Does he know who he is, he is Hyuga Lengtian's son, and he is also Konoha's manpower pillar, and he looks very crippled, which is not acceptable.

Jilai also walked to Naruto's house. At this time, Kushina shook his head at Jilai, indicating that Naruto was still in the same state.

Jilai also shook his head, and asked, "What about Hyuga Lengtian?"

"He went to Yuren Village..."

Hearing Leng Tian's whereabouts, Jilai also naturally knew who Leng Tian went to fight with. Before Leng Tian returned to Konoha with a serious face, Midai and Jilai also knew that Leng Tian did not bring Naoshu back.

Thinking of this, Jiraiya felt even heavier, and then shouted to Naruto upstairs: "Boy, come down, I'll take you to see the Fifth Hokage..."

"Fifth, Fifth Hokage..."

Hearing the word Hokage, Naruto's eyes lit up again.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

"Lustful fairy, where are we going?"

Naruto asked himself on the road.

"Of course I'm looking for the fifth generation!"

Zilai replied very naturally.

"Why, isn't the third generation grandpa very good? Why must the fifth generation be designated so soon?"

Naruto asked suspiciously.

"The third Hokage is old, and the village needs a new Hokage, so the Fifth Hokage has reached the point where it has to be chosen..."

Zilai also said this, and sighed a little.

Once upon a time, they were all children, dreaming of taking over the teacher's seat in the future, but they don't know when this time really came, they realized that the seat of Hokage is not so easy to sit in.

He fought for it, and Orochimaru also fought for it, although it was his disciple, Minato, who sat on it in the end.

But Ji Lai also said regret in his heart, that was a lie.

It's just that if this Hokage was bought at the original price, he would rather not fight, but now he didn't expect Konoha to have reached this point.

In the end, their Sannin took the seat and it turned out to be Tsunade.

"Okay, anyway, don't ask so many questions. If you have time, I will give you a new ninjutsu..."

Ji Lai also said this, his hands quickly formed seals, and a wheal appeared in his right hand.


Ji Lai also suddenly blasted towards the big tree beside him.

Under Naruto's surprised eyes, the entire trunk of this big tree suddenly exploded.


Naruto was dumbfounded.

Jiraiya said with a smile: "This ninjutsu is an A-level ninjutsu. It can be said to be very powerful. I am the only one who knows this ninjutsu in Konoha. There was one person who knew it before, that is the Fourth Hokage... ..."

Jiraiya explained the power of this move on his own, but in fact, he wanted to let Naruto not bother him, after all, he didn't know how to answer Naruto's messy questions.

"It's great. If I had mastered this trick when I was chasing Sasuke, then I wouldn't be trapped by his wood escape technique. Uncle Jiraiya is doing it for me again. I must learn this trick." one move……"

Hearing Naruto's words, Zilai also nodded and said: "It's okay to do it again for you, but this trick is useless and easy to learn. I think you should master it from the most basic. Because your chakra attribute is wind attribute, I will not teach you, do you know the chakra attribute?"

Zilai also said to himself.

It's just that Naruto didn't listen at all, he just grabbed Jiraiya's arm and said, "Immortal Immortal, what are you talking about, hurry up and do it again!"

Hearing Naruto's words, Jiraiya patted his head with a headache.

"Okay, you are watching!"

Jirai also began to seal.

At this moment, Naruto suddenly shouted: "Slow down!"

"Scared, what's wrong?"

Jiraiya looked at Naruto suspiciously.

"Wait, I have to see clearly, and get closer to me, I..."

Naruto suddenly put one hand on Jiraiya's body, and said with all his concentration: "Okay, let's start..."

"I really don't understand, what tricks are you doing..."

Jiraiya didn't see that Naruto's eyes had changed when he formed seals, and more importantly, as he converted the Chakra in his body into wind attributes, the Chakra attributes in Naruto's body also changed. start shifting.

It's as if it was copied.


Jiraiya used Helix Wan again.

"This spiral pill is an A-level ninjutsu. You have naturally seen its power. It can be said to be very powerful, but it is also because of this that it is even more difficult to control this ninjutsu. Because the wind attribute is unstable, so Even if you can form it, maybe when you didn't attack the opponent, the spiral pill in your hand would have disappeared due to the unstable form..."

Speaking of this, Jiraiya finished the ninjutsu in his hands, and said with a serious face: "So you must first use the Chakra attribute in your body..."

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