
Under Kakashi's gaze, Sasuke's assistants had gathered Chidori to slap Neji.

At such a close distance, Ning Ci has already performed the Baguazhang movement, and he doesn't believe that Ning Ci can change his tricks to use the magical ninjutsu of Dou Zhuan Xing Yi.


When everyone felt that Neji must be inevitable, a smile appeared on the corner of Neji's mouth.

In the stands, Saori also lowered her head and smiled.

"I didn't expect Neji to use such a trick. Sasuke, your growth really didn't disappoint me. Nakoki, your child is really amazing... But even so, he still has to lose!"

Saori said softly.

When Saori finished speaking, Neji and Sasuke collided without fancy, a puff of dust rose, and all the audience stretched their necks, waiting for the final winner...

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-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

There was a cloud of smoke and dust in the audience, and no one knew whether Neji escaped in the end, or Sasuke hit Neji.

"Shikamaru, what do you think of the result?"

Ino asked his companions.

Although his companion is very lazy, his analysis of the battle situation is very good.


Shikamaru stared down for a long time, and finally said slowly in the expectant eyes of Inoka and Sakura: "It's so troublesome..."

"Go to hell, I know you are useless!"

Ino gave Shikamaru a big white eye.

Hearing Inoka's attitude, Shikamaru thought helplessly, "So father is right, women are the most troublesome..."

Shikamaru no longer talked to Inaka and Sakura, but looked off the court. Although Sasuke and Neji's strength had surpassed him, it was hard for him to judge, but Shikamaru was a more observant person.

He remembered that his father once taught him that there are many things that can be observed in the expressions of others.

Therefore, you must pay attention to the opponent's expression when fighting. Often when you think there is no problem, you are being fooled by the opponent.

He didn't know why his father was so convinced of this statement, it seemed that it was said by someone who convinced his father.

But these words gave Shikamaru a hint.

Faced with such a terrible attack by Sasuke just now, Neji's face was not flustered, but a smile appeared on his face.

This gave Shikamaru a hint that maybe things will not be as simple as Sasuke thought.

Naruto, who had the same thought as Shikamaru, seemed to have recorded the scene just now in his eyes and repeated it over and over again.

"Just now, just now I seemed to see that Ning Ci's position had changed, and his movement seemed to appear, no, no, it didn't seem to be a movement, what was it, the smoke spread too fast, and I couldn't see it clearly, but there was I'm afraid even a little bit of Sasuke's secret skills will be disappointing..."

Naruto murmured.

Under the anxious eyes of everyone, the smoke finally dissipated, and the situation in the arena was finally revealed.



"God, what happened just now?"

The audience showed incredible eyes.

In their original opinion, Neji should have been hit by Sasuke, and even if Neji could fight back, it should be a situation where both losers.

But what happened before their eyes, Neji stood in front of them intact, Sasuke fell to the ground alone...

"No, it's impossible, I saw Sasuke hit him..."

One of the ninja leaders said in disbelief.

"It was hit, not already hit him!"

Another leader of another ninja village beside him corrected.

"However, how many people do you think can hide from that distance, even me is impossible, or do you think that kid from the Hyuga family is beyond the existence of Jonin?"

The ninja leader who was questioned just now, the ninja village leader who still doesn't believe it, questioned it with his own strength.

He is also a jonin, and he couldn't escape the scene just now.

He believes that not only him, but even a shadow-level powerhouse may not have this ability, let alone a ninja below.

Even if he has the strength to surpass Genin, it is impossible!

Facing the voices of doubt around him, even Hokage was in a difficult situation, after all, this result was too incredible.

It would be good if both sides were hurt, or if Ningci had a broken body, but Ningci stood there without any damage.

"How could this be?"

Even the third generation can't understand it.

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