Then Naruto pushed Konoha Maru into the Yile Ramen Temple and said, "Of course I invite the boss to eat noodles..."

"Haha, this is not easy, the boss serves two bowls of ramen from big names!"

Konoha Maru said excitedly.

Boss Yile stared at Naruto and asked: "Naruto and our shops have already discussed, you can get the money for eating and shopping first!"

"Ha ha!"

Naruto also looked proud this time.

"See, this is my little brother. He pays for my meals...and do you know who he is? He is the grandson of three generations. If you know, hurry up..."

The owner of Yile Ramen Restaurant noticed the child next to Naruto, and he was really startled when he saw it.

Truly a grandson of three generations.

"Okay, you wait..."

The owner of Yile Ramen asked the chef to serve two bowls of ramen.

"Haha, delicious, delicious, you should eat some too..."

"Okay boss, when will you teach me that technique?"

"Hush, keep your voice down, don't be heard, you can't tell anyone..."

"Well, I see!"

Konohamaru nodded solemnly when he heard Naruto's words.

"Brother, if one bowl is not enough, how about another bowl?"

Seeing that Naruto finished eating quickly, Konoha Maru suggested.

"Haha, don't say that you are really caring, I really didn't take it wrong..."

Naruto said with a moved face, and at the same time, he changed his mind about Konoha Maru. Originally, he just wanted Konoha Maru to help him pay, but now he is really tempted.

"Perhaps it would be good to teach him..."

No one has ever wanted to learn this ninjutsu since he invented it.

After eating two bowls of ramen with a satisfied face, Naruto said happily: "It's delicious..."

"Haha, if the boss is not enough, I'm asking for a package..."

"Caring, really caring Konoha Maru, I'll accept you from today on..."

"Boss, didn't you just say you wanted to accept me?"

"Ha ha……"

Naruto smiled awkwardly, he was just joking just now, and after Konohamaru paid him, he threw the kid away.

"Konohamaru, pay the money, let's go, I will teach you the seduction technique!"

Naruto waved his hand after eating and drinking.

"Brother, I have no money..."


Naruto turned back stiffly with a proud expression just now: "Konohamaru, what did you just say?"

"Brother, I never carry any money with me. Teacher Yebisu paid for me..."

Konohamaru said with a natural face.

"Ha ha ha ha……"

Naruto already felt a murderous aura behind him.


The owner of Yile Ramen has a knife in his hand.

"Little brother, didn't you just say that you invited me to dinner? Is there anyone who doesn't bring money?"

Naruto was about to cry.

"Big brother?"

Konoha Maru didn't know that things were dangerous now.

"Hehe, boss..."

Naruto still wanted to explain, but Boss Yile was so angry that he didn't want to listen anymore.

"Naruto, you're fine, you're actually bringing someone over to eat the overlord's meal this time, have you upgraded?"

"Boss, what are you doing with two kitchen knives?"

Naruto pointed to Boss Yile's hands and said.

"Hey, you have upgraded to bring people to eat the overlord's meal, I have to upgrade my weapon to deal with you!"

"Big brother!"

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