His speech directly expressed the current conflict between Shadow Village and the five major powers.

That is, the Five Great Powers want to use Shadow Village, but that is just for use, a subordinate relationship.

We will definitely not let Yingcun become a force that can control the world.

"So, that secret base is the base of the Land of Fire?"

Shadow said with a heavy face.

"I have arranged for our peripheral personnel to understand the situation as soon as possible, but I still need the cooperation of our Shadow Village. First, investigate Dabu, and rescue Hatake. Maybe we can learn from Hatake about who captured him. he……"

said the elder.

"Okay, let's just wait, I will temporarily close this mission, and at the same time try to observe the movement of the five major countries..."

After Ying walked out of the Presbyterian Church, he felt very tired.

Not only to face the pressure of the elders, but also the matter about Hatake, as well as the relationship between the five major countries, and the most important thing is that if one of them fails, maybe some people will attack Hinata.

They even hope that the relationship between Shadow Village and the Five Great Nations is restored, after all, the legend is too much to be concerned about.

If Kage just took it as a joke before, then Hinata Jun's strength in this mission has already made Kage feel more and more heavy.

"Did you summon a huge monster?"

This kind of ninjutsu, no one can do it in Shadow Village today.

"Is that legend really true?"

In fact, Ying still concealed some information, including Jun Hinata's situation.

She had to consider the position of Shadow Village, as well as the factions within Shadow Village.

There are fanatics and moderates.

Moderates are the least willing to break the current relationship between Shadow Village and the five major powers.

To put it bluntly, the fanatic faction is actually the people of the phantom.

In fact, the saying that phantoms were shadows at the earliest is true.

It was also truly recognized by the senior management of Shadow Village, but the espionage incident and the attitude of the five major powers made Phantom a traitor.

The reason for this is that Phantom is the candidate launched by the fanatics, advocating to do everything possible to restore the ninja era.

Chapter 92 Rescue Partners

In the gloomy sewer, a heavy panting sound came from here.

I saw a beautiful shadow hiding in this dirty sewer.

Since receiving the order, Asakura has been looking for the target, and finally came into contact with a secret base once.

But at the same time, it was also discovered by the people from this secret base.

Clutching his wounded left arm, Asakura limped out of the sewer.

"I hope the news can be sent out before being discovered..."

At the same time, after the disappearance of Asakura, the peripheral personnel of Yingcun have already discovered that something is wrong.

"Report No. 14 agent has not contacted us for two days..."

In a secret office, surrounded by advanced encryption communication equipment.

There are many green lights on it, and one of them is emitting red lights.

"That's a signal representing Asakura, report to the elder immediately!"

The captain of the intelligence department gave a loud shout anxiously.

He remembered that the mission he sent NO.14 before was related to the search for the missing senior Hatake.

"Could it be that there is a result?"

The member of the Anbu was immediately shocked.

Recently, the task of the Dabu Group has been listed as the primary focus, and it is one of the tasks that the shadow directly cares about.

For such a task, any progress should be reported to Ying immediately.

So the intelligence officer immediately ran to Ying's office.

"The same way..."

Hearing what the intelligence personnel said, the filming opportunity has been confirmed, either Asakura Tong has been found out, or there is some major progress, and it must be delivered at the risk of being discovered.

"No matter which one it is, her situation is the most dangerous. We must support her as quickly as possible..."

The captain of Anbu suggested to Ying.

"Not bad!"

The suggestion of the captain of the dark army was exactly what Ying had in mind.

It's just who is the most suitable to send, after all, the enemy here doesn't know what strength it is.

If nothing happened at the secret base, Ying would of course let some peripheral personnel go there with confidence.

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