"Then what reward do you want?"

Sakura asked quietly, but she was already very impatient in her heart, "Shi Naruto will see you later!"

Looking at Sakura at a distance of a few feet, Naruto suddenly swallowed his saliva. He remembered that when he graduated, he wanted to know whether Sakura was interested in him, so he transformed into Sasuke. At that time, he and Sakura almost...

Thinking of this, Naruto suddenly whispered: "How about you (kiss) me, Sakura?"

"What... what?"

Sakura looked at the expectant Naruto with a stiff face, and at the same time, she clenched her fists together.

"Naruto, you are courting death!"

At the same time, Sasuke and Kakashi were secretly practicing together, just as Naruto guessed, Sasuke was very concerned about the chidori that Kakashi used that day.

In addition, he has also opened Sharingan, so he hopes to master this powerful move.

In the depths of the forest, Kakashi couldn't help but be shocked when he saw the dazzling thunder light emitting from Sasuke's body.

When he created this ninjutsu, Mr. Leng Tian found Da Shemaru to help him develop it successfully.

Especially Chidori's thunder escape ninjutsu that combines the nature of chakra and shape change. When this technique is launched, the output chakra has changed to have the nature of thunder, so that a large offensive current can be generated.

This is the most difficult point. It needs to change the Chakra energy form in the body, which is the biggest hurdle. Orochimaru helped him understand the key, but after Sasuke explained it himself, under his Sharingan It has been done.

"As expected of an orthodox sharingan clan member, no, it should be said that his blood is stronger than that of the Uchiha clan. After all, he and Uchiha Itachi have the blood of Senshou and Uchiha clan together..."

Kakashi looked at Sasuke who had already mastered the Lightning Chakra mode, and couldn't help but think in his heart: "Maybe before returning to the village, Sasuke can really learn Chidori..."

After the bridge is completed, Kakashi and his party will bid farewell to Dazna and the others.

Just when Naruto and the others were going back to the village, Dazna and the townspeople got up early in the morning to send Naruto off.

"Hey, why didn't you see Yili again?"

Naruto asked sadly.

"Is he probably hiding somewhere and crying again?"

One of the townspeople said jokingly.

"No, I don't believe that Yili will be so weak, I believe he will come back to send us off in the end!"

Naruto clenched his fists and said, "Because he is a warrior I recognize, how could he not be able to overcome such difficulties!"

Hearing Naruto's words, Dazna smiled and said, "Don't worry, Yi said last night that he will definitely come, but before that, Naruto, I will give you a present..."

"Hey, Uncle Dazna, are you really that kind? Is it the wages for building the bridge?"

Naruto asked with bright eyes.

"This, this, you said it was free, so..."

Dazna said helplessly.

"Haha, I understand, I understand... just kidding!"

Hearing Naruto's words, Dazna quietly breathed a sigh of relief, then pointed to the covered place on the bridge and said: "Today we are not only here to send Konoha's ninja back, but also to uncover this The name of the bridge..."

Then Dazna took a look at Naruto, and proudly pulled off the red cloth, revealing several large characters on it.

Naruto Bridge!

"This, is this the name?"

Not only Naruto was surprised, but so were Kakashi and Sasuke.

"This, isn't this a little expensive?"

Kakashi didn't want Naruto to take over this honor. For ninjas, the fewer people who know, the safer.

Just looking at Naruto's attitude, he was already floating with joy.

"This is the bridge named after me!"

Chapter 24 The Shadow Approaches

Just when Naruto was still naming the Namokuni Bridge after Dazna, Inari's voice suddenly came from the crowd.

"Big Brother Naruto!"

"Is it Iraq?"

Naruto raised his head happily, looking for Inari's figure.

At this moment, Yi Nai, who was wearing a blue and white dress, ran over shyly.


Naruto pointed to Yi's clothes, a little dazed.

"Inari, are you finally ready to wear women's clothing again?"

Dazna and his daughter looked at Yila in front of them with joy, as if they were happier than defeating Kado.

"Actually, Yili is a girl, but because she lost her father since she was a child, she has always been a boy, and she dare not face the fact that she is a girl, because she feels that she is weak..."

Darzner explained.

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