"In fact, Sasuke has a special physique, that is, every time he recovers from frequent injuries, the chakra in his body will skyrocket, and he has the same ability to quickly recover from injuries as I do. When he was in ninja school, Sasuke died once. Injury, the strength in the body soars after the result is healed, sometimes I really envy Sasuke your ability..."

Naruto said enviously, they were able to say it because Mr. Kakashi was approved by them, and he came to them at such a dangerous time as soon as possible.

Let them feel that Mr. Kakashi has nothing wrong with them.

"Phew, it's good that you're fine..."

Kakashi first breathed a sigh of relief, and at the same time suppressed his surprise at Sasuke and Naruto's abilities.

These two boys are really amazing.

At this age, he can defeat the ninja who is no longer cut, he really can't imagine...

At this time, a large number of people appeared in the distance.

"Brother Naruto, grandpa, we are here..."

"Is it Iraq?"

Naruto said while looking into the distance.

"Yes, how did they come, and the townspeople behind this kid?"

Dazna was stunned.

You must know that since Kaisha, the people of the Kingdom of Bo have lost their hearts of resistance, especially the townspeople of these small towns, they are even more timid.

What Dazina didn't know was that after they left, Yili looked at the photo of his stepfather, regained his strength and began to persuade his mother one by one.

At the beginning, all the townspeople dared not speak out, even if they were friends, they just shied away, and even dissuaded Yi Na from their wishful thinking against Kado.

Even so, Inari finally took up arms and wanted to fight by himself.

"Ideals are in our hands. Hope is not given by others. This is what one of my elder brothers said. In this case, I have to protect my relatives and the future by myself!"

Hearing Yinar's words, the teenagers who had bullied Yinaria couldn't sit still at first.

Even a coward like him dared to resist Kaduo, so what face did they have to show off their prestige in front of him.

Then came some passionate adults, all of them took up their weapons and headed for the bridge.

"The hope of our land of waves, we must protect it ourselves!"

Chapter 22: Hong Xiao

When Yi came to the bridge and saw Naruto and the others standing there, he asked in surprise, "Brother Naruto, where are Kado's people?"

Naruto patted Yi's head and said with a smile, "It's all over..."

"It's over, what do you mean?"

Yili and the townspeople behind him were also surprised.

At this moment, Dazna shouted loudly: "Kado is finished, he was killed by the rebellion by the ninja he hired, we protected the bridge, and Kado's era is over!"


"Father Dazna, is what you said true?"

The townspeople seemed to be in disbelief, and then they all nodded and cheered when they saw Naruto.

Only Sakura quietly came over to ask about the matter, and asked with a puzzled look: "Teacher, can you believe their words?"

"Sakura, some ninjas don't bother to tell lies, like Buzhan and that one won't lie, so Kado must be finished..."

Kakashi smiled back.

Hearing Kakashi's words, Dazna and other people around looked at each other and cheered.

"We got rid of Kado, we got rid of him..."

Looking at the townspeople of the wave country who were cheering, Naruto suddenly asked beside Mr. Kakashi: "Isn't it wrong for ninjas to have ideals?"


Kakashi fell silent when he heard Naruto's words.

"I can't tell you, but the standard answer in the ninja world is that the best ninjas regard themselves as tools and cannot have ideals..."

Kakashi said lightly.

"Then what does it matter if I want to be Hokage?"

Naruto looked back at Kakashi.

At this glance, Kakashi seemed to see Leng Tian-sensei and Senju Naoki.

"A ninja with ideals..."

Kakashi read a few words softly.

"Ms. Kakashi can sacrifice his life to protect his companions, but when Shiro is in danger, he would rather take risks and save Zabuza. Isn't it because they have a common ideal?"

Naruto asked Kakashi seriously.

"This, this..."

Kakashi was left speechless by Naruto's few questions.

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