Sai thought deeply in his heart.

After all, Shadow Village has always been superior to the five major countries, and it does not obey the management of the five major countries. It is even an unsafe factor in the eyes of the five major countries.

In particular, the headquarters of Shadow Village is in the Land of Fire.

"No, Senior Saii, this is impossible. After all, the Land of Fire arranged for us to lose the blueprint for the previous mission, and he was even more anxious than us. If it was a conspiracy, it was another country with such a scale. The arsenal is indeed not something that simple forces can do..."

At this time, Reiko said more calmly.

"It's a pity that the Thunder Knife and the Beast Knife are too hard-headed. If they kill them, we won't get any useful information. Now the top priority is how to prevent those weapons from being shipped out. Only in this way can we complete this mission... "

Hinata Jun also said beside him.

"But they have too many people. Even if we are powerful, if thousands of people use weapons together, our ninjutsu can't resist it?"

Reiko said worriedly.

This is no longer the era of ninjutsu three hundred years ago. At that time, an A-level ninjutsu could deal with these people. Even if there were many people, with the clone technique, the instant body technique could come and go freely among thousands of people.

It's a pity that the Chakra in everyone's body now can't have as many as the ninjas of that era.

"I have to think of other ways..."

Hinata Jun has been looking at the entire mountain.

"How come you have a good idea, Hinata?"

Sai asked.

"There should be two exits here. One is the entrance we came in from the wine house. After all, we broke in from the top of the wine house and went all the way down. This is equivalent to an underground fortress, but what we saw just now is a mountain. In other words, we have been going through the barrier and have already walked out of this small town underground, I think this exit should be at the other end of the mountain in front of us..."

Hinata Jun pointed to the mountain in front of him and said.

"No, no way, this group of people actually hollowed out the entire mountain?"

Mori Kogoro looked at where Hinata Jun pointed in surprise.

"I agree, the place we broke into on each floor is extremely vast, and the labyrinth of the beast knife alone is already surprisingly large, definitely beyond the scope of the wine house..."

Ichiro Sai also began to measure the position of the second level based on his experience of fighting the beast knife.

"You don't need to look at my eyes to see it, this secret base has spread to that mountain..."

At the moment in the secret base, dozens of carts have been equipped and are being transported anxiously.

And hundreds of people have started to clean up the vines that Reiko has ninjutsu.

As for the entrance that Jun Hinata blocked before, it has already been cleaned up...

What they didn't expect was that they were already waiting for them at another exit.

Chapter 81 The Mysterious Voice

Looking at the long row of transport vehicles in the back mountain, Hyuga Jun and Saii all had serious expressions on their faces.

"Too many, do you think they are really not the secret deployment of the Fire Nation?"

Now even Sai and Reiko are hesitant. If the matter here really involves the Fire Nation, then even Kagemura must treat it with caution.

After all, it is no longer the era of ninjas. Ninja villages are an important military force of major countries, and even among various countries, ninja villages are the real masters of this country.

The era of ninjas has passed, and the scarcity of chakra makes it difficult for ninjas to release s-level ninjutsu, even A-level ninjutsu.

This is not because the talents of ninjas have declined, but that there are fewer chakras in this era.

Even the most talented ninjas can't figure out the reason. For example, ninjas in the ninja era can easily train the chakra of A-level ninjas, although ninjutsu or strength may be very different from ninjas of the same level.

But the ninjas of the Five Great Ninja Villages are definitely higher than the entire country, standing in the pyramid.

But compared to now, even some ninjas who have exhausted their chakra in their bodies need to recuperate for a month or even longer before they can slowly recover.

In the previous cognition, everyone thought that Chakra was the combination of spiritual power and energy in the body.

But since Hinata Lengtian absorbed Otsuki Kaguya three hundred years ago, the Chakra of all ninjas began to decrease, and even the Chakra of future generations was difficult to condense.

Since then, the Five Great Movies have come to a conclusion that perhaps Chakra is not as simple as they think, or there is another key thing that they have not mastered.

Since then, there have been fewer and fewer commoner ninjas, and now even the number of ninjas who are blood successors have begun to decrease.

He couldn't even awaken the blood inheritance limit in his body.

So far, some people have suggested that maybe Chakra itself is still floating in the world. Although they can't see it, when they absorb it, they can absorb the chakra from the outside world into their bodies.

The reason why ninjas in the ninja era can easily condense a large amount of chakra is because the chakra in the air in that era was huge.

It can be said to be the era of chakra, and now is the era of rare chakra, and it can even be said to be the last generation.

Yingcun even estimated that if this continues, the ninja will even disappear, at least the energy of Chakra may disappear into history.

But no one knows what the reason is, but they don't know when a rumor spread in the ninja world.

The reason for today's situation is related to Hinata Lengtian's absorption of Ninja Chakra, who caused the current situation.

In particular, there are also records in the Hyuga clan.

Hinata Lengtian fulfilled the promise with Hinata Hisashi and ended this ninja era.

Since this time, the Hyuga Clan has been hated by the entire Ninja World, and it is also because of this that the Hyuga Clan has never stepped into the Ninja World.

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