"It's completely an old man who only cares about competing with Danzo and guarding the old order. It has long been outdated..."

Orochimaru woke up from a deep sleep. This has been something he has dreamed about for three generations in a row. Every time he wakes up, Orochimaru uses the achievements of Otonin Village to warn himself that he is right.

"What the first generation can do, I can do too. If I become Hokage, and with the ninjutsu I have developed now, Konoha's strength has already become the number one in the ninja world. Even if Akatsuki is resurrected , it was just a flash in the pan, I don't believe that he can still match the strength of the entire ninja world, the old man is your stupidity that made the ninja world what it is today..."

Orochimaru murmured.

But as soon as Orochimaru came to the audio and video office, he saw several envoys from Tanokuni standing there.

"My lord, I don't know how you think about what our daimyo said to you?"

Seeing the envoy of Tianzhiguo, Orochimaru licked his tongue and said: "Don't worry, I will go to the appointment. After all, I also want Tianzhiguo to be stronger. Only in this way can Otonin Village grow stronger..."

"Okay then, I'll reply to the daimyo right now!"

Seeing the envoy of Tian Zhiguo leave happily, Orochimaru snorted coldly.

At this time, Dou appeared behind Orochimaru, and said calmly: "I really didn't expect Akatsuki's power to reach the top of Tian Zhiguo..."

"Hmph, what's so strange about this, as long as there are those eyes, the whole country of Rehe will be played by him in the applause..."


Hearing Orochimaru's words, Kabuki reacted instantly.

"My lord, you mean the one who used the kaleidoscope Sharingan?"

Hearing Dou's words, Orochimaru did not speak, but his expression told Dou that his guess was good.

"Hmph, I want to see what Akatsuki is up to, and what is waiting for me at Tiandiqiao..."

Although Orochimaru’s Otonin Village was founded by relying on the back of Tanokuni, but unlike Konoha, the five major ninja villages and big countries support each other, Orochimaru only asks for Tanokuni, and hardly gives anything in return.

This also made Tian Zhiguo dare not speak out, so with Akatsuki's support this time, many nobles in Tian Zhiguo felt that it was a good opportunity to teach Orochimaru a lesson.

At the same time, Naruto and his party had already approached Tianjiqiao. As the captain, Yamato successfully quieted the entire team through his ninjutsu.

"I know your strength, Sakura has long been a Chunin, I believe your strength is stronger than ordinary Chunin, but what about Naruto and Sai's strength?"

When Yamato looked at Naruto and Sai, he was no longer ordinary solid, but somewhat murderous.

Such a murderous aura surprised both Naruto and Sakura, because it reminded them of one thing, that is, when they were fighting Zabuza, they faced the murderous aura of Jonin.

Captain Yamato's murderous intent was the same, no, it was even stronger than the murderous intent of No More Killing.

"What does it feel like, why does Captain Yamato have such a powerful murderous aura..."

Sakura has also performed several missions with Tsunade in the past few years, and she has faced countless strong people.

But facing Captain Yamato's murderous intent, he still couldn't calm down.

"Why, why do I still have such a serious murderous aura now? What is going on? The murderous aura on his body is not only a murderous aura, but also something that I can't feel inside. What is it!"

Sakura not only possesses Tsunade's strange power ninjutsu and medical ninjutsu, but also a terrible analysis ability, which has been learned.

Although this is not too prominent in the original book, in this world, Sakura's growth has grown exponentially.

This kind of growth is obtained through long-term fighting and immersion in the information collected by Konoha.

It can be said that the information in Sakura's mind itself is a mobile database.

Is this why Tsunade will reuse Sakura, but with so much information, Sakura was also implanted with illusion by Itachi, once captured by the enemy, she will commit suicide immediately, and will never let Konoha's information spread. .

Although Tsunade was unwilling to treat his disciple like this, it was Sakura's own request, because only in this way would Sakura try to catch up with her previous two figures.

"Naruto, this time I will find a way to get Sasuke back, and I will never let you bear this pressure alone..."

After Sakura felt this different murderous aura, she immediately analyzed the previous data.

Finally, he suddenly realized: "You have the strong murderous aura of the Qianshou clan blood in your body, doesn't this murderous aura belong to you?"

Hearing what Sakura said, Yamato was taken aback, he didn't expect this little girl whom he didn't value very much to be so perceptive, and actually understood why he had the murderous aura to oppress a jonin.

That's right, that's because he has the Thousand Hands, and more importantly, he has the aura of Hashirama. When he emits murderous aura, he will have a little bit of the aura of the first generation. It is this aura that makes his murderous aura even stronger. horrible.

Even some Junin can't bear it.

"What a powerful girl, maybe she will be a more terrifying ninja than Tsunade. The Sannin are not only powerful in themselves, but even their disciples are so powerful. It really deserves to be the cornerstone of Konoha..."

Thinking of this, Yamato did not post again, but solemnly said: "In order to understand ourselves as soon as possible, we will start a simulated battle before approaching the Tiandi Bridge..."

"Simulated combat?"

Sakura and Naruto asked at the same time.

"Yes, next I will be in a team with Sakura, Naruto, you and the Sai clan, let's simulate a battle, for example, Orochimaru and Sasuke appear at Tenji Bridge, how do you deal with it, I want to see your strength..."

Yamato said to Naruto and Sai.

"Me and Sai..."

Hearing Captain Yamato's words, Naruto turned his head to stare at Sai with an ugly face, and let out a giggle.

"Seeing your smirk, I know you have no reason to be with me..."

Sai said with a smile on his face.

"Hey, as long as you know..."

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