"They seem to be on a mission, so we have a chance..."

Terumi Mei said lightly.

Tsunade and Jiraiya also looked at each other.

"I'm afraid it has something to do with Leng Tian leaving Konoha..."

Although the two did not speak, they silently understood each other's meaning.

"Okay, let's not talk about other things. I'll take a look at my nephew first. I don't think he has any serious problems. Otherwise, I won't be ashamed to see his father..."

Tsunade still cares more about Itachi Uchiha.

When Tsunade checked Uchiha Itachi's body, he found something was wrong. It seemed that Uchiha Itachi's body had two strands of chakra repelling each other.

How is this going?

Tsunade was taken aback.

If Leng Tian was here, he would definitely understand it at a glance, because he has been enduring this kind of rejection, which is the result of the conflict between the two blood inheritance boundaries.

It’s like the reincarnation eye on his forehead and the reincarnation eye in his eyes are mutually exclusive, or that the eye of reincarnation on Leng Tian’s forehead is not the six realms of reincarnation, so it has been drawn until the repression of the reincarnation eye.

The situation of Uchiha Itachi is the same, but it is indeed the Chakra of the Uchiha Clan in Uchiha Itachi that rejects the Chakra of the Senju Clan.

"How, Tsunade, is there a way?"

also asked.

"It's very difficult. I need time. His situation is very dangerous. I must help him now, so that the Blood Successor Boundary of the Thousand Hands in his body will be stronger..."

Tsunade said casually.

Hearing Tsunade's words, Jiraiya and Terumi Mei looked at each other, and repeated: "Can you make other people's blood succession limit boundary stronger?"

"Hmph, what's so strange about this, it's not just Orochimaru who is researching some new ninjutsu..."

Tsunade is very different from the original book. In addition to sealing Chakra, she also studied some new ninjutsu like Orochimaru. After being broken, it can improve the ability of the blood inheritance limit in one's body.

This is also the reason why Tsunade, who was originally a clan of thousands of hands, rarely chooses to use other attributes.

"I need time for this process, Ziraiya, you protect me..."

When Tsunade said this, he put his hands on Itachi's chest.

At this moment, Naruto suddenly shouted: "Who, who is there!"

Hearing Naruto's words, Chojuro jumped over almost instantly.

Crackling, the two swords collided, and Chojuro was soon bounced back.

"Hey, it looks like I'm lucky..."

The figure of Kisame slowly appeared in front of Naruto and the others.

"It's you?"

Terumi Mei roared in a low voice.

Don't look at Terumi Mei who is usually very gentle, but that didn't offend her, as Jiraiya said, there is no female ninja in the ninja world who is normal and gentle.

Facing Meiming's anger, Kisame didn't care at all.

"Who is he?"

Naruto asked beside Bai.

"He is the rebellious ninja of Mist Ninja Village..."

Hearing Bai's words, Kisame suddenly laughed: "Haha, rebellious ninja, rebellious ninja, you really said it. A few days ago, you were the so-called rebellious ninja in your mouth. In a blink of an eye, I became a rebellious Shinobu...it's ridiculous!"

"Bah, Kisame, look at the other Kirin Seven Swordsmen, all of them died fighting for the Kirin Village. You clearly know that the Fourth Mizukage is controlled by Madara, but you have been serving him all the time. Today Since you are new, I will never tolerate you!"

At this time, Chojuro also pulled out his Mist Ninja Sword, with hatred flashing in his eyes.

It was this person who was a member of the Mist Ninja hunting team before, and he did not know how many Mist Ninjas who resisted Mizukage were killed.

He and Mizukage must kill this person today.

"Naruto, you come behind me, this person is an S-level rebellious ninja, not something you and I can contend with..."

Hearing Shiro's words, Naruto looked at Kisame in front of him, with a shark-like face, skin color and sharp teeth.

This man is so terrible, why he can't feel it, even feel some strange things.

Naruto's eyes suddenly ached at this moment, and his Jingyan suddenly opened, and he seemed to see two figures.

One looks like a ghost shark, but the other one seems to be another person.

"Is it my illusion?"

I don't know why Naruto always feels that the other party doesn't seem to be so powerful, so he asked hesitantly: "He is really as powerful as you said, why do I think his strength seems not so strong..."

"Naruto, don't be deceived by the enemy's appearance. His strength ranks very high on my intelligence website. I remember that when he was on a mission with his teammates, he was outnumbered and he did not hesitate to kill all his teammates. Killing is just to prevent teammates from falling into the hands of the enemy and leaking information. Such a person is not only terrifying in strength, but also very ruthless..."

Hearing Jiraiya's words, Naruto was beyond shocked. It was hard for him to imagine that someone could attack his teammates.

Chojuro looked at Naruto who was in a daze, and said in a low voice: "Because of the Fourth Mizukage, the bloody terror was practiced before. During this period, the ninjas of Mist Ninja are all cold-hearted and ruthless people who only know the mission... ..."

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