending to let Naruto go, Naruto suddenly shouted: "Transformation!"

A scene that Naruto saw from the special issue was used by him.


Originally, I just wanted to pretend to be the third generation. When I saw the picture in the magazine changed from 2D to 3D, I couldn't stand it anymore.

A stream of blood flowed from his nose, and San Dai was stunned.

Seeing San Daoyi's complexion, Naruto couldn't help showing contempt.

"Thanks to your collection of so many magazines, young master, I have already practiced without changing my face..."

Speaking of this, Naruto remembered something.

"Not good, the appointment time with Mr. Mizuki is coming soon, I have to leave quickly..."

After Naruto left for a while, Sandai recovered and immediately notified Anbu.

"Master Hokage, what did Naruto steal?"

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