It's just that Akatsuki's problem is no longer a matter of Konoha's village. If the five villages don't join forces at this time, the entire ninja world will be in danger.

Just when Tsunade was hesitating, Leng Tian's voice came in.

"Sooner or later, someone has to break this situation, otherwise Madara cannot be defeated by just relying on the strength of a single village..."

Hearing the words of Leng Tian, ​​first of all there are objections.

"Joke, Konoha is the number one Ninja village in the ninja world, how can we still be afraid of a mere Akatsuki organization, even if the other party is Madara, are so many of us still afraid of him..."

Hearing this person's remarks, the others agreed somewhat, and one of them said in a weak voice: "Besides, we have Senior Leng Tian around, isn't Madame defeated by Senior Leng Tian..."

This interjection made everyone look at the cold weather.

"That's right, we have sunny days and cold days!"

Everyone thought of this in an instant.

Leng Tian scares Madara away with one move, which everyone has seen, and Madara Rokudao, who had put Konoha in a difficult situation before, was also defeated by Leng Tian with one move. With such a powerful strength, why must he go to the alliance?

In the eyes of these people, the five major ninja villages have fought separately, especially World War II and World War III, which made them have a lot of hatred with other ninja villages, and it is difficult for them to let go of their prejudices.

On a deeper level, no one can convince himself that if other ninja villages suddenly attack or join forces with Akatsuki, wouldn't Konoha be the most dangerous one.

This is not alarmist.

I didn't mention it during World War II, but during World War III, there was a connection between Iwanin Village and Akatsuki.

If this is not the case, why did the forehead incident happen in Konoha thirteen years ago.

Besides, the same is true for Yunnin Village.

They wanted to get Nine Tails several times.

Not to mention Sand Ninja Village, who tore up the covenant and formed an alliance with Orochimaru, and suffered the most serious damage during World War II. Even if their Kazekage and Akatsuki had hatred, it was hard to guarantee that they would not insert a knife behind their backs after Akatsuki was eliminated. Make a knife.

As for Mist Ninja Village, that is almost an uncertain factor.

So many worries and troubles are also the reason why everyone dare not easily let Tsunade agree.

At night, Tsunade stayed in Hokage's office and did not leave.

"Itachi, are you saying that I really shouldn't gather the Five Kages for a meeting?"

"Auntie, in fact, I think it's like Senior Leng Tian said, this matter must be done by someone, and Senior Leng Tian didn't continue talking today, there must be something to say to Aunt alone, right Teacher Leng Tian?"

Hearing Itachi's words, Tsunade was startled, and immediately turned his head to look around. The surrounding area was quiet, and he didn't see Leng Tian's figure.

Just when Tsunade smiled and wanted to ask if Itachi was too sensitive, a word came in.

"Hehe, did Itachi guess or did he really feel something?"

Leng Tian's figure slowly appeared in front of Tsunade and Itachi.

Rather than appearing suddenly, it is better to say that it was there before, and it was only now that Tsunade and Itachi discovered it.


Tsunade looked at his students angrily.

"Since you intend to object, why don't you object during the day and wait until night..."

Tsunade looked at his students and asked in a complicated way.

"On that occasion during the day, I can't easily say something against it. They all think that I am your student. As long as you are here, I will definitely not leave Konoha. Although Madara's strength is great, he was defeated by me. So if I insist on it again and again, they will definitely have different ideas..."

Said coldly.

Hearing Leng Tian's words, Tsunade nodded in agreement.

"Actually, Tsunade-sensei, what I'm going to say next is the key point. This time Madara lost to me, but next time he got the same eyes as me, plus he got the army left by Otsutsuki Kaguya before, Unless the entire ninja world gathers, otherwise, Madara's plan cannot be stopped at all..."

"The plan, does it mean the resurrection of the ten tails?"

Hearing Tsunade's words, Leng Tian shook his head, and said lightly: "In fact, many rumors are wrong, for example, who is the real incarnation of Ten Tails..."

Hearing Leng Tian's words, both Tsunade and Itachi showed a listening look.

"In fact, the source of our chakra is the fruit of a sacred tree.

The ten tails are the sacred tree. "

Hearing Leng Tian's words, Tsunade and Itachi were taken aback. This was the first time they knew the source of Chakra.

"The sacred tree is the root of all chakras, and Otsutsuki Kaguya merged with the sacred tree in order to capture all the chakras. The Sage of the Six Paths sealed his mother together with his younger brother Otsutsuki Hamura."

"You mean Madara re-released Otsutsuki Kaguya?"

Itachi spoke first.

Hearing Itachi's words, Leng Tian shook his head.

"I'm afraid Madara doesn't know that Jubi's real body is Otsuki Kaguya..."

Although it has deviated from the original work a lot, if Madara continues to implement his plan, it will be like in the original work, Uchiha Madara will use the resurrection of Ten Tails to perform Infinite Tsukiyomi.But Madara was betrayed by Heijue and penetrated his body, Otsutsuki Kaguya was resurrected immediately, and Heijue, the product of his will, immediately revealed the truth.

But now Leng Tian feels that Hei Jueshi may not be able to kill Madara, especially when Madara gets the Turning Eye, not to mention the power he gets, but the blood inheritance limit of the body may not be inferior to Kaguya. Maybe his final plan will not succeed.

Thinking of this, Leng Tian took a look at Tsunade and said, "Teacher, wait a minute, maybe the other ninja villages will automatically come looking for you without you..."

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