Naruto was about to accuse Boss Toad full of resentment, but he fainted because of too much physical exertion.

"Come out……"

Looking at the kid at his feet, the toad boss lit his cigarette again, and said to Zilai who was hiding aside.

"Haha long time no see..."

Seeing Zilai's playful smile, Boss Toad said unhappily, "Why did you sign the contract for him?"

Hearing Boss Toad's words, Zilai also knew that he must give him a satisfactory answer, otherwise Boss Toad would not admit it, and Naruto would be in trouble at that time.

"This is owed by me and the fourth generation. At the beginning, I had to seal the Nine-Tails Seal in his body, otherwise his father would not be able to..."

Hearing Jiraiya's words, Big Toad said in surprise: "So he is really Hinata Lengtian's child?"

"Yes, it's his child..."

Hearing Jiraiya's words, the toad boss was silent for a moment and suddenly said: "Forget it, even if I repay Hinata Lengtian's kindness for saving me from the Senju rope tree back then, Jiraiya, you tell him it's okay and don't use it indiscriminately." The power of Nine Tails, I can feel that the power of his seal is slowly loosening..."

The last words of Boss Toad surprised Zilai too.

The cold wind blows slowly at night, and Zilai also sends Naruto back to the hospital.

Under such a night, two dark shadows quietly gathered together.

"How are you getting ready?"

Markie's figure slowly appeared.

"It's almost done. Many celebrities and leaders are willing to cooperate with us. At that time, our people can come in as their followers, and my arrangements in Anbu are also fully prepared..."

Another figure slowly appeared, it was the one who had been eliminated in the Chunin Exam.

"This plan to destroy Konoha was brought up by you Otonin Village. If you can't hold back most of Konoha's power and the third generation, we won't get involved. These are the original words of our Kazekage-sama..."

Mackey said with a serious face.

"Understood, we will not let you down, then I will deal with a trailing mouse first..."

Chapter 65 Exciting First Game


Naruto just woke up when he found Shikamaru eating fruit next to him.

"Hey, are you awake?"

Shikamaru said indifferently.

"Huh? Why am I here?"

Naruto asked after a brief blank space.

"Who knows, I heard that Sakura who came to visit Sasuke said that you woke up before, but who knew that you disappeared for a while and then passed out when you came back, and you even passed out for three days..."

"Oh? Three days!"

Naruto repeated indifferently, then widened his eyes, waiting for Shikamaru to repeat loudly and asked: "You just said that I passed out in bed for three days, three days?"

"Yeah, what's the fuss about?"

Shikamaru still had a flat face.

"Ah, don't make a fuss about it, what about my Chunin exam, what about my competition?"

Naruto suddenly jumped up.

"It's all to blame that boss toad, and that lecherous fairy!"

Naruto jumped up and down on the bed anxiously.

This made Shikamaru, who had been wanting to finish eating the fruit, very impatient.

"Can you stop jumping around like this, calm down, the Chunin Dabi will leave tomorrow, you didn't delay..."

"Huh? Is this true?"

Naruto suddenly stopped and asked excitedly.

"it is true!"

Shikamaru resumed eating the fruit indifferently.


"That Shikamaru gave these fruits to me, right?"

Naruto asked, rubbing his belly.

"Yeah, but you've been in a coma for the past few days, so let me help you digest some..."

Shikamaru didn't seem to understand the meaning of Naruto's words.

"Asshole, why are you giving Ding Ci the same, I want you to keep some for me!"

Naruto couldn't help but said.

"Haha, haha, I want to tell you that it was delivered by the elder sister of Sand Ninja Village. Do you dare to eat it?"

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