As the only nine freshman teachers in this class, Kakashi, Kureni Yuhi and Hokage's youngest son sat together and began to evaluate the teachers of the first level.

"Mori is not a simple person. I met such a master in the first level. I am afraid that the number of people who will be eliminated this year will not be too small..."

Hearing Sarutobi's words, Yuhihong asked in surprise, "Why is this person so strict?"

"It's not a strict question, but this person will exert a kind of mental coercion on the candidates. He is the interrogator. He will treat the candidates as prisoners and eat away their spirit step by step, making them lose their calm and confidence. Drive them crazy, quit the exam by yourself..."

Hearing Kakashi's interjection, Yuhi couldn't believe it at all, as if she didn't believe that Hokage-sama would make such a person an examiner.

Only Kakashi and Sarutobi smiled slightly, they had seen Morino's methods with their own eyes.

In the classroom at this moment, Morino said with a smile on his face: "You can also participate, but if you don't answer correctly, then I announce that you will never have the chance to become a Chunin again!"

Morino's words left many candidates dumbfounded.

"Nonsense, there are obviously candidates here who have taken the exam many times, just like the senior named Yao Shidou, why do you say that?"

Ya didn't hear the rest clearly, but he remembered clearly when Yao Shidou said that he hadn't been admitted to Chunin for three years.

"Ha ha ha ha!"

Morino laughed and said, "It's a pity that the person you met this year is me, I can decide all the rules of this exam!"

Seeing the seriousness on Morino's face, no one felt that he was joking.

"How, you can choose not to do this. No one will say that you are a coward, because once you don't answer correctly, not only you, but even your companions will suffer together. Do you want to stand up quickly and don't let the last Your opponent will hate you forever!"

There was a complete silence in the examination room.

Thinking is in the heart of all people, even some people who study well.

Like Sakura.

"Why doesn't Naruto raise his hand in vain? Why, doesn't he know that if he doesn't answer correctly, he will make us all the rest of our lives?"

Sakura is very confident in herself, but she doesn't have any confidence in Naruto.

At this time, people stood up one after another. They didn't dare to bet. After all, there was still a chance next year, as long as it wasn't him.

The number of people is slowly decreasing...

More and more candidates in the examination room were sinking in their hearts, and many people who looked determined began to hesitate.

Just when Morino felt complacent, Naruto's hand suddenly raised...

Thanks to Shuke Xibei for the monthly pass!

Chapter 37 Standards

Seeing Naruto raised his hand, the examiner Morino was taken aback, because at this moment Naruto's mouth was full of smiles, and it didn't look like he was about to quit at all.

Sure enough, Naruto slapped the table with a bang, and said with a smile on his face, "The examiner is almost ready, right?"


Morino gave Naruto a strange look, not knowing what he meant.

At this moment, Naruto's eyes were shining brightly and confidently.

"The examiner actually didn't have the last question at all, right?"

Hearing Naruto's words, Morino's face moved, and he immediately suppressed it.

However, the other candidates around had already loosened up, and even became a little riotous.

Especially when Temari heard Naruto's words, he felt very disdainful.

"It's him again!"

Although Temari spoke disdainfully, his eyes were involuntarily fixed on Naruto.

And Hinata next to Naruto was even more stunned, afraid that Naruto would do something out of the ordinary, and wanted to persuade Naruto, but because the voice was too low, Naruto didn't notice it at all.

As for Sakura, she was already in a mess.

"Does this idiot know what he's talking about?"

Naruto didn't care about the movements of the people around him, he just stared at Morino, and when he noticed the moment Morino was speaking, he exchanged a glance with Sasuke behind him.

"Just like the content on the black note, this person's heart has fluctuated..."

"You bet right, Naruto!"

At this time, Sasuke finally couldn't help sending out the password, but unfortunately only Naruto and Sakura noticed it, and when Morino heard the content of the password, his expression changed drastically.

At this time, he finally locked his target around Sasuke.

Morino was sure that Naruto's recipients were within this range, but unfortunately, because of his confusion just now, he didn't see who was sending the password in time.

"Hehe, kid, don't make random guesses. You said there is no last question, so let me ask you, do you dare to participate?"

Morino is still making the final effort. After all, there are still 26 groups of people left, isn't it too many?

Hearing Morino's words, Naruto suddenly asked: "Are you thinking that there are too many people left behind?"


Mori Nao was really taken aback this time, and blurted out, "How do you know?"

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