Only such a person, the third generation dares him to take pictures of future ninjas. After all, no one can see these files. If the enemy ninjas get them, it will be even more difficult for Konoha to carry out spy plans in the future. .

Even if the photographer is captured alive, valuable information can be obtained from him.

Three generations can't always erase the memory of a ninja.

Naruto was sad while holding a colorfully painted photo. Who said he doesn't like handsome photos, but the face he was beaten by his mother last night has not been eliminated. Do you want to be seen with a blue face? Does it look swollen?

"Fortunately, I'm so good, I actually thought of this method of covering up, but if you look closely, it not only covers up the injuries on the face, but also has some artistic sense, haha, not bad..."

Thinking of this, Naruto started laughing again.

"But the luckiest thing is that Kyuubi is not my father..."

Thinking of the panic on my mother's face when I said that I already knew who my father was last night, but when I told whether it was Kyuubi, my mother was furious and chased me around Konoha.

Even Naruto didn't expect his physical strength to be so good...

In the Naruto Building, the office that receives the new Ninja.

Midai carefully looked at Naruto's photo.

"Haha, this is the idea that took me five or six hours to come up with. Since we are ninjas, we must be different..."

Naruto said there to himself, Sandai's face was obviously a little impatient, he pointed to the photo and said, "Let's take a new one!"


Naruto jumped up from his chair anxiously.

"Old man, I put on makeup for five hours, and you actually asked me to re-shoot. Are you still resenting what happened that night, and didn't you teach us ninjas to wear makeup anytime and anywhere to cover up our identities?"


The clerk next to Hokage accidentally laughed.

The third generation had no choice but to point to the photo and said, "You kid, don't you just want to cover up the injuries on your face? You were taught a terrible lesson by your mother, right?"

When the third generation said this, the laughter beside him became even stronger.

"Damn old man, you don't slap people in the face when you beat someone, even if it's my mother, you come to expose my shortcomings and see how I deal with you..."

Thinking of this, Naruto suddenly used the transformation technique.

The picture of the cover girl on the gossip magazine once again became a three-dimensional appearance in front of the third generation and his secretary.

"Ah! Yuriko?"

Everyone's eyes were wide open, and the third generation even squirted nosebleeds.

Even the two clerks around were the same, their faces widened and they were full of ugly faces.

At this moment, a person outside the door smiled, and the shuriken in his hand came out.

"There is a flaw!"


The door was kicked open, and both Naruto and Sandai became alert at the same time.

"Grandpa, fight with me!"

Konoha Maru rushed in, but then tripped over because he was running too fast.

"Ah, damn it, you got caught again. You dared to set a trap for me in advance. Grandpa has finally started to get serious. You know my potential!"

Konoha Maru said solemnly on the side.

At this time, another ninja appeared at the door.

"Young master, are you okay? By the way, there are no traps here, it's your own carelessness!"

When Ebisu was explaining, he didn't forget to adjust his sunglasses in a handsome manner, and felt that his face was pretentious.

"Wearing such dark sunglasses in broad daylight, can you see the front clearly?"

Naruto said with a look of disdain, how can this person pretend better than him?

Ebisu heard Naruto's tone and looked at Naruto.

"Tch, it's actually a Nine-Tails Manpower Pillar, bah, you know how to play pranks if you are not serious all day long, I really don't know why you are the Nine-Tails Manpower Pillar, there is no one left in Konoha!"

Ebisu thought in his mind that he wanted to use it as a weapon for the village, it should be a genius, or someone with a noble background like the young master.

It's not like Naruto, a guy who always gets low grades in ninja school and only knows how to cheat.

Ebisu's words obviously made Konohamaru uncomfortable. He wanted to prove himself in front of his grandfather several times, but in the end, his grandfather couldn't even look him in the eye.

This made Konoha Maru have to find a vent.

So Konoha Maru stepped forward and grabbed Naruto.

"It seems that the fool in front of me is easy to bully..."

Thinking of this, Konoha Maru said coldly: "Tell me, did you make trouble just now, did you disturb my good deed..."

Naruto looked at Konoha Maru who had an arrogant face in front of him, his face pulled down, pointed at Konoha Maru and asked, "Where did this little brat come from?"

"What, you actually said that the grandchildren of the third generation are brats?"

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