After finishing speaking, Jun Hinata saw a small hill jumping directly from Sai's big bird...

"Jun Hinata!"

Facing Jun Hinata who insisted on not listening, Sai had to rush back immediately...

Chapter 96 The Enchanting Circle

Jun Hinata, who had already landed on the ground, ran towards the target immediately.

And Saii has quickly gone to Mr. Ahu and the others.

"What, you said Jun Hinata found his companion, what about others?"

Ah Hu asked immediately.

"In addition to our companions, Jun Hinata also found the enemy who was following him, so in order to cover his companions, he set off first!"

Sai also said anxiously.

"This kid, you still don't learn your lesson!"

Ah Hu said bitterly, as if if Hinata Jun was right in front of him now, he would definitely give him a good meal.

Meanwhile on the other side.

Jun Hinata is getting closer and closer to the place.

"One, two, three, four!"

Unexpectedly, there were four people in total.

It seems that Tong Asakura must have stolen some amazing information, otherwise, Tong Asakura is just an ordinary person but sent four ninjas.

Thinking of this, Jun Hinata did not continue to approach.

Even if you want to get close to each other, you should make some preparations.

Take out the detonator that was prepared earlier.

It's just that it's different from the usual traps, this time Hinata must have prepared an enchantment circle.

This kind of enchantment circle is different from a trap in that it is more secretive than a simple detonating talisman prepared trap, and of course it is more powerful.

It can be said that it is specially designed to deal with ninjas.

This was also given to them by Qianying.

Originally, this Reiko was a master among them, but Jun Hinata was also proficient, but it was worse than Reiko who had awakened Mu Dun.

Since it is a magic circle to deal with ninjas, as long as the ninja enters it, it is a terrifying ninjutsu that will detonate the trap in an instant even if it is not touched.

This is to prevent ninjas from escaping with ninjutsu.

It can be said that this is a trap technique that only ninjas can use.

"If the other party really enters here, I'm afraid they will understand that they are chasing the wrong person. I can also take the opportunity to rescue my companions, but I don't know if Teacher Ahu and the others can arrive in time. I may not be able to survive the four ninjas. , unless I can unleash the ninjutsu that day..."

Jun Hinata looked into the distance and thought solemnly.

In fact, after the ninja era, there are very few enchantment circles left, and many of them have disappeared or been lost.

And quasi-this kind is one of the few unique magic circles kept in Yingcun, and it is still a B-level ninjutsu power.

Even so, it can be deployed even without the strength of Chunin.

But if it's Jonin, it can be said that it can be set up soon, instead of slowly setting it up like Zhun now.

Of course, you must have white eyes, you can grasp the movement around you, otherwise, if an enemy breaks in, you will simply expose your back to the enemy's eyes.

Hinata Jun's enchantment circle is exactly something from the hundred-year-old Yinnin Village.

This enchantment was once used in the hands of Orochimaru to prevent Konoha from tracking Sasuke.

This magic circle is composed of multiple detonators, even if it is difficult for a jonin to escape once he gets caught in it.

But the only problem is that the talisman that detonates this enchantment will activate the chakra when the opponent steps in, and it is easy to be discovered. If the opponent is alert, they are likely to avoid it.

Of course, even so, they have to take a detour, unless one of them can accurately find this talisman and destroy it immediately, in order to break the enchantment circle.

In Hinata Zhun's eyes, it doesn't matter whether the other party is caught in it or detours can buy him time...

"Okay, it's done, with this, my retreat is complete!"

The last talisman to activate the enchantment has always been in Zhun's hands, and it will only work as long as he sticks it on. This is also the benefit of the enchantment circle.

Chapter 97 Double Agent

"Be careful, that Asakura Tong is a bit evil, we have to be careful, according to the information, she is very likely to be a member of the fire team of the country of fire, it seems that the daimyo of the country of fire has always been jealous of Mr. Dabu, and has not relaxed The investigation into him..."

While searching this area, one of the tall ninjas said sharply.

"Hmph, it's just a fire group. It would be better if Asakura Tong sent her companions for help. I know that adult has long wanted to kill the fire group!"

The other person had ugly symbols painted on his face, but his tone of voice was very arrogant.

"Although the fire group is an investigation organization under the daimyo name of the country of fire, there are many capable people in it, not only some masters of physical arts, but also some people who know ninjutsu..."

Hearing this, one of the ninjas who was obviously a female voice asked, "Ninja, did you defect from Shadow Village like us?"

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