"Yes, yes, Miss, not only my father is a detective, but I am also a master decryptor and my father's best assistant. We can definitely help you solve the problem, and our reward will not be very expensive. very good……"

Mao Lilan is also trying to sell them.

"Oh, is it?"

Minghu Orange glanced at them lightly.

At this glance, Mori Kogoro and Mao Lilan seemed to have been seen through their hearts, and they felt a little cold.

"Huh, huh, Mr. Mori Kogoro, I have a copy of your information, debts to major banks, and most importantly, various complaints. Many complaints show that you are a pair of liars..."

"Hehe, that's because they are jealous. We definitely helped them complete their commission, and they are unwilling to pay the corresponding reward!"

Mori Kogoro said with sweat on his face.

He didn't expect that the identities of his father and daughter would be investigated so quickly by the Minghu family.

Before, he wanted to apply for a bodyguard, and then he cheated of the reward and left. Fortunately, he didn't succeed, otherwise, the trouble they caused this time might not be so easy to solve.

"Forget it, I took a quick look at your information, and you seem to be able to help Jun Hinata and behave well. The Minghu family will not treat you badly, but if you have any bad ideas, hehe..."

Hearing Minghu Xiangcheng's words, Mori Kogoro and Mao Lilan quickly shook their heads.

Hinata Zhun who was next to him felt amazing. In front of him, the Mori father and daughter seemed to be like a mouse meeting a cat.

One thing falls one thing.

"It's so interesting..."

Chapter 40 The Stolen Blueprint

"That's what happened..."

After listening to Minghu Yucheng's narration, Jun Hinata fell into deep thought.

"What do you mean, the electrical weapon leaked on the market this time was actually researched by the Minghu family?"

"Yes, and all aspects are fully locked in the safe by the engineer of our Minghu family. I know what you want to say, but I can tell you that there is nothing wrong with this engineer, because he is my brother, the most important thing now The most important thing is that the name of the Land of Fire has already been blamed, there are actually weapons on the market that are not made by our Minghu family, who stole the blueprint..."

Minghu Orange also looked puzzled.

"Then can I meet your brother?"


Yucheng said very simply.

"Wait here, I'll call my brother, but there is one thing you should pay attention to these few days, his mood is not very good, after all, not only the name of the country of fire, but also many people in the family suspect that he is My brother leaked the blueprints, after all, he is the only one who can take out the safes where the blueprints are stored, but I firmly don't believe it, so this is the task I entrust you with!"

Speaking of this, Yucheng stared at Jun Hinata seriously, blushed and said: "I don't think you will let me down... Now only you can prove it!"

Wait until Yucheng walks out.

Mori Kogoro walked up to Jun Hinata with a serious expression on his face.

"Dad, do you have any clues?"

Maurilan asked expectantly.

"Haha, I didn't expect you to come from Shadow Village. You know how much I admire Shadow Village, haha..."

Unexpectedly, Kogoro Mori suddenly changed his face, a look of admiration.

Such an enthusiastic Mori Kogoro made Jun Hinata feel embarrassed.

"Hehe, easy to say, easy to say..."

"Dad, can you stop being so ashamed!"

Mao Lilan said helplessly.

"Ahem, I'm just expressing my feelings, but for this case, I don't think there is any solution at all. First of all, the eldest lady of the Minghu family also said that the place where the blueprints are stored is the most cash safe in the country of fire. , what is needed is the eye mask for storing the drawings, fingerprints, and the password. Besides, the password is changed every day. If you say that it will be leaked in this way, who else is there besides the engineer?"

Mori Kogoro's words were also approved by his daughter.

But Jun Hinata shook his head and said: "If it was done by a ninja, it would be different. You must know that there are many methods of ninjutsu. First of all, it is not impossible to control the opponent's mind..."

"But the eldest lady of the Minghu family also said that after entering Minghu's house, there is a very critical procedure, which is to detect abnormalities in the body. Once the other party has chakra on his body, he will immediately call the police, and the ninjas of the Minghu family will come to treat him immediately. , so what Hinata Jun you said is not true..."

Mao Lilan analyzed.

Hearing Mao Lilan's words, Jun Hinata looked at her with admiration.

"I thought you just knew how to fight and cheat, but I didn't expect your brain to turn so fast..."

"He is very smart, otherwise, how could he coax those benefactors to obediently pay the money, no, Hinata, are you boasting?"

The more Mao Lilan heard, the more something was wrong, and he started chasing Hinata Zhun to fight.

At this moment, the door was opened again, and a young man in poor spirits walked in.

Seeing Hinata Zhun and Mao Lilan wrestling together, as if laughing, he frowned and was about to turn around and leave.

At this time, Mori Kogoro was still able to observe the situation and walked over immediately.

"You are the young master of the Minghu family, right? I'm Kogoro Moori, and I'm also the person your sister invited this time. Hello..."

At this moment, Mori Kogoro's whole body is serious, making people unconsciously overwhelmed by his pretentiousness.

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