"No, it won't be a ninja who uses ninjutsu. Isn't that very weak?"

Sakura asked softly.

"I don't think so!"

Before Akai finished speaking, Naruto already had a serious expression on his face.

"Sometimes he can focus on one thing, and often he is even better at it!"


Hearing Naruto's words, the corners of Sakura's mouth opened slightly, as if she didn't understand why Naruto was so sure...

Akai and Kakashi looked at each other and found the surprise in their eyes.

At this moment, Akai closed his eyes and smiled happily.

"That's right, Naruto, you really make me look at you with admiration. In fact, Xiao Li does have an extraordinary talent in physical arts..."

At this time, Xiao Li has turned from attacking to being forced to dodge.

Gaara is already tired of continuing to fight with Xiao Li, no, it should be because he hates the way Xiao Li picks and chooses around him.

"If you have no other way, then watch mine..."


Gaara made mudras with both hands, and the sand changed into countless shapes, and sometimes it was like a big hand slamming down.


Xiao Li hurriedly jumped back.

The seemingly innocuous big hand made of sand fell to the ground and shattered the ground.

It can be imagined that if Xiao Li endured such a blow, it would be equivalent to a B-level ninjutsu hitting him directly.

Not only that.

The sand commanded by Gaara is not as troublesome as a seal, but one after another.

Xiao Li was simply overwhelmed.

In particular, the sand will be divided into several parts, and some will be towards Xiao Li's feet, making him unable to stand firm.

And from both sides, there seemed to be several people, but Gaara just moved her fingers.

"It's unreasonable, this is even more cunning than the one who used the puppet just now!"

Sakura said angrily.

"Using puppets?"

Naruto asked suspiciously.

"It's that guy from Sand Ninja Village..."

Knowing that Naruto missed a few fights, Sakura made a general introduction.

"Sand Ninja Village is really hard to deal with..."

Sasuke interrupted at this moment.

"Well, it is indeed a village as famous as our Konoha!"

Naruto also agreed.

At this moment, Xiao Li jumped to a high place to avoid it for a while.

"Little Li!"

Kay suddenly yelled.

"Mr. Kai?"

Xiao Li looked at Teacher Kai in the opposite direction.

"It's time to release your shackles, use your full strength..."

Hearing Teacher Akai's words, Xiao Li asked in surprise: "But Teacher Kai, didn't you say that this must be used to protect important people or when life is in danger?"

"Use it, I approve this time!"

A Kai gave Xiao Li a thumbs up.

"Ha ha ha ha……"

Xiao Li suddenly laughed happily, and then took down the sandbags tied to his legs.

Kankuro and Temari of Sand Ninja Village smiled indifferently.

"Even if it is taken down, how much help will it be..."

But just as they finished speaking, they were startled by a loud bang. It was the sound of a sandbag thrown by Xiao Li hitting the ground...

Chapter 54 The Amazing Li

"how come?"

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