All the four members of Yinnin Village opened their mouths wide open.

"I, I never thought that the power of ninjutsu could be stronger than the barrier..."

The four members of Otonin Village have been in a brain freeze since Leng Tian appeared just now. When they saw the battle between Orochimaru and the third generation, they were already extremely excited. They didn't expect their mission of allegiance to be so powerful.

However, the appearance of Leng Tian made them discover that there are people in this ninja world who are more powerful than Orochimaru and Ying.

What surprised them even more was the sudden appearance of Senshou Naoshu and Hei Jue. This was the first time they had seen someone appearing suddenly, and almost none of them caused any waves in the barrier.

"Who are these people, why have I never heard of them in the ninja world..."

The group of four didn't know, but outside the barrier, Konoha Anbe, who had been waiting for a long time, was stunned, even horrified.

"Captain, who are those, do you know?"

Regarding the words of one of the members of Anbu, the captain of Anbu had no time to answer, but immediately shouted loudly: "Immediately go to the Council of Elders and inform Danzo-sama, this is the most urgent crisis for Konoha, upgrade to SSS level!"

Hearing what the captain of the dark army said, all the team members around him froze for a moment.

"SSS level, that is a crisis that may destroy the village!"

"Captain, you..."

"Hurry up and do what your captain said, he's not joking, it's really possible..."

At this moment, Kakashi and Kai jumped over at the same time.

They can't know what happened in the enchantment at all, but there is one thing, but Oshemaru alone is already a character that makes Konoha a headache, not to mention Senju Nawaki, even if he is the only one. A powerful existence capable of destroying villages.

"But why did the teacher give me this kind of signal? If Senju Nawaki does this, what is the difference between killing his own Senju Clan?"

Only Leng Tian knew that the rope tree in front of him had no will of his own, even though he himself might not have realized it.

"Zhishui, I understand, it turned out to be Zhishui's eyes..."

Leng Tian seemed to want to understand something, he seemed to be able to see through time and space under his reincarnation eye, and understood the cause and effect. This is the power that both reincarnation eye and reincarnation eye have on Leng Tian.

Just because of the difference between the two kinds of eyes, every time Leng Tian uses it at the same time, it will cause him internal injuries.

After hearing Leng Tian's words, Hei Jue showed panic in his eyes. This is the precious Sharingan that Madara found in advance with great difficulty, and Leng Tian noticed it like this.

Leng Tian also suddenly understood that in the original book, besides Obito, Shisui also awakened the Kaleidoscope Sharingan. At that time, he thought it should be a normal thing, but at that time Shisui had not yet awakened, so I didn't care about the cold weather.

Now, with the help of the power of the two eyes, it is projected onto Shengshu, and all the causes and effects about Shengshu are presented in Leng Tian's eyes, and there are even more.

The Uchiha clan not only has brothers, but also has a little hidden blood, that is, as long as one of the brothers can awaken the kaleidoscope, then the remaining one must be able to awaken, this is because of the mutual influence between the blood.

As the basis of the Eternal Kaleidoscope Sharingan plan, whether you want to or not, you will awaken as a brother, just like the Uchiha Madara brothers.

"Rope tree, move quickly!"

Hei Jue is really worried now, Madara's plan cannot be wrong, it must succeed, because only Madara's success can he have a chance to realize his plan, and Leng Tian must not let Leng Tian spoil his event.

In his memory, the eyes shown in Leng Tian's eyes just now have never appeared on his mother. What kind of eyes are these, and why does his mother not have them.

The mother is the ancestor of Chakra, how could it be surpassed.

The tree vines of the rope tree rushed towards Orochimaru suddenly, and the first generation even tried to instinctively react to make the same attack.

However, even if it is the same wood dungeon, a little bit of power is more decisive. The chakra of the rope tree is not comparable to what Orochimaru summoned in front of him.

Seeing that the vines were about to entangle Orochimaru, Sandai suddenly formed a seal with both hands: "Fire escape! Fire dragon art!"

It is different from Sasuke's fire escape, the third generation's fire escape technique directly pounced on Natoki's wooden escape, and finally blocked Natoki's attack...

"Damn Hokage, don't you know that I'm on your side now?"

Hearing Heijue's words, Sandai Hokage sneered: "That's just your wishful thinking. I'm afraid your plan is to use Orochimaru to do more dangerous things. I will never let you succeed, especially knowing Akatsuki's behind-the-scenes It's Madara, you are more important than stopping Hongxiao's plan..."

"Hmph! Stubborn guy..."

At this moment, Shengshu's Mudun suddenly rushed out from the third generation's Huodun.

Not only were these branches not burned, but they became more vigorous, and there were many leaves covering the flames on them. You must know that Huo Kemu, but in the hands of Qianshou Zhujian, his wood escape is very resistant to flames. When it comes to ordinary flames, layers of branches gather together, and can even extinguish the flames in an instant.

And Senju Nawaki has completely surpassed Senju Zhuma's Chakra. The wooden escape he used, not to mention the flame, even Amaterasu of the Uchiha clan would have to take a lot of trouble to destroy it.

However, the third generation still gave Orochimaru time to dodge.

"Block him for me!"

Orochimaru is at a disadvantage now, and what he has to face is Senju Naoki who stands at the pinnacle of the ninja world.

"Water escape! Wall of water!"

In the blink of an eye, the second generation of Hokage completed a water escape ninjutsu, blocking Natoki's ninjutsu...

In this small space, the battle of four shadow-level powerhouses, no, it should be six shadow-level powerhouses started...

This has never happened before in the Ninja World...

Thank you Feng's Piaoluo for your monthly ticket! !

Chapter 85 Chaos


In the forest outside Konoha Village, Naruto Sakura and Shikamaru are leading Kakashi's psychic dog to support Sasuke.

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