
Under the tense eyes of everyone, the Thunderbolt bullets of the electric weapon moved towards Huitian bit by bit, and Zhun immediately felt a strong momentum after casting Huitian, as if he was about to break through his own Huitian .

"Bastard, don't underestimate people!"

The chakra in Hyuga Jun's body suddenly strengthened again, and the eyes in his eyes became more dazzling.

"How, how?"

The gang leader looked at the ninjutsu in front of him in surprise, with a surprised look on his face.

"Electrical weapons are useless, I don't believe it!"

But the reality is that the Thunderbolt bullet he just shot has already landed on the ground.

Hinata Jun and Minghu Orange behind him had nothing to do.

"Asshole, bastard!"

Before Lizi and the others had time to react, the bandit leader raised his electric weapon again, and was about to shoot again.

"Hmph, Eight Diagrams Empty Palm!"

Hinata Zhun saw the opportunity, and with a flat palm, a powerful air bomb suddenly bounced in front of the gangster leader.


The bandit leader was caught off guard and flew backwards.

"Why, how can you be so powerful, are you really a student..."

Before the gangster leader passed out, he looked at Hinata Zhun in disbelief.

At this moment, Jun Hinata felt that his whole body was full of chakra, just like when he competed with that ninja in Konoha.

"This, is this my strength?"

Jun Hinata said in shock.

"This is the unique skill of our Hinata family!"

In fact, even Jun Hinata didn't know how he used these two tricks just now.

However, before Jun Hinata had time to experience the power of having Chakra, the Chakra in his body disappeared without a trace again, as if it had never appeared at all.

"How could this be?"

Jun Hinata exclaimed in surprise.

Now on the moon, Scheeren slowly closed his eyes.

"How can the person you choose help us open this enchantment?"

Tao Shi asked nervously beside him.

"He is still very weak now, so weak that I need to help him trigger it, but as long as he continues to grow smoothly, he will definitely gain stronger power. At that time, he will help me and us get out of the enchantment of the moon..."

Sheren said lightly.

"Hmph, I hope so..."

Although Tao Shi was dissatisfied, he had to admit that She Ren was stronger than he was in his heyday.

"Is this the power of Tenseikan? When I get the secret of Tenseikan, I will kill all of you!"

Datong Mutao Shouted frantically in his heart.

Sheren also noticed the big-tube wooden peach-like expression, and a faint smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

"Hehe, the situation is getting more and more interesting now. I will definitely stand in front of you again and take back everything that belongs to me..."

Chapter 30 make-up exam

"Since you acted without authorization in the last mission, you will be deducted ten points!"

Many days have passed since the last test, and even though it was brought up by chance, the ninja class kept silent.

But some gossip has already spread.

One of the most unbelievable versions is that the ninja class lost all face, and finally Junichi Hyuga rescued the hostages.

But this rumor, let alone the ninja class doesn't believe it, even the logistics class doesn't believe it.

But what makes this rumor a rumor is that no one of Ninja Madara's students came out to clarify this matter.

So everyone looked at Jun Hinata with different eyes.

In the corner of the film school.

"Did you hear the rumors before?"

His back was facing the wall of the film school, making it hard to see his face, but on the other side, a student from the logistics class said solemnly: "I don't know, I was the first to complete the test that day, there is no I found something unusual, and it was only when we got together that I realized that Hinata was gone, and I missed him because I was focusing on inspecting some outstanding students!"

"Hmph, you are simply stupid. Don't talk about Hinata Zhun's own strength, just talk about the rumors that he was entering the film school before, and you want him to be an excellent candidate. I hope it's only this time. After all, our new The group has not had a new member for a long time, and compared to the other group, the New Moon group even has a lot fewer tasks, I hope we can recruit this student this time!"

"Is this the order of the team leader? I heard that this Hinata will not stay in the logistics squad for a long time. He is a ninja, and the ninja will not be with us!"

The student said excitedly.

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