On the opposite side, Sakura began to feel bad. Why did Naruto and Sasuke respect this Aunt Saori so much, and now she even asked her people to train Naruto and Sasuke? You must know that our teacher is Kakashi The teacher is also a strong man in the ninja world, and he will not let others guide his students like this.

Just when Sakura thought Mr. Kakashi would refuse, she heard Kakashi say with a smile on her face, "Of course I'm fine..."

Chapter 26 Flying on the Grass

In fact, Kakashi himself was also curious about how Senior Saori trained his two students.

After all, for Naruto and Sasuke, Kakashi can teach Sasuke more, because Sasuke and him share sharing eyes, and the chakra attributes of their bodies are similar.

If Sasuke can control his Chidori, then he will be more comfortable controlling his Raikiri in the future.

For Sasuke, Kakashi really treats him as his disciple, but for Naruto, Kakashi doesn't know how to use his full strength.

At the same time, because Naruto is Kyuubi's identity, Kakashi did not dare to develop Naruto too much.

Because when Naruto was unable to master the Nine Tails, rashly increasing Naruto's strength was to weaken the power of the seal.

Once Kyuubi loses control, the consequences are beyond Kakashi's imagination.

So Kakashi is very willing that Senior Saori can teach these two.

Although Saori-senpai has no blood succession boundaries, she is indeed the student who has been with the teacher for the longest time, and it can be said that she has learned the most from all the students of the teacher.

Seeing that Kakashi agreed, Hinata Neji nodded and took off her shoes directly.

Under the puzzled eyes of Sasuke and Naruto, they suddenly stepped on the herb.


Naruto and Sasuke's eyes widened immediately, and even Kakashi stared at Neiji Hinata's feet.

"how can that be possible?"

Sakura opened her mouth wide, feeling incredible inside.

At this moment, Neji Hyuga was walking on the herbs, but the key point was that his feet didn't fall down even on these herbs, just like walking on the water, which is simply impossible!

You must know that the strength of medicinal herbs is very light, and they can be crushed with a little force, but Xiang Ningci can actually walk on it.

This is not only possible by controlling the power of Chakra, even if it is climbing trees and stepping on water, it is also because these can provide people with the power to be on top, but the power of herbs is definitely not enough.

But Ningji Hyuga did it, and he only finished after a few laps back and forth.

"Is this light work?"

Kakashi blurted out almost subconsciously.

When Neji heard Kakashi's words, his eyes widened, and he was a little shocked. He didn't understand why Mr. Kakashi knew about these things, but he shook his head slowly and said: "No, this is just the most basic grass flying in qinggong. Skill……"

"Fly on the grass?"

Naruto and Sasuke's eyes lit up at the same time, especially Naruto said quietly: "It was recorded in my notebook, but there is only one name..."

Neiji Hinata stood in front of Sasuke and Naruto, and said with a serious face: "Yes, I just used the grass flying technique, and Saori-senpai asked me to let you master this technique..."

Seeing that Hinata Ningji could master this technique at a young age, Kakashi was shocked.

Kakashi, he has seen the miraculous lightness of the teacher.

For this kind of skill, he, Obito and Lin were very envious at the time, and the teacher had taught them the most basic.

But because they spent a short time with the teacher, they didn't grasp the key points.

But Kakashi has definitely seen the beauty of that technique before. With just a little touch, even without the help of any objects, he can pull up the height of tens of feet.

Even in one leap, it is more than ten meters farther than a ninja using chakra to leap, and more importantly, the speed is fast, so fast that Kakashi still can't imagine how the teacher used chakra to do it so fast.

And this technique didn't consume much Chakra power at all.

He remembered that the teacher could even use this technique to transform dozens of figures easily.

It's impossible to tell which direction the teacher is shooting at. Even Sharingan can't even see through it, because he made it with absolute speed.

At the beginning, the teacher said that he would be able to master the skills very quickly, but it is a pity that the teacher did not have time to teach Kakashi carefully during the war years.

Kakashi thought that only the teacher could master this skill, but he didn't expect to see it again today.

Kakashi understands the horror of this skill, that is, the Chakra who masters the body will go to the next level. It can be said that as long as Sasuke masters this skill, it will be easy for him to perform Chidori Ninjutsu things.

Why did the teacher disappear to this day, and many people are still looking for it, even watching Naruto, Sasuke and even Saori, because the teacher left behind many techniques and secrets that never appeared in the ninja world.

These secret techniques were previously thought to be learned only by supercilious eyes, but with Senior Saori's skills several times, Konoha senior officials gradually discovered that these things created by Hinata Lengtian are useful even for ordinary ninjas.

Especially for the research on controlling chakra, many people in Anbu used some experience that the teacher once said to study hard.

After all, in the distribution and control of Chakra in the entire ninja world, Hinata Lengtian said first, I am afraid no one dares to say second, even his father Bai Fang is far behind.

Even Senshou Zhujian couldn't do this.

Kakashi had to envy Sasuke and Naruto for having the opportunity to learn this technique.

"Sakura, let's leave first, let Naruto and Sasuke practice here..."

Kakashi said to Sakura beside him, because Kakashi knew that these were all secret arts, and they could not be stolen without the master's permission.

Sakura also knew this truth, and was about to leave with Kakashi-sensei, but at this moment Hinata Neji said: "Actually, Saori-senpai didn't say that Kakashi-sensei and Sakura are not allowed to leave, just said no. It’s good to spread it outside…”

Hearing Neiji Hinata's words, Sakura looked up at Kakashi-sensei.

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