"How did this little guy cultivate so much chakra?"

Not only Kai, but other teachers also have unique vision, and they have already seen Gaara's strength.


Xiao Li resisted Gaara's sand waves again.

For Gaara's attack, Xiao Li must be very energetic.

Not only because Gaara's control over the sand waves has reached the point where it can be changed freely, it can be changed into any shape, and it can even be divided into several strands.

This makes Xiao Li seem to be fighting against many people, especially Xiao Li's muscles have not fully recovered.

"Be sure to hold on!"

Xiao Li said to himself in his heart.

As long as his muscles can recover, he can open the second eight-door Dunjia and start Li Lianhua's preparations.

"Hey, that watermelon head is just like a mouse, Gaara is just playing with him..."

While Kankuro breathed a sigh of relief, words of disdain also appeared in his mouth.

"You still have to be more careful, Konoha's people don't know what will come after them?"

Temari is more cautious than his younger brother.

"Sister, are you over exaggerating Konoha's strength?"

Kankuro asked with some disbelief.

"Is it too exaggerated?"

Temari looked towards Naruto and Sasuke, and saw Neiji Hyuga who had been extremely calm all along.

She knew in her heart that her father came to Konoha this time not simply for the Zhongnin exam, but for other purposes.

"Destroy Konoha's plan and unite with Yinnin Village. Once Konoha is defeated, it will be an opportunity for other villages to attack..."

As a Temari who already has the strength of Chunin, she knows more.

In order to make up the gap between Sand Shinobi and Konoha, my father brought Gaara, who has not been able to completely control Shukuru, just to increase the chance of victory.

It's just that Temari is also a Chunin ninja, and her overall view of the battle has long been different.

This is not a Chunin exam, it's just a matter of simply considering the strength of both parties.

This is a battle between one village and another. To put it bluntly, this is equivalent to the fourth Ninja World War.

Once they lose Sand Ninja Village, it is equivalent to losing the Kingdom of Wind.

At that time, their sand ninja village may be taken out quite a lot of people as scapegoats.

Because of the geography of the Land of Winds, the status of Sand Ninja Village and the Land of Winds is not equal, and it even means to rely on the Land of Winds.

"Father wants to sever the relationship between the upper echelons of the Land of Wind and the Land of Fire this time, and at the same time raise the status of Sand Ninja Village to the same status as the Land of Wind, but why does Father firmly believe that Konoha will lose? ?”

Teju was puzzled.

She knew that her father must have a very important hole card, otherwise, she would not have taken risks with so many elites from Sand Ninja Village.

It's just that even if she is Kazekage's daughter, she can't get more information.

While Temari was thinking, suddenly the battle below changed.

Xiao Li, who had been pressed and beaten all the time, suddenly seemed to be fine.


It became faster than before, and Dodge also became faster than before, even Gaara's sand couldn't keep up with his speed.


Both Temari and Kankuro were taken aback at the same time, not understanding why this happened.

"His speed and physical strength seem to have recovered..."

At the same time, in the stands, Kai finally smiled and said, "Now it's Xiao Li's turn to push Gaara to the brink..."

Hearing Kai's words, Kakashi took a look off the field and noticed something strange.

For example, Gaara's attacks are actually somewhat regular, or his attack methods are actually these.

In addition, Xiao Li's speed is faster than the speed of sand, but Gaara wastes more chakra.

Even though Gaara has a chakra that is close to that of a jounin, his strength is not at the level of a jounin. As long as Xiao Li can consume Gaara's chakra, the final winner will be Xiao Li.

"It's a pity that he can't hold on for too long even if he opens the second door of the Eight Dunjia. Otherwise, this is a very good tactic..."

Kakashi knows this ninjutsu. After all, it is also the secret technique of the teacher and his senior brother. The teacher was the first to master it back then, telling everyone that even people who are not from the Senju clan can master this ninjutsu.

If it is Naruto, who has the secret of quickly recovering Chakra, maybe he can use this tactic.

It was precisely because of his understanding of the ninjutsu of Eight Door Dunjia that Kakashi knew that Xiao Li could not hold on for too long, so he asked, "Kay, how many doors can Xiao Li open now?"

"Xiao Li?"

Hearing Kakashi's words, Kai said proudly: "He is much stronger than me now, maybe he is a genius that none of you have discovered, he can already open five doors..."

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