When I use other imitation ninjutsu by myself, I really can't use it with ease.

"Okay, come with me..."

Seeing Naruto start thinking, Saori smiled slightly.

Naruto followed behind Aunt Saori, and asked suddenly: "Mr. Kakashi said that he wanted to help Sasuke practice, but he also wanted to invite someone, saying that it was inconvenient for me to be there. I thought it was Aunt Saori?"


Saori was stunned when she heard Naruto's words, she suddenly knew who it was.

"It's Mikoto..."

Saori understands that although Mikoto said nothing on the surface, she is still brooding over the past twelve years, and has opinions on Teacher Leng Tian.

Maybe if Naruto was there, Mikoto might not be able to resist turning on the kaleidoscope...

Thinking of what happened in the past twelve years, Saori also sighed.

"Teacher, where are you Naoki? Why haven't you heard from you for twelve years..."

Saori looked at the clouds in the sky and suddenly became dazed.

"Aunt Saori? Aunt Saori?"

Naruto suddenly called out.


Only then did Saori come back to her senses.

"Are we there yet?"

Naruto pointed to the other way ahead except for a hot spring waterfall and asked.

"Yes, the place where you practice is here..."

Saori pointed to the boiling hot spring under her feet and said: "You have actually done treading water, but walking in boiling water is different from walking in a steady stream, because as the temperature rises, the chakra you need to control is It is even more difficult, if you manage to walk on the hot spring, it means that your chakra control has finally barely passed, and you can proceed to the next item..."

"Next item?"

Naruto didn't expect to have anything else besides treading water.


Saori pointed to the hot spring waterfall in front of her and said, "The second step is to step on the water, but it's the same as stepping on a tree. This time, it's a step on a waterfall..."

"No, no way, Aunt Saori, you let me step on the waterfall?"

Naruto was startled when he saw the rapids of the waterfall.

"What is impossible..."

Saori jumped under the waterfall all at once, walked up directly, and stayed in the middle.

"Stepping on the waterfall is nothing more than increasing the power to counteract the impact of the waterfall's countercurrent. Only if you achieve this point, you can release small ninjutsu or large ninjutsu quickly, accurately, and without waste. What a real strong person should have, you have to determine how much chakra you have in your body, so that you can display a more reasonable strength when fighting..."

Without Saori saying a word, a middle-aged man in the distance nodded with a serious face.

"Hmm! Hmm! It really makes sense..."

"Since it makes sense, why hide it?"

Suddenly Saori, who was in front of Naruto before, disappeared and appeared behind him.

"Scared? I forgot that your ability to listen to the wind and judge your position has reached the point where you can listen to the wind, so you really shouldn't speak casually in front of you..."

The middle-aged man said with a frustrated face.

"I didn't expect to see you here, Mr. Jiraiya. Did you come here because Mr. Orochimaru appeared, or because you were looking for your writing inspiration?"

Saori stared at Jiraiya with a half-smile.

"You little girl!"

Jiraiya casually glanced at Saori, but his body was in a state of alert.

This is not because Jiraiya is hostile to Saori, but because the strength of both parties has reached the shadow level, and their own momentum confronts.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

"Then Naruto is counting on you..."

Jilai also thought about Saori's words before, and was stunned.

How could he have thought that such a thing would happen to him just casually eavesdropping for a while.

However, Jiraiya also stared at Naruto, who was constantly practicing at the hot spring, with an expression of interest.

"This kid's hobby since he was a child was being Hokage. He is the same as the fourth generation. Although he is my teacher's child, you can raise him as the fourth generation. I know that the death of the fourth generation will always be a pain in your heart." ..."

Thinking of Saori's words, Jiraiya also let out a long sigh.

"Speaking of pain, isn't it you who suffer the most? Minghu Shazhi..."

Zilai also said something softly.

Just then Naruto fell into the hot spring again.

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