"Naruto, what should we do now?"

Sakura asked anxiously.

"Don't panic Sakura, I don't think Koshemaru is trying to kill us, maybe the curse mark on the neck is something to control us, no matter what it is, Sasuke and I have lost our combat power for the time being, so we have to try our best to kill us." Possibly hidden..."

Naruto said with difficulty.

Hearing Naruto's words, Sakura nodded with difficulty.

"And we have to set up traps. Sasuke is already unconscious, and I think I'm about to die, so Sakura will ask you to protect us from now on. You have to be prepared..."

Naruto said with a serious face.

Hearing Naruto's words, Sakura was stunned. She was always protected by Naruto and Sasuke, and she had never faced such a danger alone.

Sakura was terrified all over.

Even in pain, Naruto could feel Sakura's trembling fear.

Suddenly, Naruto kissed Sakura.

This made Sakura stunned, and then, Sakura eagerly pushed Naruto away.

"Bastard, go to hell!"

Sakura's whole body fell into a state of madness.

"Haha, you see that you are not nervous now, are you?"

Naruto endured the pain and said.

"Naruto, are you doing this to make me less nervous?"

Sakura immediately responded.

Thinking of this, Sakura blamed herself endlessly.

"I'm really useless!"

"Sakura, Sasuke and I have never felt that you are a burden. We are in the same class. Sasuke and I believe that you will be able to protect us well. We will rely on you next..."

Hearing Naruto's words, Sakura quickly supported Naruto and wiped the tears from the corners of her eyes.

"Who do you think you are? I'm Haruno Sakura, and I don't need you to worry about it at the end of the crane. Don't worry, no matter who comes next, they will step over my Haruno Sakura..."

"Ha ha."

Naruto saw the solemn expression on Sakura's face, and nodded in confidence.

At the same time, he took out the space Kunai in his hand.

"If, if there is really a strong enemy that cannot be defeated, Sakura, you can use this kunai to stab my body, and Aunt Saori will sense my danger and come to rescue us, but we It will also result in disqualification from the exam, so don't do this unless it is absolutely necessary..."

Hearing Naruto's words again, Sakura grabbed the Kunai Naruto took out, nodded and said, "Don't worry..."

"Then I'll rest for a while..."

Naruto smiled, his spirit weakened for a while, and then he passed out.

"Naruto, Naruto?"

Sakura yelled a few times, and found that Naruto had passed out unconsciously, and his legs were still bleeding.

This made Sakura cover her mouth.

"You didn't shout out just now, did you not want me to worry?"

While Sakura was moved in her heart, she also slapped herself fiercely.

"Haruno Sakura, now is not the time for you to be moved, you have to remember what Naruto said just now, first design a trap..."

Sakura said to herself.

Just after Sakura prepared some traps, in the forest, three pairs of eyes kept staring at this side.

"Hee hee, so it's here!"

"I want to know what kind of person Oshemaru-sama chooses, what kind of person actually makes Oshemaru-sama so impressed..."

At the same time that the trio of Yinnin Village appeared, Sakura also discovered the enemy at the same time.

"It came at such a dangerous time!"

Kozakura looked at the three people who appeared swaggeringly, and raised the kunai in her hand.

Seeing that Naruto and Sasuke behind Sakura had fainted, Kim smiled.

Sac also laughed and said to Doss behind him: "It seems that our wish to meet the successor of Master Orochimaru will be disappointed..."

"Hmph, I don't care if he is dead or alive, I will wake him up!"

Among them, Sac is the most powerful, but in terms of brains, Doss is the best.

When he spoke just now, he wanted to see Sakura's reaction.

It's a pity that Sakura has been with Naruto Sasuke, and she has long been aware of these tricks of leaking information through expressions.

So there was no flaw at all, so that Doss and Sak could not know what happened to Naruto and Sasuke even if they looked at each other.

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