"You are not!"

Tsunade and Jiraiya also asked and answered.

"It's really hard for me to imagine the all-powerful Tsunade working in the office with his eyes on back then, haha..."

Jiraiya laughed out loud as he pointed at Tsunade.


Tsunade clenched his fist.

"Master Jiraiya, can you stop making fun of Mr. Five Generations, otherwise, I will ask my subordinates to repair the office again..."

A sudden voice appeared behind Jiraiya, which surprised Jiraiya, a blinking body technique disappeared in place, and then Jiraiya was taken aback, and immediately formed seals with both hands.


With a seal that undoes the seal of illusion, the scene in front of him changed immediately. The Tsunade just now was still in front of him, but appeared behind him. As for the image of Tsunade, he didn't have eyes at all.

"It's actually a scene created with illusion, Uchiha Itachi, your strength is so impressive..."

Jiraiya also said in the other direction.

At this moment, a calm Anbe ninja appeared in front of Jiraiya, and took off the mask on his face.

"What? When you also had the Dao, Jiraiya, this is the strength of our Qianshou clan. My nephew is very strong, right?"

Hearing Tsunade's words, Jiraiya nodded seriously, and at the same time glanced at the surroundings. This is almost an office formed of wooden dungeons, so it is completely possible to use the illusion used by Senju Hashirama here.

As long as people come in, they are already enlightened. The key is that Uchiha Itachi still has those terrifying kaleidoscope Sharingans in his eyes.

So far, even Jiraiya has to admit that Uchiha Itachi, no, it should be Senju Itachi's strength has definitely reached the Kage level.

Looking at Jiraiya's surprised expression, Tsunade smiled. For the past three years, Konoha, Sand Ninja Village, and Kiri Ninja Village have been secretly hiding their strength.

Among them, Uchiha Itachi is Konoha's biggest hole card, and as far as Tsunade knows, Qing of Mist Ninja Village and some new Mist Ninja Seven Swords are the secret power of the Five Dynasties Mizukage.

As for Sand Ninja Village, it is even more mysterious, but one thing Tsunade knows is that there are other accomplices from Ninja Village behind the fourth Kazekage Scorpion, who was the strong man of Hongxiao back then.

"Since you're back, Jiraiya, I'm afraid you also got news..."

Tsunade said lightly.

"Yes, first of all, the three tails of Mist Ninja Village have disappeared with the death of their previous generation Kazekage for many years. Let's do it..."

Zilai also said calmly.

"It seems that Akatsuki has already started to attack Yannin Village..."

Tsunade also has his own news, especially since Hyuga Lengtian reminded him, Tsunade has been paying attention to the tail beast's movements.

"That's right, but what you don't know, Tsunade, is that Kumo Ninja Village has also lost one of their Churiki, and is conducting a secret investigation, and their remaining eight tails are also participating in the search. I took an opportunity to quietly send the matter about Akatsuki Give it to Yunnin Village, it depends on whether they can be vigilant..."

"What, so Lai Xiao actually got three tailed beasts?"

Tsunade's face changed drastically. Although she and Leng Tian had analyzed it, since Akatsuki was hiding in Urenin Village and Takinin Village, it is very likely that Akatsuki had united with Onogi.

Taking advantage of Onoki's overconfidence, once the time comes, he will attack Iwanin Village first, and Yunin Village will also attack at the same time, so that the mutual suspicion between Iwanin Village and Yunin Village can be provoked.

"If there is no news from you from Jiraiya, I am afraid that Yanren Village and Yunren Village may have already started preparing for battle..."

Tsunade sat down and said calmly.

"Now let's see if Ohnoki and Fourth Raikage can let go of their prejudices and meet us..."

Speaking of this, Jiraiya quietly asked Uchiha Itachi: "Itachi, can you create an illusion to prevent the outside world from overhearing our next conversation?"


Uchiha Itachi closed his eyes, then opened them again, his eyes had turned into kaleidoscope Sharingan, and the fifth generation's room also began to change.

The Fifth Hokage Tsunade, Jiraiya, and Uchiha Itachi who appeared here just now have all disappeared, but they also appeared in the other direction in the figure of Jiraiya and Tsunade, but they were all created by Itachi using the shadow clone technique out.

"It's amazing. Not only does it not require too many seals, but the control of Chakra is also very strong. I hardly notice the fluctuation of Chakra in this space. If the enemy wants to assassinate Hokage, I'm afraid it will be mistaken for it. Hokage is standing in that direction just now..."

Jiraiya was also secretly startled, and valued Uchiha Itachi's strength even more.

This is already looking at opponents of the same level.

Sensing the respect in Jiraiya's eyes, Uchiha Itachi smiled faintly.

"It's only under the guidance of Teacher Leng Tian that I can control Chakra so easily to reach a subtle level. If it is Teacher Leng Tian, ​​even if you come here, you may not be able to find Teacher Leng Tian by using Xiandun..."

Hearing Uchiha Itachi's words, Jiraiya nodded solemnly, and said cautiously: "I believe that when that kid was called Konoha Gemini with Minato back then, his invisibility skills were already very good. What's more, after Minato has cultivated to the extreme with the Flying Thunder God technique, Leng Tian has already taken a different path of cultivation from Minato. It is only possible to fight against Leng Tian in the Great Formation of Flying Thunder God..."

"Master Jiraiya, what exactly are you trying to say?"

Uchiha Itachi's face has become a little stiff.

Even Tsunade is the same, and has some hostility towards Jiraiya.

"Jiraiya, pay attention to the way you speak, how to listen to what you mean, it seems that what you want to talk about now is not how to deal with Akatsuki, but how to deal with my disciple Hinata Lengtian..."

Tsunade said lightly, but her eyes were already a little sharp.

"Don't misunderstand Tsunade. In fact, Minato created the Flying Raijin Art Formation just in case. The third generation also knew about it back then. Maybe it was because the third generation and Minato were aware of something about Leng Tian and Orochimaru at the same time. Uchiha Itachi, I don't believe you didn't have any doubts about your teacher Leng Tian?"

Jiraiya's conversation made Uchiha Itachi bow his head.

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