"I also need to go!"

Hinata Jun also said at this time.

Hearing Jun Hinata's words, Ohmuro and another red-haired guy showed contempt on their faces.

"You, haha, forget it, we don't have time to protect you, besides, your mission is over long ago, if you want to compete with us for credit, you should go back and think about how not to be fired!"

After finishing the curtain, he said to the beauty: "Let's go!"

"it is good!"

From the beginning to the end, these people never looked at Jun Hinata again.


It wasn't until this time that Reiko softened her tone, wanting to comfort Jun Hinata.

"I know that you have always looked down on our logistics partners and regarded us as a garbage class, but we are definitely not what you imagined, especially we have been working hard, and we are definitely not just doing these peripheral jobs!"

Jun Hinata glanced at Reiko, turned and left.

"I'll prove it to you!"

The outside has already become chaotic. These kidnapping gangs are actually just at the right time. They didn't expect to provoke ninjas, so they are not the opponents of these ninjas at all.

"Bastard, bastard, how could a ninja appear!"

"Hmph, now you know that Miss Ben is right, you dare to kidnap one of the world's five largest groups, Minghu's family, I think you are impatient!"

Hearing the proud and contemptuous expression on the face of the woman in maid costume, the leader felt furious.

"Hmph, you said you are the young lady of the Minghu family, humph, with your outfit, do you think I will believe it?"

"Believe it or not, I am the young lady of the Minghu family. I advise you to let me go as soon as possible. Otherwise, would you even have a chance to leave the whole body behind!"

Hearing this, the leader showed a wicked smile.

"Hehe, you may have forgotten one thing, you are still in my hands, no matter you are not the eldest lady of the Minghu family, I can control your life now!"

Hearing this, the young lady of the Minghu family panicked.

"You, do you really dare to do anything to the Minghu family!"

"Haha, if you are really from Minghu's family, I will definitely die. If that's the case, why don't I help you!"

Speaking of this, the leader changed his tone and said: "If you are not, I want you to die too, so what's the difference!"

Hearing this, the eldest lady of the Minghu family was finally scared. She didn't expect that she would reveal her identity, but instead became a reminder.

The students of the two ninja classes have been ordered to look for the trace of Miss Minghu's family, but they have not found the slightest.

The same is true for Jun Hinata, he is also looking for it, and what is different from others is that he can use his white eyes to observe at this moment.

"Hurry up, look further away, where is it!"

At this moment, a majestic voice suddenly sounded in Hinata Jun's mind.

"Do you want to see farther with white eyes, I promise you!"

The next moment, Jun Hinata suddenly found that his right eye had changed. Originally, he could only observe a location within a radius of a dozen meters, but suddenly all the scenes within a radius of [-] meters appeared in his eyes.


Jun Hinata didn't have time to think about the sudden voice, let alone why his white eyes suddenly changed so much.

But he only knew one thing, the life of the young lady of the Minghu family that all the classes were looking for was already hanging by a thread.

"Damn, it's too late!"

At this moment, a powerful chakra burst out of Jun Hinata's body. Before his body and Jun Hinata had time to think, the chakra in his body had already started to operate automatically.


Jun Hinata suddenly disappeared into the present moment.

This surprised Reiko who had just chased him out.

"Instant, instant body technique?"

And the maid who has been looking for the eldest lady is also staring, who is this, how can it be possible to master such a powerful teleportation technique.

This is an advanced technique.

Not to mention them, even the captain who looked down on Jun Hinata before was also taken aback.

"Chakra? And this ninjutsu, why is he in the logistics class?"

But seeing Hinata Jun's sudden burst of ninjutsu, everyone understood that Hinata Jun must have found the eldest lady.

Just when Minghu Xiangcheng, the eldest lady of the Minghu family, closed her eyes in despair, Hyuga Jun suddenly appeared in front of her and grabbed the knife of the gangster leader.

"With my Hinata Zhun here, no one can hurt her!"

Hearing a voice in the room, Minghu Xiangcheng managed to open his eyes.

A teenager about her age died in front of her, and she was holding a knife handle in her hand at the moment.

"You, how did you appear, who are you!"

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