Moreover, using the tentacles to capture the hearts of other people, and attracting them into the body together with the nature of Chakra, can use all ninjutsu of the basic five natures, making the horns a near-immortal existence.

Not only that, even if it is separated from the main body, it can move its wrist freely like a living thing.

The length and shape can be changed at will, and can cope with all situations.


Konoha, a Junin, has never encountered such a strange technique at all, he is simply a monster.

It was sucked in instantly.

Seeing that they were trapped inside, the remaining jonin began to worry left and right, whether to come forward to rescue or protect Shikamaru, especially Asma was still in danger.

"The balance is broken, what should I do..."

Shikamaru began to despair in his heart, and in this way, they almost had the possibility of being wiped out.

Shikamaru originally planned to retreat after Asma broke free, but now that he knows the opponent's ability, he can start to deal with him next time.

This is the strength of Ninja Village. Since one person can't do you wrong, then change to another type. It can be for your ninjutsu attribute, but it is for your secret technique, as long as you bring the information back.

But now there may be a possibility of group destruction, which is why the undead duo has been a headache until now...

Four hundredth Chapter 16 driving in cold weather

"There is no other way..."

Shikamaru's own chakra is almost unbearable.

"Even so, there is still a chance..."

Shikamaru looked at Hidan's expression with a hint of ferocity on his face.

Shikamaru knows that Hidan doesn't even know how to kill him because of his immortality, but if it is possible, if he can mix his own blood here, will there be a turning point?

If according to Shikamaru's future plans, Armas helped him get the information, and he would take the angle into account in the second battle.

The current situation is what Shikamaru thought of, if his own blood is mixed in, will there be a turning point.

Thinking of this, Shikamaru directly bit his own wrist, and was about to rush over and flick his own blood into Hidan's mouth.

But Amas knew what he was thinking when he saw his student's actions.


Amas also gave up the resistance, and looked at Shikamaru with a smile on his face and said: "Shikamaru, I believe, I believe you will be able to find a way to deal with them next time, you have never let me down... ..."

Hearing what Amas said, Shikamaru was stunned.

"Teacher don't!"

Armas smiled lightly. The current situation is like being checked in chess. Every move is checked by the opponent, and there is no extra move to take. Therefore, if there is no sacrifice, there must be no turning point.

"If I sacrifice now, my teammates will definitely be able to survive, I will not be wiped out by the group, and I will even lose the opportunity to defeat the opponent again. Shikamaru has a way, and I will definitely be able to do it next time. Otherwise, I will fail. Except Shikamaru Someone will figure out a way to defeat them..."

"Haha, feel the coming of the evil god..."

Hiduan finally stabbed his vital part fiercely, and Amas finally felt a pain.

But the next moment, Fei Duan felt something was wrong.

"Wait, the enemy on the opposite side should have already started to fall, why are they still standing?"

Hidan looked at the other party with a puzzled expression.

Amas was also puzzled, everything just now was exactly the same as what Fei Duan said, which made him ready to sacrifice, but why didn't everything happen.

"Impossible, impossible... This has never happened to me..."

"how come?"

This time even the angle on one side stopped.

"how come?"

Shikamaru was also surprised.

Just when everyone was surprised, a faint voice appeared here.

"What kind of evil god, it's just a soul exchanged through an equivalent exchange, maybe it's the evil god who failed in the previous world..."

A figure in white clothes came out lightly.

"It's him?"

Seeing this man, Armas was stunned, and Shikamaru also opened his mouth wide. He once knew who Naruto's father was, and he also learned a little bit on purpose, so he saw the image in white clothes in front of him, especially the pair of After rolling his eyes, he immediately thought of who it was.

"Is it really him, Hinata Lengtian?"

The angle was also wide open. He had noticed the name when Leng Tian was famous, and had thought about playing with him.

But after seeing Leng Tian's strength once, he dismissed this idea.

"Hyuga Lengtian, you are the Hyuga Lengtian who is famous in the entire ninja world..."

Hearing the angle, Fei Duan also ate. He already knew that this was the problem character that caused headaches for the entire Akatsuki organization.

Then Fei Duan seemed to think of something, and immediately stared at the other party intently.

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