Sure enough, he found the antidote from Kankuro.

"Shi Nao, I have to hurry over now, you will slowly recover here..."

After confirming that Shino was fine, Naruto rushed over immediately.

When Naruto rushed over, he was surprised to find Gaara, who had turned into a half-tailed beast, and Sakura, who was trapped on the tree by a huge claw.

At this moment, Gaara's skin has turned into that of Shukaku, and half of his face is already that of Shukaku.

And the trees in front of Gaara and Sasuke were easily blown away by Gaara's wind blades.

Even if it is a half-tailed beast, Gaara's current Chakra is not comparable to Sasuke.

"Uchiha Sasuke, don't you want to save your companion? If you don't come out, I guarantee that your companion will be strangled to death by my sand..."

Gaara's eyes are full of bloodthirsty and cruelty!


Sasuke hid behind one of the uncles, and now his physical skills are no longer effective. Gaara, who turned into a tailed beast, not only improved the quality of sand, but also increased the quantity of sand. Being attacked from a distance.

Just when Sasuke wanted to save Sakura first, Naruto finally rushed over, and rushed over immediately.

"Bastard, what did you do to Sakura?"

Seeing Sakura's appearance, Naruto burst out with unprecedented anger in his heart.

This anger is exactly the same as when facing Mizuki back then.

Boundless red chakra was released from Naruto's body.

"Ninjutsu, multiple shadow clone technique!"

Hundreds of Naruto were cloned by Naruto, such a spectacular scene stunned Sasuke, the psychic dogs, including Gaara and Sakura.

"Why, how come, did Naruto do this?"

Sakura looked at everything in front of her in disbelief.

"He, who is he?"

The same is true for Gaara. At this time, Naruto has launched an attack. Countless Naruto, even Gaara's sand attack, cannot be blocked immediately.

But these shadow clones of Naruto began to approach one after another.

"Naruto's [-] Bomb Body Technique!"

Naruto used taijutsu similar to that of Xiao Li and Sasuke, first kicked Gaara away, and then countless Naruto in the air used taijutsu to hit Gaara.

"I don't want to believe that your physique can protect you forever..."

Hearing Naruto's words, Gaara, who has been in a state of brutality, seems to have entered a distant memory.

At that time, he still had someone who cared about him all the time, but in the end, it turned out to be a test prepared by his father for him.

"Tail beasts don't need emotions..."

"I hate you, I hate you so much!"

"Your sand is your mother's last protection for you..."

Many memories appeared in Gaara's heart, and finally made him explode completely.

"Ah, ah, ah!"

Gaara's eyes began to change, and the yellow light in his eyes flourished... Then a sand blast erupted from him, knocking away all the hundreds of Naruto created by Naruto at once, and then all of them were shot down by Sakura, Sasuke Naruto and Naruto were stunned, revealing a towering body...

Shukaku fully appeared...

Thank you for the monthly ticket that I am a little grass, Mr. Leng Xi Leng! !

Chapter 88 The Shocked Sasuke

Naruto and Sasuke were stunned when they saw Gaara who was completely tailed.

"What the hell is this?"

Neither Sasuke nor Naruto ever imagined that there are such terrifying monsters in this world.

"Hey, is this a joke? Could it be that there is such a terrifying thing hidden in my body?"

Naruto looked at the monster in front of him, feeling surprised.

Naruto has seen monsters inside the body before, but it was in the body, and there was no comparison at all.

Even so, when Naruto saw Shuzuru, he had a strong feeling in his heart that the Nine Tails inside him must be such a powerful thing.

"No, it should be said to be stronger!"

It's a pity that after he practiced spiritism, he never communicated with Nine Tails, as if Nine Tails fell into a deep sleep temporarily.

"Naruto, in order to thank you for letting me play so happily, I will treat you well!"

Gaara immediately found Naruto's figure, just now Naruto beat him so painfully.

"Huh, huh!"

Naruto suddenly laughed.

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