Then he glanced at Naruto curiously, and asked suspiciously: "Naruto, this graduation briefing should only be attended by graduate ninjas, what are you doing here?"

"Did you underestimate people? Didn't you see my forehead protector? I'm also qualified!"

Naruto pointed to his forehead and said.

"Really, it can't be stolen again, no, you don't have the strength, could it be that you are looking for a copycat from a roadside stall?"

Shikamaru analyzed.

"Shikamaru, your head can't be normal, no wonder your grades are only slightly better than mine..."

"Stupid, stupid, I was thinking too much. I didn't have enough time to write the answer. Don't put me side by side with you..."

Shikamaru said angrily.

"Okay, Shikamaru, don't talk about it. It's really strange. You are usually very lazy and don't care about anything. Why are you arguing with Naruto-sensei?"

Qiu Dao Ding Zuo asked helplessly.


Shikamaru just lay down and pretended to be asleep without answering.

At this time, Sasuke said to Naruto in a low voice: "Naruto, I have been feeling like my brain is buzzing these days. It seems that I have lost my memory. Let me ask you, what happened on my birthday? Did you come to see me?" ?”

"Hey? I'm going, but didn't you allow it?"

Naruto asked strangely.

"I don't know, my recent memory is so confusing..."

Sasuke supported his head and said helplessly.

Just when Sasuke wanted to ask Naruto to help, Naruto suddenly stood up and shouted, "Sakura, am I here?"

Haruno Sakura felt happy when she saw Naruto.

"Thank you, Naruto, for saving me a seat..."

Sakura looked shy when she saw Sasuke beside her.

Sasuke glanced at his good brother and shook his head helplessly.

At the moment in Naruto's office, several of this year's Ninja School teachers gathered around the crystal ball to watch Teacher Iruka's assignment.

Except for Kakashi who can't find any students who know him, the other teachers attach great importance to this class division.

Especially Naruto and Sasuke, they actually want it in their hearts.

Because Naruto is Kyuubi, they may not want to arrange it so much. One is because of strength, and the other is to face Anbu's surveillance.

But they are very concerned about Sasuke's strength, especially when he is still that child.

Several Jonin teachers who have a good impression of the Senshou Clan hope to put it in their own hands.

Of course Hokage understood, fortunately he had already made a decision in his heart.

As in the original plot, Naruto, Sakura and Sasuke become the new Class Seven.

Sakura was very satisfied with the result, and Naruto and Sasuke looked at each other, even more satisfied.

"Sasuke, I want to ask you a favor, ask Sakura how she treats me?"

In a utility room, Naruto asks Sasuke.

"Naruto, do you really like that girl with a wide forehead?"

Sasuke said helplessly.

"Of course, about the good brother, can you help?"

Sasuke shook his head and said, "No, I'm not interested in this..."

"Then I will look like you, hehe, my ninjutsu has improved very fast recently!"

Hearing Naruto's words, Sasuke was taken aback for a moment, then seemed to think of something, pointed at Naruto and said, "No wonder sometimes I am attacked for no reason, so sometimes you become me?"


Naruto admitted without asking himself.

"Don't think about it this time..."

Whatever Sasuke said, he wanted to stop Naruto from using his identity to do pranks.

"Tch, it's still not a brother!"

Naruto said dissatisfied.

"Nonsense, even brothers can't let you do this!"

Sasuke said angrily.

"Then I'm sorry, hehe..."

Naruto suddenly used more than a dozen clone techniques, which surprised Sasuke.

"What? When did you master this ninjutsu?"

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