At this time, Naoshu finally turned his head.

When Sasuke saw Nakoki, the feeling of family affection became stronger and stronger...

"you you……"

Sasuke was speechless, only he knew how excited he was now.

"Son, it will be over soon..."

Suddenly a drop of blood hit Mikoto's body, and Mikoto, who was already in a coma, woke up immediately.

"Rope tree?"

Mikoto opened her eyes wide and said excitedly.


Sheng Shu's voice was still faint, but the look of concern in his eyes could not be stopped.

It's just that Naoki's eyes became extremely cold the next moment.

"Mikoto, you and your son and these little Konoha guys should leave here first, I want to get to know our Senju clan thoroughly here, no, now I also count the Uchiha clan, all the resentment between our two clans must be in This is where we end up with Danzo!"

Hearing Naoki's words, Mikoto realized this, and when she saw that all the Uchiha clan's reformers were standing around, the anger in her eyes burst out of her chest.

"Danzo, are you still human? Are you worthy of the title of shadow? Even if our Uchiha clan betrayed Konoha back then, it's not your turn to make them restless after death. You actually poached their eyes Come and act as your personal puppet!"

Mikoto spat out a mouthful of blood.

This was caused by shock and anger, in fact, not only Mikoto, Sasuke is also screaming in grief now.

But there is more anger.

Added to this was a deep sense of terror.

"What do mother's words mean? Back then, the Uchiha clan collectively rebelled against the village. Didn't our Uchiha clan die in battle, but..."

From his mother's words, Sasuke found that it seemed that a big mystery was being solved.

"Danzo, are you worthy of the Senju and Uchiha clans who established Konoha like this?"

Senju Nawaki asked with a face full of shock and anger.

At the same time, a terrifying chakra suddenly erupted from his body.

This terrifying chakra even enveloped half of Ninja Village at once.

"Fairy Mode!"


A wave that was even more frightening, even stronger than before in the enchantment, the power that Shengshu had not used erupted again.

For a while, the sky in Konoha seemed to have changed.

"This, this powerful chakra is..."

At this moment, both Konoha's ninja and Sand Ninja looked in the direction of Naoki in surprise.

"Okay, terrible pressure, who is it over there?"

Even at this moment, the whole Konoha was trembling.

All the trees around Konoha and the underground trees rushed out, forming a giant dragon.

As for the giant snakes still doing evil in the village, Shengshu just gave him a look, and suddenly countless wooden dragons rushed out from the ground, entangled these giant snakes tightly.

The Orochi, which required a dozen Konoha ninjas to deal with before, were all captured with this move.

"What, what kind of power is this?"

Sasuke and Naruto looked at what happened in front of them in astonishment. They never even thought that such power existed in the world.

"Danzo, you didn't expect that under the Konoha Village is the Thousand Hands Clan, not the dragon that my grandfather guarded for Konoha, show your strength, the whole Konoha will turn into a tree world, and the people here Everything belongs to me, the Thousand Hands Clan!"

The sound of the rope tree resounded through the entire Konoha. As soon as his voice fell, the entire Konoha was covered with branches and vines that broke through the ground. ninja.

"Ah, ah!"

No one escaped. After all, this kind of attack, even if it was as strong as the third generation, it would not be able to break free for a while, let alone these ordinary ninjas.

"The first generation, it's the ninjutsu of the first generation, it's the wooden escape ninjutsu, it's him, it's Senju Nawaki-sama who's back!"

All of a sudden, the whole Konoha resounded with cheers...

Chapter 97 Danzo's Last Will

Even though countless springs and autumns have passed, even the prestige of the first generation has gradually disappeared from people's vision.

But everyone will forget, only Konoha and the people of these Konoha will not forget.

I will never forget who led them to establish Konoha Ninja Village, and who ended the Warring States era and ushered in a new era.

Who ended the war-torn era and returned the land to peace, and who was the champion and stood at the top of the entire ninja world.

It is the first generation and his wood escape ninjutsu.

And the Thousand Hands Clan behind him.

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