"Then what's the use of us graduating?"

"Your graduation doesn't mean you can become a ninja, but it's just for reference. If you don't want to be eliminated, hurry up and grab the bell in my hand..."

"Of course, if no one succeeds in the end, I will fire all of you..."

Kakashi stared at Naruto, Sasuke and Sakura with cold eyes.

All three were silent, and Sakura was even a little scared, but when Kakashi was satisfied with their attitude, Naruto and Sasuke said at the same time: "This is too exciting!"


Kakashi almost fell over, did they do it on purpose or what?

Hearing the excited voices of Naruto and Sasuke, Kakashi was very unexpected, and it was also difficult for Sakura to understand.

"Aren't you worried about being fired?"

Kakashi reminded with a cold face: "This is not a game, there is only one chance."

It's just that Sasuke and Naruto don't seem to be worried at all.

"Of course we understand!"

Naruto said confidently.

Sasuke also turned sideways and said coolly: "Will you not be fired even if you are worried?"

"That's right, so no matter what, if you have enough strength, you can pass the test no matter what. If you don't have enough strength, nothing will change. Instead, it's better to be optimistic and meet this challenge!"

Hearing what Naruto and Sasuke said, even Kakashi had to nod.

The village really underestimated these two people. Perhaps one of them was silent and the other was fond of playing pranks before, but they both ignored many things.

Sakura looked at Naruto and Sasuke silently. In school, she still didn't understand why the genius in the class and the crane tail were best friends. Is it just because of their mother's good relationship.

Now Xiao Sakura seems to understand something, maybe not only because of their mother, but the two of them also have the same will.

At the same time, Sakura told herself that she must not hold back Sasuke, she stayed with Sasuke.

At the same time, in Hokage's office...

Iruka hesitated and came to Hokage.

"Is something wrong?"

Sandai looked at Iruka suspiciously.

"I would like to invite Sandai to have a cup of tea..."

Hearing Iruka's words, Sandai smiled helplessly.

In the tea room, Sandai said with a smile on his face: "I remember you, I remember that whenever you have something to do, you invite me to drink tea. What do you have to do today?"

"Actually, I am a little worried about Naruto's class. As far as I know, his teaching performance these years has been very unsatisfactory, and he has even been called a death class. Naruto and Sasuke were assigned to his class. I am a little worried. You know, Naruto Both Sasuke and..."

Hokage nodded, and said, "I almost understand what you mean. Actually, I understand your concerns, but when it comes to Sasuke and Naruto, you don't have to worry too much about them passing the test..."


Seeing Iruka's nervous expression.

Hokage looked out of the window and said leisurely: "Twelve years ago, you were too young, and you knew too little about many things, and because of the many mysteries that happened back then, I issued a secret order from Hokage, no one is allowed to mention the things of that year... ..."

Speaking of this, Hokage glanced at Iruka, and he knew that what Iruka admired most at that time was Senju Nawaki. In those days, Senju Nawaki's prestige was even higher than that of the fourth Hokage.

The hostile forces of Wu Nin, Iwa Nin, and Rebel Nin are besieging Konoha. As long as there is that man, no one can fight him.

That is a person who has surpassed the team. He is another person who has stood at the pinnacle of the ninja world since Hanzo of the Rain Country, and compared to Danzo who is only at the pinnacle of the ninja world with his body and chakra. Ninjas are too powerful.

On him, many Konoha elders even saw the most glorious moment of the first generation.

The most glorious moment of the first generation is the end of the Warring States Period.

Even the third generation is hesitant in his heart, that is a strong man who can stand shoulder to shoulder with the first generation.

If it weren't for the cold weather, maybe even Konoha's senior management would be afraid.

But just like that, that thing happened, an unbelievable thing...

Because of this, he asked everyone not to disclose the period of the year.

"Naruto and Sasuke are the children of the strongest person in our Konoha, they will get the best protection, among them I choose Kakashi, as for why Kakashi dismissed his previous disciples, except that the game is really unqualified In addition, it is also because his master is cold..."

Hearing from the mouth of the third generation that this person who may be the number one in the ninja world again, Iruka was full of excitement.

This man is even more mysterious than Senju Nawaki, and there is no record of him even in the Hyuga clan.

"Why did Kakashi's master, Senior Leng Tian, ​​dismiss all the students?"

Iruka asked.

"Leng Tian's teacher and his boss one ignored the village's orders, and the other defected, do you know?"

When the third generation said this, his face was full of pain.


Iruka was speechless in surprise, he seemed to vaguely remember something.

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