At this moment, Konoha Maru was hit hard by Naruto on the head.

"Idiot! The real use of seduction should not only be on the outside, but also on the inside. Look at me!"

"Seduction technique!"

Naruto transformed into a charming beauty who was exactly like Konoha Maru. The difference was that Naruto also blew a kiss towards the third generation, and he also showed an expectant look on his face.


The third generation immediately gushed out nosebleeds.


Three generations shouted angrily, this kid has not improved at all...

Even Sasuke, Sakura, Neji and others covered their faces and kept away from Naruto...

Chapter 31 Pre-exam Test

There are still three days before the Chunin exam, and Kakashi has handed over the declaration notice to the Naruto trio.

Naruto and Sasuke smiled at each other.

"Aunt Saori won't object to us taking the Chunin exam this time!"

Naruto said excitedly.

"Naruto, you will be lazy too, be careful not to be objected by Aunt Saori!"

Sasuke knew that Naruto had been hiding from Aunt Saori that he could imitate the ability of chakra distribution in the other party's body.


Naruto said to Sasuke nervously, "Don't tell Aunt Saori!"

Looking at Naruto's nervous expression beside Naruto, Sakura couldn't help but become more curious.

Is it really strange that Naruto, who is not afraid of anything, would be so nervous because of the Saori aunt Sasuke said?

Is it?

Thinking of this, Sakura suddenly thought of Saori as a fierce and frightening face.

Thinking of this, Sakura herself couldn't help shivering.

Kakashi also pretended not to hear.

"Okay, I told you the time and place of Chunin, if you want to participate, just fill in and submit to 301..."

After saying that, Kakashi left.

But Kakashi didn't really leave, but looked at the three excited students from a distance.

"After becoming a Chunin, there will be no such happy time now, let's cherish it while it is now..."

Kakashi knew that his happiest time was when he grew up with Obito and Rin under the care of his teacher.

In the future, I will face endless tasks and dangers, and many times I don't even know if I can go back alive.

As if thinking of something, Kakashi felt a pain in his heart.

He looked in a certain direction with difficulty hiding his disappointment.

This is an expression that Kakashi would never show to outsiders, even he himself would not allow himself to show it, but only at a certain moment, Kakashi will subconsciously return to being an ordinary person.

Thinking of this, Kakashi disappeared with a blink.

Since Naruto rescued Konoha Maru from Kankuro's hands last time, Konoha Maru has been entangled behind Naruto for the past few days, trying to learn new ninjutsu.

"I must learn to fly on grass!"

Konoha Maru rarely showed seriousness in his eyes.


Naruto was almost taken aback, this technique is as difficult as an A-level ninjutsu.

Naruto almost thought he had heard wrong!

"Why do you have to learn this skill?"

Although Naruto always said that Konoha Maru was annoying, he actually cared about Konoha Maru who was willing to follow behind him in the village besides Sasuke.

This kind of skill is indeed beyond the grasp of Konoha Maru in the eyes of Naruto.

"No, I want to master that chic technique!"


Naruto asked cautiously.

"Because she's handsome, and if I can do this too, maybe next time I follow her secretly, I won't be discovered..."

Konoha Maru said in a low voice.

Hearing Konoha Maru's words, Naruto was in a mess. Just when Naruto was still wondering whether to teach Konoha Maru, a black shadow passed by him, and Konoha Maru beside him had been caught by the black shadow. in the arms.

"lay down!"

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