After all, the strength of Konoha Chunin is similar to that of Sand Ninja and Otonin Village. Konoha is strong because of its top strength.

"It's not good to go on like this. Without the unified command of Master Hokage, our power is too scattered..."

Inokacho is a master who has experienced great battles, and he can see it more clearly than Shikamaru.

At this moment, Ding Zuo in Zhuludie suddenly pointed to the front and said, "Then, what is that..."

In fact, there is no need for the companion's words, the other two have already seen it.

"What a powerful instant body art, no, no, it's not an instant body art..."

"It's the technique of Flying Thunder God..."

The three Zhuludie shouted in surprise at the same time.

"Why does this girl know four generations of ninjutsu, and why do I think she looks familiar?"

Naruto and Sasuke stood on a high place and looked at Aunt Saori in surprise where there was any crisis.

"Sura, it's just Shura..."

Sakura admired Saori-san very much at first, but after seeing Saori's fighting style, she was too scared to speak.

From the moment I glanced at it just now, Saori had killed two enemies, not to mention that it didn't take such a long time. Saori's enemies could no longer be counted according to the number of people, they should be counted as the ninja team.

"Almost one team, one team was killed. Just now I saw that more than [-] ninjas over there were almost wiped out by Aunt Saori in a short while..."

Sakura said to Naruto and Sasuke with a look of horror.

"Huh? What's the matter..."

Naruto asked incomprehensibly.

He never thought that Aunt Saori was so powerful.

Sasuke was even more stunned, no, it should be said that there were too many things for him today that overturned his cognition.

In Sasuke's view, Aunt Saori is powerful, but his mother's strength should not be underestimated either.

Especially my mother defeated such a big monster, even more powerful than Aunt Saori.

"Why would they hide such strength? Why?"

Sasuke kept thinking about this question in his mind.

The strength that Aunt Saori and her mother showed in front of Sasuke made Sasuke feel that even the third generation might not be able to resist the combination of the two of them.

"With such strength, why hide it? Could it be that mother and Aunt Saori have some secrets that have been hiding from us?"

Sasuke's heart is more delicate than Naruto's. His instinct told himself that there must be a reason for his mother to let him go back to Konoha to meet his father.

Maybe this reason has something to do with the fact that mother and Aunt Saori have been hiding their strength.

Sakura was extremely dissatisfied with Naruto's reaction, and said excitedly: "You still think it's okay, don't you know how many enemies Saori-senior has dealt with just now, a squadron of enemies, Aunt Saori's strength is simply low It's time for a troop..."

"Yes, if you can perfectly master the Flying Thunder God Art, it is indeed lower than the ninja army..."

A gloomy voice sounded behind Sasuke and Naruto.

This made Sasuke and Naruto immediately take a defensive posture.

An old figure slowly stepped out of the shadows.

One of his eyes appeared to have been seriously injured and almost half of his face was covered with gauze.

Even when he walks with a cane, he seems to be a disabled person.

But Sasuke and Naruto put on the most vigilant defensive posture.

"who are you?"

Naruto and Sasuke asked in unison.

"who am I?"

Danzo laughed wildly as if he had heard a very nice joke.

"Haha, who am I, who am I, who am I..."

"Is this person sick? Sasuke and Naruto, let's ignore him. Let's help Senior Saori..."

It's just that neither Naruto nor Sasuke left, nor did they answer Sakura's words, but their expressions became more vigilant.

"There is no sound at all..."

"Besides, we didn't even notice the pungent potion smell on our body. This person is not simple!"

"That's right, maybe it's a powerful person as terrifying as Aunt Saori!"

Sasuke and Naruto seemed to be explaining to Sakura, and said to themselves.

"Haha, good, good, as expected of their child..."

Danzo laughed even more recklessly, as if Sasuke and Naruto's words were simply taken as a joke by him.

"Be careful, this person is abnormal..."

Sasuke took out Kunai and said.

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