Naruto was forced to spit it out.

This made Naruto, who always eats ramen clean, waste his favorite ramen for the first time.

"What's going on, why did this happen, it seems that there is a bad premonition..."

Although Naruto didn't believe these bad omens, he murmured in his heart.

Sure enough, at this time, Kakashi appeared in front of Naruto.

"Naruto, you and Sakura immediately go to Sand Ninja Village with me. We need to inform the allies that they have an important enemy who is going to hurt Sand Ninja Village..."

On the outskirts of Sand Ninja Village, the Red Sand Scorpion finally rushed over, but Yu Liang had already died with disbelief.


The Red Sand Scorpion coldly looked at the two people in front of them.

"Did Madara underestimate our effectiveness, or sent the two of you to die..."


Looking at the red sand scorpion from an angle, he said lightly: "Today we are not only delaying you, but coming with a stronger force..."

Fei Duan and Angle opened the scroll in their hands at the same time.

At this time, three people suddenly walked out of it, and each of these three people has the eyes of reincarnation.

"What... Nagato's eyes of reincarnation?"

The Scarlet Sand Scorpion looked at the strange three people in front of him in surprise.

"what happened?"

Yahiko and Xiaonan finally stopped hiding and stood directly in front of the Red Sand Scorpion.

"Be careful, Scorpion, this time the enemy seems to be not easy, even Nagato's Samsara Eye seems to have appeared..."

The Scarlet Sand Scorpion nodded calmly.

He knew how powerful Nagato's reincarnation eyes were.

"Okay, now it's our turn to be five against three..."

The flying section and angle immediately attacked.

And Didara has succeeded in capturing Gaara at this moment.

"Bastard, how could this be..."

Captain Maji, who had been looking for Fengying, said with a look of horror.

In Konoha's hidden place, Tsunade walked in quietly. Seeing Neiji Hinata with three eyes, Tsunade asked, "Is the cold weather still awake?"

"No, the teacher's eyes have been opened all the time, but according to the teacher's analysis, he should have woken up a year ago..."

Ning Ci has escaped the control of the Zong family at this moment, and what is even more frightening is that although his white eye is only on his forehead, his ability is even stronger.

"Unfortunately, Madara has already started to act..."

Tsunade had a bad feeling from the news he had already received.

"Just in case, let Kakashi and his team go to Sand Ninja Village as soon as possible to inform..."

Speaking of this, Tsunade stared at the night sky and murmured, "I hope I can make it in time..."

At the same time, the battle between Xie, Yahiko and Xiaonan has entered the fierce fighting stage.

"They must not be allowed to enter the village..."

As Kazekage, Scorpion knows too well that the three people with the eyes of reincarnation in front of him are terrifying.

"One can psychically create Eudemons..."

"A fat man who can absorb chakra endlessly..."

"A ninjutsu that seems to have repulsion and gravity. These, these are all ninjutsu that Nagato has used but not developed by Quan Nu. What's going on?"

"Hey, your strength is nothing more than that, Xie."

At the gate of Sha Nin Village, Jiaodu has a proud face.

"Damn, who are they? Why do they have the ability of Nagato?"

"You ask their names, and they all have a common name of Payne."

While speaking, the most ruthless Payne moved forward with his right hand, stretched out his five fingers, and an invisible repulsive force suddenly erupted. The irresistible force was invisible and qualityless. .

Just like Hyuga Lengtian's return to the sky, all the puppets of the scorpion were bounced away.

I don't know how happy I am to see this scene, only at this time will he feel alive.

Xie encounters difficulties here, and the same goes for Xiao Nan and Mi Yan on the other side.

And taking advantage of this moment, Jiaodu and his partner winked at the same time and they started to attack Scorpion at the same time.

Konoha, the request for help from Sand Ninja Village has been sent.

In addition to immediately arranging the Kakashi group to support Sand Yin, the fifth generation came to Lengtian's secret room again.

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