Captain Yamato used a wooden dungeon clone, and has been following Naruto and the others.

Seeing the destructive power caused by Naruto's powerful chakra, the entire forest was completely destroyed.

It's just that Orochimaru is under such a powerful chakra pressure, his body seems to be getting more and more excited.

The difference from the original book is that Orochimaru suddenly felt something strange in his body, which made him change his previous fighting style.

Originally Orochimaru wanted to use Ten Thousand Snake Formation to summon tens of thousands of snake formations to cover Naruto. If this move was to attack a country or power, the entire army would be swallowed up.

But in the original book, it was wiped out just by Naruto's grasp.

Orochimaru, as one of the Sannin, naturally used his own judgment to use the Ten Thousand Snake Formation, but then he hid himself in the Ten Thousand Snake Formation, and when Naruto destroyed the Ten Thousand Snake Formation, he suddenly rushed out, He punched Naruto in the face.


Before Naruto was defeated, his body transformed into a clone to chase after Orochimaru, and Orochimaru tentatively used a snake-shaped submerged hand to resist.

But once it touches Naruto's chakra, which is like fire, it will be burned.

Orochimaru immediately used peeling to escape.

But Orochimaru suddenly felt something different in this battle.

"It seems that my body is more adapted to the heat of these four weeks than before..."

Naruto's Chakra surrounds the entire battlefield, and this battlefield is as hot as fire. This is the power of Naruto's Chakra, and no enemy can stand it here.

It is possible that for ordinary ninjas, the water in their bodies will be absorbed first in this space.

So Orochimaru had to shed its skin continuously.

But after two or three times, Orochimaru felt that his body began to bear this temperature more and more.

It seems that the body is evolving or changing.

"Could it be... Could it be that this is the change in the boundaries of Hui Ye Clan's blood successors?"

Orochimaru suddenly let out a hearty voice.

"It's no wonder Leng Tian and Madara want to get the Kaguya Clan's Blood Successor Boundary. It turns out that there is such a change in the Kaguya Clan's Blood Successor Boundary..."

Chapter 39 Naruto Tailed Beastization

Orochimaru finally understands the scary thing about the Kaguya clan, that is, the blood succession limit of the body allows them to adapt to various environments, this is what is hidden in the Kaguya clan blood succession limit.

"Why does Leng Tian and Madara have to obtain the Kaguya Clan's Blood Inheritance Boundary? Is it just this? No, there should be secrets. There must be other secrets..."

Orochimaru wanted to unravel the secrets of the Kaguya clan's bloodline more and more.

And facing Naruto at this moment is his best chance.

"Haha Naruto, it seems that your attack didn't do much harm to me, and the important thing is that Sasuke voluntarily left with me, so it doesn't seem to have anything to do with you?"

Orochimaru's taunt made Naruto even more angry.


A more terrifying chakra was released from Naruto's body.

Immediately afterwards, this terrifying chakra disappeared again, but was slowly absorbed by Naruto's body instead.

At this moment in Naruto's body, Naruto seemed to be standing on the water and began to sink slowly.

And Nine Tails began to emerge from the water surface more and more.

"Troublesome, this kid is starting to lose consciousness, is he really going to turn into a beast with me? That guy Leng Tian is determined to stop this. I don't want to do something that will make that guy unhappy..."

Kyuubi looked at Naruto with a headache on his face.

No one thought that Nine Tails, who was fearless and fearless, would have someone to be afraid of.

"Asshole, if Naruto's body has the blood of Orochimaru, even if it is a tailed beast, what side effects will it have..."

Kyuubi looked at Naruto with some trouble.

It's a pity that Naruto has gradually lost consciousness at this moment, and Kyuubi had to transform into a beast with his tail.

Outside, Captain Yamato watched Naruto slowly change into four tails, and his whole body began to develop in the direction of the nine tails, his face was full of surprise.

"It turned into a tailed beast..."


Naruto roared again.

However, Naruto is an unconscious tailed beast after all, and it is the strongest tailed beast among the nine-tailed beasts, so Naruto can't act at all after the powerful tailed beast, and can only control the powerful Chakra attack.

But even this is very powerful, almost every attack by Naruto is equivalent to the power caused by an A-level ninjutsu, and the more important thing is that these ninjutsu do not need seals.

Although Orochimaru is not afraid of these ninjutsu attacks, he can't do anything to get Naruto, after all, he can't attack Naruto at all.

"It's not an option to go on like this. Nine-Tails' Jinchuriki doesn't have the Chakra consumption. It seems a little troublesome..."

When Orochimaru and Naruto were fighting, Sai had already started to act secretly, and there was another person like Sai, that was Kato who pretended to be attacked by Naruto before.

Looking at the continuous explosions in the distance, causing large-scale damage, they all smiled faintly.

"That's right, it looks like this battle is very intense. I didn't even think that I wanted to take advantage of the opportunity to act while Scorpion and Orochimaru were fighting. It seems that Konoha and the others did a good job. Naruto, don't let me Disappointed!"

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