Sasuke took Sakura to hide, and after hearing Orochimaru say his brother's name, he became more nervous.

"Could it be that the other party is the object of my brother's investigation?"

"Hey, are you hiding, but do you know that snakes are the most sensitive animals to body temperature, and all living things with body temperature cannot escape its pursuit..."

Hearing Orochimaru's words, Sasuke screamed inwardly.

"Run, Sakura!"

Sasuke pulled the absent-minded Sakura and ran away.

Sakura has already been stunned. Is this the strength of Genin? It's a nightmare.

"Hehe, I just lied to you a little bit, and you ran out by yourself..."


Sasuke was even more shocked when he heard the other party's words.

This feeling, how could the opponent's tactics be the same as the psychological warfare used on the black notes.

"Haha, it seems that you still can't keep calm!"

Orochimaru looked at Sasuke in front of him with sincere admiration, but he didn't have to keep his hand at all, and he was full of killer moves.

If Sasuke hadn't been able to see through the trajectory of Kunai in Orochimaru's hand because of his Sharingan, he wouldn't be able to dodge at all.

At this moment, suddenly a figure rushed out.

This surprised Orochimaru, because he didn't notice the other party's aura at all just now.

"Hey, does he have some skills?"

Orochimaru was secretly shocked, but seeing Naruto rushing over regardless, Orochimaru said disdainfully: "It's just a fool in terms of IQ and fighting awareness..."

Orochimaru didn't even finish speaking, the big snake under his feet opened his mouth wide and swallowed Naruto in one gulp.

"Ha ha……"

Orochimaru looked at Sasuke and Sakura's desperate expressions with admiration.

But at this time Sasuke showed a smile.


When Orochimaru was puzzled, he heard Naruto's cry from the belly of Orochi under his feet.

"Multiple Shadow Clone Technique!"


The big snake under Dashewan's feet was directly propped away by many Naruto.

"Suffer to death!"

Naruto, who rushed out of the big snake's belly, kept shooting at the big snake pill with Kunai.

At the same time, Sasuke and Sakura immediately retreated again, but this time there were several more groups.

Now there is Naruto's avatar change, which intentionally messes up Orochimaru's sight.

"Without the big snake under your feet, you wouldn't be able to find us so smoothly, right?"

Naruto and Sasuke thought at the same time.

Orochimaru stood on the tree, and it was the first time that there was a change, and his face became serious.

"I didn't expect these two brats to be so powerful that they would keep changing tactics according to each other's strength, but you seem to be disappointed..."

Speaking of this, Orochimaru formed a seal with both hands, and a more terrifying chakra appeared on him.

"A-level ninjutsu, Fengdun! Dafengpo!"

A terrifying wind blade swept across the half of the forest where Sasuke and Naruto were.

All the forest trees were uprooted, and Naruto's avatars were seen through.

Only Naruto, Sasuke and Sakura were left staring at the mysterious Genin overhead in disbelief.

"Who are you?"

Chapter 42 Curse Seal

"who am I?"

The visitor smiled when he heard what Naruto and Sasuke said, as if he thought it was a ridiculous question.

But then his face darkened again.

"Yeah, who am I?"

Orochimaru looked at the familiar scene in front of him, but there was nothing about him in the village, as if there was no trace of Orochimaru at all.

Is this Konoha's heartlessness?

"Then who am I?"

Orochimaru gave a low "hehe" smile.

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