Gaara, who has been a pillar of manpower since birth and was used as a weapon, found the same kind for the first time, and the corners of his mouth couldn't help showing excitement.

"Kill, only by killing him can I feel real happiness..."

It was the first time that Gaara was so impatient to kill the one in front of him.

At this moment, another cold voice came from behind him.

"What happened to Naruto?"

Sasuke also arrived at the same time.

"Wow, so handsome!"

Sakura and Moe Huang looked admiringly, Sasuke was standing on a branch, fluttering in the wind, so chic...

Do you mind if Naruto accepts the handjob?

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

Gaara stared at Sasuke who appeared on the branch, waved his hands, and a stream of golden sand appeared from the gourd behind him, and it was constantly changing.


The strength displayed by Gaara surprised both Sasuke and Naruto.

"Sand Dun's changing ninjutsu, this kid is definitely not an ordinary person!"

"Sand blast ninjutsu!"

Gaara didn't talk nonsense, and rushed up when he saw the prey.


Sasuke stepped on the ground, and he, who had fully grasped the flying on the grass, retreated far away in an instant, and with the help of the leaves flying in the air, stepped on it lightly, and changed direction again.

Directly out of Gaara's ninjutsu range.

"So handsome!"

"Good job!"

Sakura and Naruto shouted at the same time.

Especially Naruto, he knows that Sasuke's talent is that he can improve on the original ninjutsu and become a ninjutsu suitable for him.

This talent has been shown countless times in front of him, but Naruto himself is not behind.

Just like when they each discovered their own strengths, they started to take different paths of cultivation.

All of this is seen from the red notebook, but it is a pity that the notebook was taken away by Uchiha Itachi.

After avoiding Gaara's ninjutsu attack, Sasuke suddenly used a clone technique, which confuses Gaara's judgment. In fact, he did appear beside Gaara from another direction.


Sasuke's speed was very fast, but the sand around Gaara reacted faster, and a row of sand walls rose directly to block Sasuke's attack.

And at this time, Gaara realized that Sasuke had arrived at his side.

"You are also very good!"

Gaara chattered, and the Chakra on his body skyrocketed again.

This surprised Sasuke. He had overestimated the opponent's strength just now, but he didn't expect the opponent's Chakra to increase sharply again.

You must know that Sasuke's Chakra has improved again since the last time he didn't cut it. It is almost twice or even three times the Chakra of his peers, but Gaara was the same Chakra as myself just now, but now he is suddenly higher than himself. times.

This made Sasuke think of Naruto, who can burst out with more powerful Chakra.

"Could it be that in his body..."

While Sasuke was thinking, Gaara clapped his hands at Sasuke.

"not good!"

Sasuke immediately backed away, but Gaara in front of him started laughing crazily.

"Ninja! Burial at the Sand Waterfall!"

Seeing Gaara perform this move, everyone present was taken aback. Kankuro and Temari knew the power of this move. This is an enhanced version of the sandstorm funeral, and the range can be expanded to one square kilometer.

However, Gaara's current chakra is extremely unstable, and the range may not be so large, but the speed is extremely fast.


Sasuke in front of him was directly turned into a puff of smoke by the impact. It turned out that just now Sasuke opened Sharingan, accelerated the release of ninjutsu, and finally escaped with a substitute technique.

But Kankuro and Temari behind him were not so lucky.


Kankuro turned pale with shock, but he knew that Gaara didn't regard him and Temari as relatives at all, and he wouldn't stop just because his opponent avoided him.

So he can only block hard, but Temari next to him has been under the shadow of Naruto because of the fight with Naruto just now, and has not recovered until now. devoured.

At this moment, a figure appeared beside her.


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