"You, why are you so reckless?"

Xiao Sakura anxiously stopped her, but she didn't expect that Sasuke who was beside her also walked over, turned around and said to Xiao Sakura with a smile: "Don't be too nervous, Xiao Sakura, there are not so many things..."

Hearing Sasuke's words, Sakura nodded.

Naruto and Sasuke walked to the front, just in time to find the two candidates standing guard in front of the examination room.

Naruto and Sasuke looked at each other, both smiled, and looked at 301 above the classroom at the same time.

"Please let us go..."

"Yes, we are also candidates!"

Two candidates, a man and a woman, begged the two opposite.

"Hey, it's for your own good not to let you go there, do you think Chunin is the graduation exam for ninja school?"

said one of them.

"That's right, once you take the Chunin exam, it doesn't matter whether you live or die, think about your family members, what would it be like for them to lose you, why would you give your life for nothing for an exam?"

Another person also said.

Hearing what they said, some people in the examination room really became pensive.

At this moment, Naruto and Sasuke walked over confidently.

"Please give way, you want to destroy people's confidence, you have found the wrong person..."

Sasuke said coldly.

"Sasuke is right, and what we are going to is 301, not 201 in front of you!"

Naruto blurted out that he had already seen through this ninjutsu in his eyes.


Hearing Naruto's words, the two examiners who were disguised as candidates were surprised at the same time.

It is already remarkable to be able to discover that this is an illusion, but it is not easy to see through it at a glance.

"What's your name?"

The two examiners asked at the same time.

"Uzumaki Naruto!"

"Sasuke Uchiha!"

"So it's them..."

Hearing their names, the two exams looked at each other and smiled, ending the illusion.

Sure enough, the classroom behind them became 201, not the 301 examination room that Kakashi told them.

"It's really amazing, you can go in from behind this door..."

Seeing this, the people who had surrounded the examination room earlier also had a sudden understanding on their faces.

But a man and a woman who were bullied before wiped away the scars on their faces and looked at each other at the same time, with different expressions in their eyes.



Tian Tian noticed the fighting spirit in Xiao Li's eyes, and reminded him: "Don't forget that you want to hide your strength?"

"That's not the same every day, haven't you heard their names? They are the ones that Ning Ci praised for the first time, and they also said that if you want to defeat him, you must first defeat these two people. I want to see what they can do to make Ning Ci Such an appreciation!"

Xiao Li's eyes were full of desire to fight.


Tiantian sighed, but at the same time, he was also somewhat interested in these two people.

As one of Neji's training partners, especially since she also worshiped Saori as a master, of course she hopes to see the strength of Naruto and Sasuke.

After all, her father was also a member of the Minghu family.

"and many more!"

Just as the three of Naruto were going to the stairwell on the third floor, they were stopped by Xiao Li behind them.

"Oh, so it's your watermelon head? Do you want to thank us, it's just a little effort..."

Naruto said indifferently.

Just as he was speaking, Naruto's eyes suddenly narrowed, and he secretly observed Xiao Li.

When Xiao Li called to stop them just now, he was standing upright without any weakness in his body. This is not like the posture of a candidate who was bullied just now.

The same goes for Sasuke, although he pretended not to care, he stopped.


Hearing what Naruto and Sasuke said, Li smiled.

"why are you laughing?"

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