Morino couldn't help but nodded. Regarding the content of the first exam, these people had the upper hand.

This level itself is the accuracy of intelligence collection.

There are also methods of stealing other people's information. In fact, it is cheating and plagiarizing other people's answers, but there is one thing you must use the ninja way. Simply put, you must not let the plagiarized person find out.

Otherwise, points will be deducted, in addition to this, you have to find the correct information.

After all, no more than half of the people on the scene know this topic, or even less. If the person who plagiarizes for a long time is a person who can't, this result will also be eliminated.

Especially the last one, if you don't find that the goal you are looking for is wrong five times in a row, you will be eliminated directly.

So Mori Nao showed a slight smile, these people are good, but the red boy in front of him is not looking for the wrong person, his goal now should be to stare at the surroundings, see who has a confident expression around him, so as to decide to plagiarize as soon as possible The goal.

What's the use of staring at him.

At this moment, Morino's eyes widened, and he actually saw the set of codes, only Anbu's codes existed.

"Well, how did this kid know such a thing?"

Morino can be said to be taken aback. This set of codes is one of the most precious things in Konoha today, and it can completely prevent other ninja villages from deciphering the secrets of their own village.

Among them, only a few people know the real code-breaking text, and even some ninjas who perform the mission don't know it.

"This, am I making a mistake?"

For a moment Morino asked in disbelief.

However, as the interrogator of Anbu, he understands that as long as there is a trace of doubt, he must investigate to the end.

So Morino immediately sent a message to all the adjutants, and this message was also sent using the Morse code that Naruto used just now.

"All give me to monitor the red-haired kid!"

After getting the order from the chief examiner, all the ninja examiners looked at Naruto as expected.

"Calm down, Morino, since he sent Holmes' password, someone must accept it..."

Thinking of this, Morino immediately looked for someone to receive, but Sasuke responded quickly, almost instantly, and was more careful than Naruto, that is, Sakura, who had been paying attention from the beginning, received it.

The exam started, and Xiao Sakura began to answer the paper with apprehension.

At this time, Morino still couldn't find Naruto's receiver.

"How is it possible? Could it be that kid really typed it indiscriminately, but why is it such a coincidence?"

Morino doesn't know Naruto's father's identity, after all, there are only a few Konohas who know Naruto's life experience.

For example, Morino was only at the level of Chunin at the beginning, so he is not qualified to know.

"No, I'm going to force it out..."

In an instant, Morino entered the role of the interrogator. Although he could not torture Naruto in this examination room, he was not troubled by this.

"Attention, you candidates, this exam is not that simple. If a person cheats and is caught, not only him, but his companions will also be eliminated. Be sure to understand and don't implicate yours." Companion!"

Morino said word by word, while staring at Naruto with his eyes, as if saying again, I'm talking about you.

Generally, when interrogating prisoners in this way, if the prisoners have ghosts in their hearts at this time, they will show fear or dare not look at each other.

But Naruto suddenly looked at the examiner with a smile on his face, as if he thought it was fun, and looked around at the deputy examiners.

This shocked Mori Nao's heart.

"Is it really a coincidence, this kid is really crazy?"

"No, you can't draw conclusions so early!"

Thinking of this, Morino increased the weight again.

"Also, the results of this test are a combination of three people. That is to say, if you pass the test alone, it doesn't count. You must pass the scores of all three people and reach the standard."


Hearing Morino's words, all the examinees were shocked, and some of them had already started to complain about their companions.

"No way, it's impossible for him to pass the test..."

Sakura also widened her eyes in surprise at this time, even she might not be able to answer all the questions in front of her correctly, what about Naruto, what kind of test can he take?

"How will you make a choice now? In order to take care of your companion's problems, you should use the Konoha code to send out the answer, right?"

Morino did all this to check on Naruto's companions, but what surprised Morino was that Naruto didn't send out that password at all, but started answering questions quickly...

"Hmph, hum, don't worry, you will definitely reveal your secrets after you are done..."

Morino thought with a full face.

Noticing the expression on Morino's face, Naruto showed a mysterious smile...

Recently, a book friend asked me why Leng Tian disappeared. In fact, this is a series, and the protagonist has been transferred to Naruto for the time being. Of course, Leng Tian has always been the most critical character throughout the book.Originally, I wanted to write Leng Tiansan, Hyuga Naruto, etc., but after thinking about it, Hyuga Lengtian is still the most important master, especially because he will become an unexpected existence.So there is no sub-volume, maybe it would be better to sub-volume... Finally, thank you for the monthly pass that everything is gone! !

Chapter 36 The Last Question

Morino has been observing Naruto, but he didn't realize that he was sending out any secret signals.

"Maybe he is observing the situation, what a great boy, he has such a calm analytical ability at such a young age, but I will definitely find a companion who can receive your password!"

In Morino's mind, Naruto must be using the password just now to send an answer to his companion.

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