
Murakami's knife was inserted into Hatake's body, and Hatake also disappeared with a bang.

"I'm sorry because of this person's cowardice, so even if the opponent is weak, he won't be careless!"

Hatake's figure appeared in another place.


This time, Murakami didn't care to hide his strength, and all of them broke out.

"You actually have the strength of a Chunin, it seems that you really underestimated you..."

"Haha, there are still things you underestimate. With so many people, Konoha will definitely be destroyed this time!"

"Not necessarily!"

Hinata Jun's words came out lightly.

At this moment, his hands were in mudra, a space split appeared above his head, and then an eye that only he could see appeared in the sky above him, and then a powerful chakra entered Hyuga Zhun's body unimpeded.

The next moment Jun Hinata made a seal, hundreds of Jun Hinata appeared everywhere in Konoha.

"What kind of ninjutsu is this?"

Everyone was surprised.

Such a huge ninjutsu is almost impossible to appear in the current ninja world.

Murakami's conspiracy was shattered, but the strength displayed by Murakami surprised Hatake and Asakura.

It seems that there is a mysterious force that has been shrouding the Land of Fire.

"My lord, I failed... But I got an important piece of information, that is, Shadow Village has started to move..."

In another part of the crystal ball.

"Really, it seems that they are also looking for it, that's why the Hyuga clan reappeared. You said that the little ghosts of the Hyuga clan actually released such powerful ninjutsu?"

A serious voice came from the other side of the crystal ball.


"Hehe, this is not the strength that those chakra pills made by Shadow Village can exert. It seems that he really has the strength to help me lift the seal..."

The eyes of the mysterious figure suddenly changed drastically, and a pair of writing sharing eyes with windmills flashed in his eyes.

In a distant alien world, a pair of eyes slowly opened.

"Interesting, someone actually started to tear the seal of the plane here through the power of the ninja world. Who is it? Sheren, or someone else, um, it feels so familiar, so that's how it is, hehe... I'm looking forward to it! "

The speaker suddenly opened a pair of blue and white eyes.

There are nine tails behind him, and eight tails and seven tails in front of him. Not only that, if you look back, there are endless tailed beasts.

"It seems that you feel it too, hehe, hehe, do you want to try again?"

Someone released a shocking Chakra and rushed towards these tailed beasts...

Murakami's conspiracy was thwarted, and Asakura used his influence to help Konoha avoid the fate of Konoha being developed.

It's just that in the process, Asakura discovered that these series of conspiracies seemed to point to a certain character, and no one knew what his real purpose was.

After all, this man was a dangerous person who enveloped the entire Fire Nation decades ago.

Knowing this, Hatake plans to take Jun Hinata and Reiko Senju to the Shadow Village, where there are teachings from Shadow and a future full of unknowns.

"Ninja, from this moment I swear by Jun Hyuga that I will become a great ninja like my ancestors. I will not let the ninja era end, I will start my own ninja era..."

Facing the light of dawn, Jun Hinata looked at Hokage Rock behind him and shouted loudly...


As I write this, I intend to end it with an open ending, and I think it is very good in terms of rumors.

It's just that there are still many things I haven't finished talking about, and I have the urge to regard this episode as my own post-hokage.

I felt sad for a few times in my heart, and thank you for your support. I kept reading when my writing was not very good.

Forgive me for some Hokage plot mistakes.

I also thank the readers who have been subscribing and constantly making comments, although they are reluctant.

At first, I actually wanted to write the follow-up of Hokage, which is the story of the nineteenth generation.

Nozomi shows a different Hokage through this person's line of sight.

After several hesitation in my heart, I still don't want to post this chapter, let alone write down the ending words...

I thought I was the one who mastered the story, but at this moment I realized that I was wrong. It was the plot in my heart that was constantly urging me, urging me to tell these characters quickly...

Chapter 9 Shadow Village Test

"How far is it from here to Shadow Village?"

On the way, Hinata Zhun and Lizi looked at the endless mountains in front of them, and they were exhausted.

"Hehe, why can't you bear hardships so soon? I tell you that we are almost there. After climbing over this mountain, Shadow Village is right there..."

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