Hearing Tsunade's words, Jilai also said with some hesitation: "Tsunate, you just became Hokage, and you overthrow the old man's order like this, be careful with the elders..."

"Enough, they want me to be this Hokage, if you are not happy, you can let me down, anyway, I don't like it..."

Tsunade said indifferently.

Hearing Tsunade's words, Jiraiya closed his eyes and smiled.

Leng Tian also nodded, this is the true nature of his teacher.

In the original book, Kakashi directly vetoed Danzo as the Sixth Hokage, because his father's affairs could not enter the hero's tombstone, and Danzo blocked him.

But now Danzo has been killed by Naoshu, and those in the Presbyterian Church know the character of the Thousand Hands Princess, so I believe they will not stop her.

Only Konoha Maru is still confused.

Originally, he was dissatisfied with the fact that the village chose a new Hokage so quickly, but today he felt that this Hokage had done something very important to him.

"Naruto, what we're going to talk about next is very important things, you lead Konoha Maru out, and by the way, tell your teacher Kakashi the order of the Fifth Hokage just now..."

Call Naruto at this time of cold weather.

Although Naruto was unwilling, he seemed to feel that the atmosphere in the room was a bit dignified, so he took Konoha Maru and left together. At the same time, he and Konoha Maru also wanted to know the meaning of Godai's decision just now through Kakashi.

After Naruto left, Leng Tian closed his eyes again, not knowing what he was feeling.

But at this time, Tsunade walked into a hidden compartment, took out some top-secret documents, pulled out one and said, "Actually, what you said about Godai Mizukage is also recorded by Konoha, and it needs to be more detailed... ..."

Speaking of this, Tsunade opened the document and handed it to Terumi Mei and said: "As you said, the Six Paths Sage is called the ancestor of the ninja. He was a monk during the war period. He suddenly discovered the true meaning of Chakra. Peace. Now all ninjutsu is created by the Sage of the Six Paths who has the eyes of reincarnation. The difference is that in the records of the Thousand Hands Clan, there are some more detailed ones. For example, there are 6 hooks on his black body Jade, it can be seen that these 6 hook jades are as important as the eyes of reincarnation. They should be a kind of blood succession boundary. As far as I know, during the World War III, I don’t know why Orochimaru was obsessed with it for a while, it seems to be similar to..."

Speaking of this, Tsunade raised her head and looked at Leng Tian. Although she had left Konoha at that time, she did not almost sever ties with Konoha after World War Three, but maintained the same role as Jiraiya.

Even with his eyes closed in the cold weather, he could still feel Tsunade's puzzled gaze.

Yes, he was also studying together at the time, Hinata Lengtian.

At that time, Leng Tian and Dashewan were working together on the fusion of Xueji Boundary.

Because Leng Tian already knew the real secret of the curse seal on his forehead from the moon messenger, and he had obtained the blood of the Thousand Hands Clan, and he also condensed Sharingan on his forehead at the same time. At that time, Leng Tian also obtained The blood of the Huiye clan.

These are the closest to Datongmu's bloodline, so if Leng Tian wanted to merge, he had to rely on Orochimaru, and it was from that time that Orochimaru suddenly knew what the legendary Sage of the Six Paths was.

All this is due to the cold weather.

Seeing that Leng Tian didn't speak, Tsunade continued: "Apart from the fact that there are more things recorded by Mist Ninja, there is another unbelievable thing, that is, it is said that the moon was also made by the Sage of Six Paths with a powerful ninjutsu... ..."


Tsunade's words made Wudai Mizukage, Uchiha Itachi and others open their mouths.

Even Zilai laughed and said: "This is too ridiculous, no matter how powerful the six realms are, they can't go to the sky, let alone the moon..."

It's just that after Tsunade said this, he kept staring at Leng Tian.

Finally, I couldn't help but said: "Leng Tian, ​​although the news brought by Uchiha Itachi is that Madara wants to create a ten-tailed weapon, but I think you should know more clearly, have you always known something? ?”

Hearing Tsunade's words, everyone looked at Leng Tian.

After all, Uchiha Itachi just said that Madara was going to create a powerful tailed beast before, but he didn't talk about reincarnation eyes, let alone everything about World War II.

All this was said by Leng Tian, ​​and now the whole room is waiting for Leng Tian's words.

Leng Tian felt the force carefully and determined that there was no spiritual power here.

He just knows that the spiritual power of the Six Paths still exists.

Especially Naruto, no matter whether he is the reincarnation of the six children or not, when Leng Tian doesn't want to talk about him, Naruto is at the scene, otherwise maybe he can really perceive it.

"The reason why Madara has the eyes of reincarnation is because the Uchiha clan and the Senju clan are both descendants of the Sages of the Six Paths..."


In cold weather, Jiraiya and others will be surprised first, even Uchiha Itachi is the same.

"Then why did our ancestors fight each other like this?"

Uchiha Itachi then shouted even more.

"That's because there was a disagreement in inheriting the Ninja sect..."

Leng Tian closed his eyes, and while laying down a spiritual barrier, he said: "After Liu Dao created Ninja, when choosing an heir, he chose the younger brother with the body of a fairy instead of the elder brother with the eyes of a fairy. The descendants of the two of them Because of someone's instigation, I have been fighting with the advancement of the times.

In fact, the nine tailed beasts that exist today were originally one. They were split from Ten Tails, the monster with the strongest chakra back then, and it was the Sage of the Six Paths who saved the world from Ten Tails back then. This huge chakra was sealed, and he made himself into Jinchuriki of the ten tails, and the body of the ten tails was sealed in the moon by him with the earth blast star.

When Liudao was dying, he divided the ten-tailed chakra into nine parts and became nine-tailed beasts. This is the one-tailed to nine-tailed beasts that everyone is familiar with..."

"This this……"

The truth that Leng Tian said is even more surprising than what Uchiha Itachi said.

"No wonder Uchiha Madara wanted to capture the tailed beast. After a long time, he knew that the tailed beasts came from the ten tails..."

Jilai also analyzed it immediately.

The people in the house were extremely quiet for a moment, and they were all frightened by what Leng Tian said.

The only one who still has doubts is Uchiha Itachi. He still remembers his doubts before. First of all, the teacher said that Uchiha Madara should start preparing for resurrection during World War II. Then who is controlling Mizukage?

There is also the moon. The teacher has never said why Liudao created the moon.

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