So far, the battles on the battlefield have been fought between the [-] mass-produced Baijue and the coalition forces, but these [-] mass-produced Baijue produced by the heretic golems are distributed in various battlefields.

It is not as powerful as forming a large army to invade the Kingdom of Clouds before.

For this reason, Dou had to increase the reincarnation troops of the dirty soil, and summoned the former Renzhu, the two-tailed Jinchuriki Yumu, the three-tailed Jinchuriki Yakura, the four-tailed Jinchuriki Lao Zi, Fan, Yu Gao, and Fu to the battlefield , to help Bai Jue's army.

However, the former Kage II Dokagemu, II Mizukage Onito Hangetsu, III Raikage Ai, and Fourth Kazekage Rasa all disappeared suddenly after the beginning.

Without these powerful kage-level powerhouses, the renzhuli without the tailed beasts alone could not resist the five great kages.

"Asshole, I won't fail!"

Dodo continued to summon blood-continuing limit ninjas in his hands, such as Kari's Bakudun, Pakula's Jiaodun, Troy's Zidun, Kaguya-kun Maro's bone veins, Hinata Hizashi's white eyes, Uchiha Inahiko Sharingan, and the former Seven Ninja Swordsmen, Momochi no Zhan, Watermelon Mountain Puffer Ghost, Lisai Kushimaru, Tsukusa Yebaiten, Murashi Jinhachi, Ringo Yuri, and Ghost Lantern Moon.

There are also other deceased famous generals Nakayoshi, Nobu, Sanshoyu Hanzo, Chidai Granny, Younyo Takugen, Moonlight Hayate, Sakin and Ukin, Tayuya, Kidomaru, Jirobo, Teacher Chen, Uta, Daidao, Chi, Zhongjue, Pingping, Daimaru, and the head of Tonica Village

It's just that these people can't compare with the shadow-level powerhouses summoned before, and the battlefield is still retreating.

Now in the crack.

Following Liu Dao's words, Leng Tian was very surprised, he just wanted to see what was in this crack, which could repeatedly block his soul.

Unexpectedly, it was actually the Sage of the Six Paths hiding here.

Especially seeing the shadows of other ninja villages summoned by Liu Dao, one knows that Liu Dao seems to be on guard against coming here.

On the battlefield, Dou originally summoned the ancestors of the Five Great Ninja Villages to fight, but suddenly all of them disappeared.

This surprised Doudun, all his plans were disrupted, although the other strong men summoned in the end were all defeated, after all, Ying was too powerful.

"How could it be, why is it like this, Mr. Oshemaru's ninjutsu shouldn't have such flaws!"

Dou exclaimed in surprise.

Indeed, apart from this, no one has ever been able to get away with this ninjutsu, except Madara.

Madara, who was starting to unseal on the moon, suddenly changed his face after learning about the situation from Heijue.

"Is it true that I feel that that person is still wandering in the world?"

Hearing Madara's words, Heijue was also surprised and asked, "Master Madara, what did you think of?"

It was also the first time he encountered such a situation, especially when the coalition forces had the upper hand all of a sudden.

"It's Six Paths. I've suspected for a long time, why the second generation of Naruto can know so many ninjutsu. My younger brother once told me that there was a voice calling him, telling him that he would have a more powerful ninjutsu. Ninjutsu, but since my brother gave me the eyes, I ignored it..."

When Madara said this, he changed the subject and continued suddenly: "But at this moment, the second generation suddenly learned a lot of ninjutsu, and he was very targeted to kill my brother in a battle..."

"The last thing my brother told me was that he heard that voice again. That person finally chose the second generation, and he didn't want his secret to be discovered..."

"then you?"

It was also the first time Hei Jue had heard of this matter.

"This is also the reason why Qianshou and I let go of our grudges temporarily, because I want to know who the second generation of the church is, but I didn't ask in the end. Anyway, the ninjutsu of the second generation emerges endlessly, especially the technique of reincarnation. My eyes were wide open, but I have never believed that the second generation can develop so many ninjutsu at the age of the second generation. On the contrary, it is like being taught by someone. Now I have Tenseigan and Reincarnation Eyes. I have not produced much and I have already felt that power. The source of it is there, it is the chakra of the six realms..."

Hearing the word "Liu Dao", Hei Jue was shocked at first, and then a cold and hatred expression appeared on his face, after all, they were brothers and sealed his mother.

Without all the kage-level powerhouses, the coalition forces have gained the upper hand. Even if Bai Jue's strength has the limit of blood successors, their strength cannot compare with real ninjas.

Especially the position of the pocket, after the shadow-level person was summoned away, he walked out and was discovered by Xianglin.

At this moment, under the coalition forces, Bai Jue's army retreated steadily.

And Kudo also entered Sasuke's Eagle Squad, and Naruto Uchiha Itachi surrounded by them.

Sasuke was taken aback when he saw the state of Kazuma at this moment.

"You, why are you like this?"

Hearing Sasuke's words, Dou slowly lifted his disguise, revealing the appearance of a dragon man.

"Haha, this is all thanks to you, Sasuke!"

Dou said frantically.

"I entered the place of the White Snake Immortal, a place that Master Orochimaru could not enter. I thought I was lucky, but in fact I was wrong. The reason why the Spirit Race let me in is to let me have sufficient strength It’s all about summoning those Kage-level powerhouses of the past, haha, everything is just a conspiracy of the Eldar, but don’t be complacent, even if you find it, I don’t have time, because Madara-sama has unsealed Juwei, and it’s very late. Master Quick Spot's world is about to come, and the world in my heart is about to come..."

Dou said, he opened his body suddenly, and all of it was covered with the power of the seal.

"It's not good to go back!"

Itachi had seen it before, it was a kind of bomb belonging to Didara.

"Haha, it's too late!"

Before the bag detonated, a little white snake sneaked out.


An explosion wanted to surround all the people around him, but was blocked by the ten thousand snakes pulled out by Sasuke...

Chapter 57: The Moon

Just when the coalition forces had won, the moon suddenly turned blood red.

"No, that's a sign of Ten Tails' revival..."

Onoki said suddenly.

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