A three-dimensional world suddenly appeared in Jun Hinata's mind at this moment, as if from the perspective of God, he suddenly captured the traces of the Anbu examiner.

At this moment, the examiner had appeared behind the testers who had previously opposed his authority.

Before everyone could react, they had been solved with extremely fast body skills.

"It's such a terrifying physical technique. It's actually a move aimed at the vitals, but it didn't really hurt them, it just made them lose their ability to move. It's really more terrifying than opening their eyes..."

Seeing the powerful moves of this Anbu ninja, let alone other people, even Junto Hyuga, who had observed very carefully, was very shocked by this man's moves.

"What move at this time, why is there no record in the secret technique of the Hyuga Clan?"

Junko Hinata once heard his father proudly say that their Hinata clan once collected all the introductions of ninjutsu in the ninja world. Almost once someone uses it, they can know what the other party's ninjutsu is.

But Jun Hinata didn't have the slightest impression of this person's move just now.

"It's just an ordinary physical skill move, or it's just an imitation of the acupuncture points of your Hyuga clan, but it's just that the recognition of the acupuncture points is more accurate..."

Hinata Jun was startled by the sudden voice in his ear.

Hinata Jun turned around quickly.

At this moment, the examiner just now was standing behind him.

"Sora has white eyes but can't use the strength of white eyes. I really feel sad for your Hyuga clan, and I am even more ashamed of Hinata Lengtian, who once stood at the top of the ninja world three hundred years ago. There are descendants like you, no, Maybe even Hyuga Naruto will feel ashamed!"

Hinata Jun didn't feel much when he heard the other party talk about Hyuga Lengtian, but he said Hyuga Naruto, who was once the pride of the Hyuga clan, a great figure that his father often said, saved the ninja world several times.

In the last generation of Ninja, he is the only character who can be called a peerless pair of beauties. He absolutely does not allow anyone to underestimate him.

"Hmph, it's up to you whether I embarrass the Hyuga Clan or not. Even if your strength is stronger than mine, I will definitely challenge you and make you take back this sentence..."

Looking at Hinata Jun's serious eyes, the examiner from Anbe smiled indifferently.

"Boy who can only talk big, pass my exam first and then talk..."

After finishing speaking, he ignored Jun Hinata and turned to leave, but there was a smile behind his mask.

"Jun Hyuga, I'm waiting for you to challenge me, don't lose the name of the Hyuga Clan, or I won't let you go!"

"Next, the official first level test will start. You have to go through the forest in front of you alone. It is full of traps and obstacles. If you are not careful, you may get lost and never get out. I will give you a little time to consider whether to just Continue, I can tell you in charge that once you enter it, you will not be responsible for the casualties, and only those who walk to the opposite side within the specified time can pass!"

At the same time as the examiner said this, a huge roar suddenly came from this forest, as if telling the people who came to test how dangerous it is...

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

Just as Hinata Zhun was about to enter the forest, he was stopped by someone.

"Are you also a test student preparing to enter the forest?"

A small man with eyes walked up to Hinata and said mysteriously.

Seeing the sneaky look of the man in front of him, Jun Hinata said nonchalantly:

"Not bad!"

"I have participated in this test several times, although I failed..."

Seeing Jun Hinata's indifferent body, the little man quickly took out a map from his pocket.

"But don't underestimate my failures these few times. Although I will quit immediately once I fall into a trap, after years of exploration by Jingguo, I have almost understood the territory of some powerful monsters in this forest. As long as you can avoid In these places, I guarantee that you can leave the forest as quickly as possible and pass the next level..."

Hearing what this person said, Jun Hinata said with interest, "You mean cheating?"

"Brother, you are wrong. I risked my life to figure it out, and all you need is five hundred electricity coins..."

When talking, the little man had an expression that you made a lot of money.

"Unfortunately, I don't need it!"

Just when the little man thought that Hinata Jun would buy it, Hinata Jun said suddenly.


Jun Hinata's answer was beyond the little man's surprise.

"Hey, is the price too expensive, can be negotiated..."

The little man said hastily.

"It's not a question of whether it's expensive or not, but that I have to use my own strength to pass, and I don't think I need to use any cheating methods at all. I just need to move forward in a straight line..."

When Hinata Jun said this, he showed confidence.

But in the eyes of the little man, he became an egomaniac.

"You bastard, if you don't have any money, just talk about it, as if you are very powerful..."

After underestimating it for a long time, the little man took the map and went to sell it to other people.

During this period, many people were not as talkative as Hinata Jun, and they snatched them directly, but the little man didn't pursue him.

All this fell into the eyes of Anbu, who had been watching in the dark.

Just like a clown!

This is the evaluation of the members of the dark department.

But this evaluation fell into the eyes of the Anbu examiner, but he shook his head.

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