Then the guard was directly sucked in.


Hit Tiandao's body and passed out directly.

"Looking for the Chakra of Nine Tails..."

This is one of the reasons why Madara dispatched Six Paths.

Of course, this is just a superficial motive. Regarding the chakra of Nine Tails, it would be better if he could get it from Naruto, but his spies hidden in Konoha have already informed that Naruto has disappeared for a long time.

"Even if I can't catch Naruto, it's fine if I can get the Nine-Tails Chakra from the angle. The real purpose is to let me get the eyes of Leng Tian..."

In the air, Madara looked down at the whole Konoha, which was familiar to him as well as unfamiliar to him.

There are many things created by him and Hashirama, but more traces are the creation of the Second Hokage.

For example, Ninja School.

Just after Tiandao walked into the gate of Konoha, Konoha Maru, who was quietly hiding in disguise, tightly covered the mouths of the two friends.

"God, who is that, why is it so powerful..."

After a period of hard training, Konoha Maru has surpassed Genin, and also mastered Naruto's spiral pill before going to Miaomu Mountain to practice.

It can be said that Konoha Maru is worthy of the name Konoha Maru, and its talent and talent are indeed comparable to Konoha Twelve.

Even his own affinity gave him more support in the ninja school.

It is not unreasonable for the third generation to want to train Konoha Maru to become Hokage's backup.

"Go and inform Hokage-sama, hurry up!"

Konoha Maru ordered.

"how about you?"

The two friends asked in surprise.

Konoha Maru stared at Tiandao who was going away with a serious face and said: "I am Konoha's ninja. Since this person broke into Konoha, as Konoha's ninja, I will stop him. This is my responsibility..."

"Then we..."

Konoha Maru's two good partners were about to speak when they were stopped by Konoha Maru.

"We can't let Hokage-sama be defenseless, your mission is more important than mine, so hurry up!"

Seeing Konoha Maru showing such a serious look, the two had to leave quickly.

"Konohamaru remember what you told us, you want to become Hokage, so you must not die!"

Hearing what his partner said, Konoha Maru gave a thumbs up and said, "Don't worry!"

The commotion created by Tiandao in front of Konoha's gate had already attracted Anbu's attention, but what made them confused was the commotion and abnormality in several other directions of Konoha at the same time.

"Could it be like Orochimaru attacked Konoha again, and other ninja villages have targeted us..."

In Anbu, Kakashi, who is sitting in charge, has received news from other Anbu.

"Separate the troops or concentrate them in one place..."

"Itachi, what's going on..."

Tsunade hasn't rested so late and has been working all the time, especially to get information about angles.

"I can feel a powerful chakra, which seems to be inferior to me at all. This is the power of Nagato..."

Itachi had worked with Hongxiao before, and was very familiar with this kind of power, but what surprised Itachi was that when he saw Nagato at the beginning, he was so scary that he was able to compete with Madara, but he didn't know why he ended up in Urenin Village It was easily defeated by Madara.

This is something that Leng Tian didn't tell everyone, only Tsunade understands, because the reincarnation eyes that gave Nagato's powerful power belong to Madara.

Nagato is just borrowing, once Madara wants to take it back, Nagato will be hard to resist.

"Itachi, go support Kakashi, I'm afraid they won't be able to handle it..."

Tsunade said immediately.

Unexpectedly, Uchiha Itachi shook his head and said: "No, there must be no guards by your side, and we haven't figured out Madara's real purpose yet, so we must not act rashly..."

Unexpectedly, Tsunade shook his head slowly and said: "Itachi, now is the time to attack. When Madara causes more damage in the village, no matter what his purpose is, we will all fail..."

Seeing Tsunade's firm attitude, Uchiha Itachi nodded: "I understand..."

"Don't worry, I won't die. I also want to see how powerful Madara's Six Paths are. You can choose one of them..."

After Uchiha Itachi left, Tsunade also put on his battle suit and ran in another direction.

Chapter 49 The Strength of the Six Paths

"That's right, Hokage-sama has already dispatched..."

Kakashi in Anbu nodded.

After finishing speaking, Kakashi stood up and said to Anbe beside him: "Invite Shikamaru's father here immediately, we need him to understand the situation of the battle, and I have to choose a side..."

Speaking of this, Kakashi took out a flare in his hand.

"I didn't expect to need to use it so soon..."

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