Soon an elite team was formed, this time with Naruto, Choji, Kiba, Hinata Neji and Shikamaru.

The Third Hokage saw these candidates who had experienced the Chunin Exam come in, and nodded with satisfaction: "You performed very well in this Chunin Exam, whether it was in the Chunin Exam or after Orochimaru launched the Konoha Destruction Plan , you all performed very well, now I announce that you have been officially promoted to Chunin..."


Hearing the words of the third generation, Naruto and the others jumped up excitedly, especially Kiba, who thought that he had no chance to be eliminated in the preparatory battle before.

"However, when you become Chunin, I will also give you a difficult task. The difficulty of the task is A-level..."

Thanks to Zhao Bankuo for the reward of 100 starting coins, and thanks to Dragon King, Sleeping Conch, MR Minmin, Han Yao, I am not a dad Piaoxue, and Zhang Wentao's monthly pass!

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

A-level missions are high-difficulty missions that usually require Jonin to participate.

However, it can also be executed by several Chunin. In short, it is not only to face ninjas, but there may be even more powerful Jonin.

The reason why the third generation chooses them is also a helpless move. After all, many jounin in the village will continue to guard Konoha, and no one can guarantee that those eyes hiding in the dark are really calmed down, or are they fake.

In addition, the strength of Naruto and Neji is also the reason why the third generation dared to entrust them with the task.

Of course, Kakashi is a more suitable candidate to lead the team. However, Kakashi's eyes have changed during the Chunin exam. Until now, Kakashi has not been able to display Sharingan, so after careful consideration, the three generations formed these five people. Chunin group.

When the third generation decided to recover Sasuke, Sasuke was already behind the group of four in Yinnin Village.

Since the Chunin exams, Sasuke has been investigating things about his father and the Uchiha clan.

Especially during the Zhongnin exam, those Uchiha clansmen I met in the village, no, it should be said to be clones, they just have Sharingan.

And the secrets of these things are not something that Sasuke can know, and Mikoto will not tell him.

But Sasuke still knew it, but it was from Orochimaru's mouth.

When he learned that his father turned out to be Konoha's traitorous ninja, Sasuke couldn't believe it.

"I know you don't believe it. In fact, it is a big joke to say that your father is a traitor. Do you know that your father is from the Senshou family, and he is also the grandson of Senshou Zhujian. To say he is a traitor is better to say he is a traitor." The upper echelons of Ninja Village are betraying the Konoha Clan, not to mention you don’t know what Danzo has done..."

"whats the matter?"

Sasuke Uchiha stared at Orochimaru in front of him with a serious face.

"Come with me, I'll make you understand..."

Orochimaru wanted to win over Sasuke, but he did his homework. Danzo's secret research room was easily found by Orochimaru.

In the dark basement, Sasuke saw all the darkness in Konoha.

"Do you know why your father defected back then? Let me tell you the reason. Have you seen that tree? It's called the technique of pillars. Is it cultivated with the cells of the first generation, but it's just fertilizer? It's the blood of the Thousand Hands..."


Sasuke stopped in shock.

"Not only that……"

In the secret room, Orochimaru led Sasuke to watch Gen's various experiments on blood succession.

"See? This is the darkness of Konoha. The Senju and Uchiha clan were the founders of Konoha, but now they are used as research objects. This is why your father rebelled.

All the Thousand Hands Clan who had died were pulled here to become the nourishment of the Tree of Thousand Hands. Your father was also brought here back then, but your father was so lucky that not only did he not die, but he inherited the Thousand Hands Clan. Bloodline, the strength has reached the strength of the elite Jonin in one fell swoop.

Then he killed Konoha all the way and became a dangerous person of S level. As for your Uchiha clan, it was because you discovered that Konoha's high-level officials were wary of the Uchiha clan at the beginning, so you didn't intend to let the Uchiha clan have a chance to get a chance to take the seat of Hokage. Only to resist..."

All that Orochimaru showed Sasuke was contrary to what Sasuke knew, and more importantly, Orochimaru told the fact that his father might be controlled, and the person who controlled him was actually Uchiha Madara.

"It's useless to stay in Konoha. If you want to save your father and fight against Akatsuki, you can only join us, Hongxiao. Besides, I regard you as my successor. If you want, you can join us at this place ..."

Seeing Sasuke's expression, Orochimaru disappeared with satisfaction, and Sasuke came to the meeting place as he said.

"Even if Konoha's ninja catches up now, it may be too late. Before Sasuke follows Orochimaru, let us see your strength..."

The group of four in Otono Ninja Village suddenly stood still and said to Sasuke.

"Are you going to fight?"

Sasuke said indifferently.

"Fight, hehe, we are all people who have been favored by Master Orochimaru, and you were designated as the successor by Orochimaru as soon as you came, we have to see your strength, the things behind me can let you The power of the curse seal is something that goes further, of course, if you can't get through it, you will die, if you want to become the successor of Master Orochimaru, you must first show us whether you have the qualifications..."

"Huh, huh!"

Regarding the words of the group of four in Otonin Village, Sasuke looked calm.

"I need to be strong, no matter what kind of danger I don't care..."

Hearing Sasuke's words, the four members of Otonin Village looked at each other and smiled.

"Zuo Jin, something seems wrong..."

Jirobo, who was at the end, said suddenly.


The four Otonin who were running fast stopped at the same time.

"There are chasing soldiers behind, we have been delayed for too long, Konoha has already reacted..."

Kidomaru lay on the ground and listened carefully for a long time, then suddenly raised his head and spoke.

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