At the beginning they just laughed it off, they didn't believe their own cooking at all, oh no, Naruto's mother was just fooling her, how could she have such a strong strength.

In fact, the meals that Naruto ate in recent years were all cooked by Hinata Lengtian, but Naruto forgot the memory of the delicious meals made by his mother in the beginning.

I thought it was Aunt Saori's joke before, but now Sasuke finally understands that Aunt Saori already knew her mother's strength at that time.

But even so, Sasuke still didn't believe that his mother had the ability to fight against the two monsters in front of him.

You must know that the abilities of the two monsters in front of you have already surpassed Mr. Kakashi's strength.

Even if the mother is stronger than Kakashi, can she still be stronger than these two monsters?

Just when Sasuke was puzzled, a pink chakra was released from Mikoto's body, and then Sasuke felt his body rising continuously.


Sasuke stared dumbfounded at the huge body that appeared beside him and his mother, and they were inside this body.

"Come out, Susano!"

Originally, as the most powerful ninjutsu of the Uchiha clan, Susano, in addition to possessing the Kaleidoscope Sharingan, the caster also needs to master the fusion of the left eye pupil power and the right eye pupil power at the same time to master the power to open it.

This technique is not only the patron saint of the caster, but also the god of death who eats the life of the caster. While gaining powerful power, the caster himself is constantly being devastated by this spell and the ability of the pupil spell is eroded and weakened.

And Mikoto only has kaleidoscope Sharingan, but Hagi Kakashi also used it in the original book. After years of exploration, Mikoto has already achieved a kaleidoscope Sharingan mastering two forms, but the eyes The burden is very heavy.

In the hands of Uchiha Madara, this Susanoo is very powerful in breaking the ring. There is a saying that "one knife can cut everything, and its power can rival the tailed beast".


Toad's body was easily caught by Mikoto's Susano.

"Naruto! Come up..."

Mikoto easily took Naruto in.

At this time, Naruto, like Sasuke, looked at Mikoto in disbelief.

"What kind of ninjutsu is this?"

Not only Naruto was inexplicably surprised, but Sasuke was also the same, and Sasuke also found that his mother's eyes became different, he seemed to have seen this kind of eyes in his memory.

Suddenly, a memory that had been sealed away by his mother for a long time woke up in his mind.

"It turns out that I have seen my mother's ability..."

Mikoto also found that after she cast Susano, her son's eyes seemed to start to change.

Far away in the country of water, Uchiha Itachi, who was planning to assassinate Mizukage, suddenly felt his eyes burn.

"Itachi, are you okay, why have I felt that your state is not right from just now?"

Bai asked suddenly.

Zabuzhan and his companions stopped at the same time, as elite jounin, they also felt the problems of their companions at the same time.

"It's okay, maybe it's because of the illusion I used before, my eyes are a little tired..."

Uchiha Itachi didn't understand why his eyes suddenly felt uncomfortable, as if something was about to rush out of his eyes.

Here, Uchiha Itachi has not yet opened the kaleidoscope Sharingan, but has only reached the Sangouyu Sharingan, but Uchiha Itachi's Sharingan is even more powerful.

Even the same three hook jade has its strengths and weaknesses.

"Don't delay the plan, this is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity, let's go..."

Itachi Uchiha would not let go of such a good opportunity. If one of Madara's shoulders could be cut off, then Akatsuki would have no place to stand in the Land of Water, so his hope of saving his father would be even greater.

When he was young, he showed his fighting talent and possessed Sharingan, and he always wanted to find out the whereabouts of his father.

Finally, after entering Anbu, Sandai found him and gave him a very special task.

Let him betray the village, because at that time Sandai received information from Jiraiya, and Akatsuki seemed to see traces of Nakoki in his activities.

And that rebellion back then has always been a big mystery, and Xiao Xiao participated in it as if he didn't die.

So the third generation asked Uchiha Itachi to participate in it and investigate.

After Uchiha Itachi left the village, he quickly became famous in the ninja world and was sucked into it by Akatsuki.

There he finally saw a pair of clansmen with the same eyes as his, but those eyes were too cold.

It was also because of the Xiao organization that he and the Hongxiao organization knew that they had been rescuing his father during the confrontation.

Just like Uncle Yahiko said, they were all people who had been saved by their father, and they were also participants in the mystery of Konoha back then, but they all knew the identity of Obito Uchiha.

However, Uchiha Itachi did not leave Akatsuki, but chose to lurk down in order to wait for this opportunity.

"What's the matter with the eyes, you must hold on, this time Uchiha Madara took away his father and most of the Akatsuki organization, it must be a very important plan, so only this opportunity can help Wunin Village Get rid of Madara's control..."

Uchiha Itachi couldn't see his eyes, so he couldn't find that his eyes began to change slowly, and the Sangouyu got closer and closer together, and the reason for this was because his mother was using the power of Susanoo. The power has been affecting Sasuke and Itachi's eyes began to change...

Thank you Lengxi Lengjun for your monthly pass! !

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

"Jie Jie, what is this..."

Just defeated a giant toad, and then a giant appeared, Gaara was over excited.

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