"Is this the Potential Seal?"

"You really know, what is this for? Why does a stronger force rush out of my body after I use the curse seal?"

Naruto asked curiously.

"Oshemaru is willing to give you this kind of curse seal?"

Jiraiya didn't answer Naruto's words, and was still in shock.

This curse seal is naturally clear, he has been investigating Orochimaru, of course he knows that the curse seal occupies a very important position in the Orochimaru forbidden technique.

Orochimaru's biggest goal was that ordinary ninjas could also gain the ability of blood succession limit.

For this reason, Orochimaru helped some ninjas obtain physiques such as secret arts through transformation, such as Toss.

But in order to obtain the same ability as Xueji Jiejie, unless it is genetic recombination, it needs to be transformed into a spell.

This is the curse seal that makes the curse seal in the body reorganized and mutated before it can produce the blood succession limit ability.

However, this kind of curse seal is very dangerous, and even if it is not done properly, the sealee will die.

Moreover, this kind of curse seal is very unstable, and generally only after entering the second transformation will it be stable.

There is also the Potential Curse Seal. Compared with the other two, this is a curse seal specially prepared for those who have the Blood Successor Boundary in their body, which can perfectly stimulate the ability of the Blood Successor Boundary in the body.

Jilai also remembered that Orochimaru once used a semi-finished product on a Xuexue clan boy, and it had already helped him stimulate his own blood succession limit, and it had raised his blood succession limit to several levels.

For the complete potential seal, because of the material, Orochimaru only prepared three.

Actually one of them was given to Naruto.

"Oshemaru, what are your plans and what are you thinking..."

Chapter 61 Stepping on the Waterfall

"Hey! Lustful Immortal, do you know anything about this curse seal?"

Seeing Jirai, Naruto was also in a daze, so he couldn't help asking.

"Ahem, as far as I know, if you can use this spell, then your foundation can catch up in a short time..."


Naruto suddenly became excited when he heard Jiraiya's words.

"Of course, who am I? I am a fairy called Toad Fairy. Of course, what I say will not lie to you!"

Seeing Jiraiya's stinking face, Naruto waved his hands in disgust.

"This kid is completely different from the fourth generation, and even his father is too far away, but he is, he is..."

Jiraiya was furious in his heart, looking at Naruto in front of him, he suddenly thought of the red pepper Kushina.

"By the way, he's just like his mother..."

Although Naruto said so, the next practice is still very serious, and he started to practice on the hot spring.

Under the constant reminders of Zai Rai Ye, Naruto felt that his control over the chakra in his body was getting stronger and stronger.

"It's not bad. In just two days, you have almost mastered the key to controlling the output of chakra. The next step is to step on the waterfall. What is required here is your continuous explosiveness, just like using high-speed physical strength when fighting others. Just like the technique, the burst of Chakra is also required to be continuous and high-speed, it depends on whether you can do it..."

He also said with anticipation.

"Hmph, this can't trouble me..."

Mingre had a confident face, he was the most confident in his chakra recovery, he didn't believe how difficult it would be to step on the waterfall.

But when Naruto came to the bottom of the waterfall, he felt unstable for a while.


Naruto couldn't grasp it all at once, and he couldn't maintain the appropriate chakra output and fell directly into the water.

"Pfft! It's so hot!"

"Hehe, I forgot to tell you that the temperature near the waterfall is [-] degrees, which means that if you stay in the water for too long, you might be cooked?"

Ji Lai also laughed and said on the shore.

"Bastard, you definitely did it on purpose!"

Naruto said unwillingly.

"Naruto, this practice is because you underestimate it. I tell you that a ninja must not be underestimated in front of any task. In addition, no matter what the situation is, you must remain calm. Only you can calm down and maintain a normal mind. , will function normally, just like stepping on a waterfall but also like stepping on a tree, but the trunk is constantly flowing, what you need to forget is its water temperature and difficulty, just like practicing climbing a tree..."

Zilai also shouted seriously on the shore.

"Asshole, it's easy for this lecherous fairy to say, but it's simply too difficult to do..."

Naruto thought angrily.

"Asshole, I don't believe I can't rush over..."

Naruto not only didn't listen to Jiraiya's words, but even rushed over in a warm-blooded way.

Seeing Naruto's movements, Jiraiya also covered his eyes, he had already predicted Naruto's next fate.


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