"Hehe, you know, I'm also suffocating right now, and I want to hire someone to fix it, and I want to thank you for telling me that as long as it doesn't kill people, it's fine..."

"What... what..."

When Kumamoto heard Jun Hinata's words, his face changed, and he was about to have an attack on the spot, but when he saw Jun Hinata's cold eyes, his body suddenly tensed up.

That was the warning his body gave him after meeting a strong enemy.

He once met a master during a mission, and it was this kind of nervous feeling. It was because of this feeling that he survived by luck.

I didn't expect this kind of tension to appear in front of Jun Hinata again today.

"No, no, he's just a kid. The one I met was from Shadow Village..."

Kumamoto will never forget that it was because of the feeling his body gave him that time that he begged for mercy, and then the other party showed a look of disdain and said: "Killing people like you will shame Shadow Village..."

It was this sentence that made Kumamoto swear to enter Shadow Village as well.

"Hmph, do you think whoever enters Shadow Village can become a member of this place, kid, get down on the ground first!"

Kumamoto's whole body charged towards Hinata Jun.

"This is Kumamoto's unique trick. He uses his powerful body to lean against the opponent, then locks the opponent's body tightly, and strangles the opponent's bones..."

One of the surrounding contestants said in surprise.

Hearing this person's words, some people couldn't help but close their eyes.

After all, the physique and superficial strength of the two sides are too far apart.

"You know, your whole body is a weakness in my eyes now..."

Hinata Jun still said unhurriedly.

In Jun Hinata's eyes, Kumamoto's door is wide open at this moment.

"Let you see the secret skills of our Hyuga Clan..."

Hinata Jun said this, pressing down with both hands.

When Kumamoto approached, he waved his hands rapidly, and a circle appeared in front of his eyes.

Then Kumamoto felt a pulling force that caused his body to lose control involuntarily, and he fell backwards.


Among the test crowd, suddenly one person's eyes burst out.

Obviously shocked by Jun Hinata's trick just now.

"How come, why is this so similar to the content recorded in that book? He said just now that his name is Jun Hyuga. Could it be that he is a member of the Hyuga clan, and the trick just now is to turn the stars?"

The people around were all surprised when they saw that Kumamoto fell to the ground like a dog planing.

"This, this is too surprising..."

"Haha, boy, you succeeded in making me want to kill you, I will kill you!"

In front of so many people, he made such a big shame, Kumamoto was already furious.

"I will kill you!"

At this moment, Kumamoto doesn't remember the rules of the test at all, he only needs to tear the boy in front of him to pieces to relieve his hatred.

"Hehe, it seems that you have no self-knowledge at all..."

Although Jun Hyuga didn't have chakra before, he was very proficient in using some physical skills of the Hyuga clan.

In particular, Bagua Soft Fist, Acupuncture Point, and Dou Zhuan Xing Yi, in later generations of the Hyuga clan, have fully developed a simplified version that can be used even without chakra.

"Don't blink next time, big guy..."

Jun Hinata pressed his hands down and made a soft fist posture, and then Jun Hinata's eyes suddenly changed, even without seals, his white eyes had already opened.

When Hinata Zhun used the Soft Fist the day before yesterday, because he couldn't see the meridians and acupoints in the opponent's body, sometimes all the acupoints were not effective.

But since Bai Yan's awakening, he can now fully see the acupuncture points in the opponent's body.

"It's like asking me to order..."

Kumamoto's move may be a deterrent to others, but it seems to be a target for Hinata Zhuan.

"Look at the moves, Baguazhang Rouquan two palms, four palms, six palms..."

Every time a palm is patted on the bear itself, a bright spot will light up on Kumamoto's body.

Hinata could feel how easy and simple it is to use Bagua Rouquan again this time.

He can even grasp the strength clearly.

"Actually, you don't need so much strength to click here, you only need a little. The acupuncture points here need to be stronger, and there are always mistakes here before. It turns out that there is another meridian that is missing..."

clap clap clap!

From the moment Hinata Jun hit Kuma itself, Kumamoto's movements became sluggish.

Kumamoto was surprised to feel that his body had become immobile, and he could only passively be slapped by Jun Hinata.

"What's going on, how could this be..."

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