The sudden appearance of a young man surprised everyone present, especially his strength.

But what made everyone present even more unbelievable was that the chakra in their bodies was being sucked away.

"It's really Otsutsuki Kaguya..."

Sheren muttered to himself.

For the person in front of him, the only one who can tell who it is is Sheren who has been sticking to the moon.

"Aijia finally came out..."

Otsutsuki Kaguya slowly opened his eyes.

For thousands of years, she was betrayed by her own son, but in the end she let her younger son come out just to save herself.

Now it finally succeeded.

"I want to take back my Chakra..."

"You won't get it!"

The fusion of Sasuke and Naruto looked at each other at this moment, and suddenly appeared above Otsuki Kaguya's head.

"Whether it is Madara or Lengtian, they all have one purpose, which is to end the era of ninjas. Madara wants to build his own world, and everything runs according to his world. Let the world of Tsukiyomi control the world, and he becomes the leader of this world. Lord God, everything must run according to his thoughts.

And Leng Tian is even more terrifying. He wants to become a second mother. He wants to concentrate all the chakras on himself, so that there will be no more chakras in the ninja world. You must stop these two. , the ninjutsu I'm giving you now is a powerful ninjutsu that can seal my mother, I must seal my mother before the cold weather, otherwise, maybe my mother's life is in danger..."

Liu Dao said to Sasuke and Naruto weakly in the space.

It was as if he was speaking to his two former sons. He believed that the two children he had chosen would definitely be able to stop them.

The cold weather is really terrible, he has actually come here, and even entered there, to see the true face of the Spirit Race.

Insight into the true appearance of the world of the Spirit Race and the Otsutsuki Clan.

If Leng Tian succeeds, maybe not only ninjutsu will disappear, but even the spirit race will be in great danger.

Although Sasuke and Naruto didn't understand what was behind Liu Dao's theory, they didn't know that Liu Dao was hiding their very important clues.

But the name Liudao is the correct answer.

So even in the face of his own father, Naruto made a blocking action.

Just when Naruto and Sasuke were about to sacrifice themselves to re-seal Otsutsuki Kaguya with Earth Explosion Star...

"You can't do that!"

Leng Tian suddenly stepped through space and appeared in front of them.

"This is not space ninjutsu, this is the power that truly breaks space and appears here..."

Although Naruto and Sasuke didn't understand Leng Tian's actions just now, Gokage understood very well. Although they were sucked away by Ten Tails due to lack of blood, their eyes did not disappear.

"It can be done to such an extent, is this really something a human can do?"

"If you can't get through, I will stop you!"

At this moment, Tonero appeared in front of Leng Tian. His state was somewhat similar to Leng Tian's. The most important thing was that it only took a little time for Naruto and Sasuke to finish. After all, Otsutsuki Kaguya hadn't completely captured Madara yet. body of.

"Ha ha……"

Leng Tian smiled lightly.

"why are you laughing?"

Sheren asked incomprehensibly.

He didn't believe that Leng Tian couldn't see his strength. Although his current strength was far inferior to Leng Tian, ​​it was still possible to stop him.

"Your opponent is us..."

At this moment, two words in unison appeared on both sides of him.

It is Obito and Rope Tree.

"You, you..."

Sheren looked at the two in surprise.

"When Madara is sealed, the ninjutsu in our body disappears, and the teacher has helped us take out Madara's threat in our body before again!"

The eyes of Senju Nawaki and Uchiha Obito finally regained their brightness.

Seeing this, Sheren opened his mouth in surprise.

And Leng Tian just smiled lightly, and disappeared in front of Sheren. In the gossip space, every step he takes is a collapse of space, and he can reach any place with just one thought.

But the opponent will be entangled in this formation, unable to rush out.

This is the most powerful space power created by him using Tenseiyan and Reincarnation Eye.

Just like Otsuki Kaguya in the original book.

Can bring enemies into the environment she creates.

Naruto and Sasuke were repeatedly oppressed in the environment created by Otsutsuki Kaguya. If she hadn't been unable to bear the reincarnation of her two children, Naruto and Sasuke would never have had the opportunity to seal her.

And now because Naruto and Sasuke used the Yin Dun and Yang Dun given by Liu Dao, they were finally able to use the power of Liu Dao.

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