Hearing Lei Dao's brazen words, Jun Hinata didn't believe it at all.

"Very well, I want to see what strength you have!"

In fact, Jun Hinata has always been confident, that is, in the report, the strength of the four murderous swords has always been very close, and none of the most shadow villages surpassed the Chunin. Even if the strength of the beast sword is so strong, Yingcun has already sent Sai Ichiro came to deal with him specially, not to mention there was a Jonin teacher who led the team, but this Jonin never showed up.

Even so, Junya Hinata judged that the thunder sword in front of him was just the strength of the peak ninja.

But when Zhun wanted to jump over the artificial lake, Lei Dao sank slowly again, and even showed a mocking smile...

Chapter 77 Restricted Rolling Eyes

Just when Jun Hinata was going to bypass Lei Dao first to prevent the subordinates behind him from destroying the evidence and transporting it away, Lei Dao suddenly rushed out of the water again.


Hinata Zhun had prepared early and stepped out one step earlier.

It's just that at this moment he suddenly discovered an incredible thing, that is, he misjudged the distance again.

Before, I clearly predicted the direction and range of Thunder Saber's attack on me, but when Xiangzhun thought he had avoided it that day, he found that he was still wrong in his judgment.

"how can that be?"

Ri Xiangzhun let out an exclamation in his heart.

But Lei Dao obviously wouldn't give Jun Hinata a chance to think.


A huge fist had already grazed Jun Hinata's body.

Although it was just brushed, the electric current on it paralyzed Jun Hinata at once.


Jun Hinata held back the pain in his body, but then the thunder-like attack of the thunder knife came over.

Under this combination of punches, Jun Hinata's reaction was too slow.


In the end, Jun Hinata was sent flying back.

"Hehe, I didn't expect Hinata Zhun to be so weak. I thought you would be my biggest opponent. You are far behind your ancestor Hinata Lengtian..."

Hearing Lei Dao's words, Jun Hinata staggered to his feet and wiped away the blood from the corner of his mouth.


"You deserve to mention my ancestor's name!"

Hearing Hinata Zhun's words, Lei Dao was not annoyed at all, but said lightly: "Huh, of course, the ancestor of our family lost his position in Yunnin Village only after losing to Hinata Leng. This enmity has lasted for three hundred years. Today I can finally report it on you!"

Hearing Lei Dao's words, Jun Hinata suddenly laughed, so big.

"what are you laughing at?"

Lei Dao asked with a gloomy face.

"I laugh at the people in your family as cowards. Back then, my ancestor stood at the pinnacle of the Ninja world, and the entire Ninja world dared not to follow. You are just cowards. You dare not avenge my ancestor, but you just hide your desire to get revenge from his descendants." Get it back, but I just want to tell you that I, the Hyuga Clan, are definitely not something you villains can bully, I almost understand your tricks, let's see how I can break your tricks!"

Hearing Jun Hinata's words, Lei Dao showed a sneer at the corner of his mouth.

"Oh, you said that you have seen through my tricks and bluffed, you may not have such a good chance next time..."

After speaking, Lei Dao stepped into the water again.

This piece of water is the best environment for Lei Dao to play.

His Chakra attribute not only possesses Thunder Dun but also Water Dun. It can be said that he is a unique genius even in Shadow Village.

It's just that Hinata Junzai showed a confident smile at the corner of his mouth after seeing Lei Dao's movements.

This made Lei Dao who was hiding under the water frowned after seeing it.

"Impossible, how could he see through my secret..."

Just thinking about it like this, Lei Dao determined that Jun Hinata must be bluffing.

"Hmph, I'm going to kill you this time, Jun Hyuga, the shame of my family, the shame that your ancestor Hyuga Lengtian brought to our family can finally be avenged today!"

Thunder Knife began to gather chakra underwater, and this time he used more chakra than before.

And Lei Dao was always watching Jun Hinata's movements.

Finding that Jun Hinata had been watching his movements with his eyes open all the time, a sneer appeared in his heart.

"Idiot, just now I said brazenly that I can break my secret, but how could I not know the secret of the white eyes of your Hyuga clan? The white eyes of your Hyuga clan..."

Chapter 78 The Weird Surface of the Water


When Jun Hinata just stepped into the water, suddenly the entire water surface began to shake, and then the thunder knife attacked Jun Hinata again.

"Hmph, I told you you couldn't get across this lake!"

Lei Dao said confidently.

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